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Posted: July 25th, 2014, 10:41 am
by bill yards
As far as I can piece together this is about as near to the Irish Record Fish List as I can get. Bear in mind that many anglers couldn''t give two crappity smack about claiming recordsand also some on the 'pending' list and some have been turned down.

Bream 12 lb 3 oz Balyganard Lake, Ballinamore, Leitrim

Tench 8 lb 15 oz Ballyeighter Lake, Corofin, Clare

Roach 3 b Drumacritten Lake, Roslea, Fermanagh

Rudd 4 lb 8 oz Coney Lake system, Roscommon

Rudd/bream hybrid 7 lb 10 oz Monalty Lake Carrickmacross, Monaghan

Roach/bream hybrid 7 lb Lower River Bann, Toome

Perch 5 lb 8 oz, Lough Erne,Enniskillen, Fermanagh

Eel 6 lb 15 oz Lough Droumensia, Bantry, Cork

Dace 1 lb 2 oz River Blackwater, Cappoquin, Waterford

Carp 29 lb 13 oz The Lough, Cork City, Cork

Pike (Lake) 42 lb 12 oz White Lake, Castlepollard, Westmeath

Pike (river) 42 lb, River Barrow Graiguenamanagh, Kilkenny

Slmon 57 lb, River Suir,Tipperary (county)

As far as I can make out there is no record for chub or gudgeon.

Another fun packed thread of info you are dying to know about :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl


Posted: July 25th, 2014, 9:30 pm
by MrV
A few familiar venues there Bill. Used to fish the Blackwater a lot, and it was stuffed with Dace. Remember fishing a knock up once in Fermoy, and Dave Hickman was having a 12oz Dace every put in from no more than a rod length above where I was standing in the river. It was black with em :surprise :surprise.

The River Barrow at Craiguenemanagh was also one of our favourite haunts. There were some massive Bream shoals in there, as well as some quality Rudd :thumsup

Happy Days :D :D