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SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: June 27th, 2013, 2:23 pm
by joffmiester
::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: June 27th, 2013, 2:53 pm
by Top 4
T K Put me and Hommer in next year, Great day Image until then ;) or any matchs
up there drop us a post Cheers :D

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: June 27th, 2013, 3:43 pm
by bill yards

Germolene is pretty good for that Image

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: June 27th, 2013, 7:26 pm
by dazzla
Thank you for a great day with great people Image
I`ve not laughed so much for ages , especially in the pub afterwards Image

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: June 27th, 2013, 9:57 pm
by Pedro
Was nice rubbing shouldas wiv you again Dazzla  Image

:D Noticed the Sandals got another airing  :D

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: June 27th, 2013, 10:04 pm
by Pedro
Match Day to follow………………………….. Tomorrow!!!!!      

Cmon Peds - we are all waiting.......  Image

Nearly there......hopefully "Cut Crack Pedro" commences tomorrow :D :-[ :D

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: June 28th, 2013, 10:02 am
by joffmiester
i'l be rubbing shoulder with Dazzala at the weekend the problem will be he'l be in the good section Image Image Image Image Image

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: June 28th, 2013, 3:03 pm
by Pedro
The SMF Gathering Sunday Match Day.  Image Image Image
Sunday morning we were both up bright eyed and bush tailed…… “I threw those curtains wide” and crappity smack me it was yellow streamin it darn.  >:(
We needed to be away from the digs for 7:00am to scour the area for a Café for sum Scran!!!! The reason being they daint start serving Breakfasts  in Digs til 8:00am on Sunday….. and we need to be at the draw between 8 and 8:30…… Unfortunately no-one at Barons Court knew of anywhere !!!! [ch61516]  fortunately we called in at the local Co Op where the Lass behind counter pointed us back up the road approximately quarter mile top side of Digs to a Café   Image[ch61514].
After breaky Victor punched postcode for Fishley Lane and we were…… off!!.  :D
10 miniutes later we came accross TK… Gortexed up and under a brolly !!!  Shepparding us through an “UNLOCKED GATE”  Image
Once parked up we started unloading the gear when THE JOFFMIESTER appeared !!!  Image after a quick Greet n Meet… it was the turn of THE DAZZLA  Image[ch61514] ….also met SMFers OBI KEEF,ME,DEAD PEG,DAMO WOODLICE (think that’s his name) [ch61514] HEINZER,KINGFISHER, plus a few others, but unfortunately cant quite recall their names. Image Image Image

Anyway back to the draw……pegs 1 to 25 were over the bridge and to the right… 26 onwards left of the bridge towards Wood Lane…in I went and out came peg 40 and a bit of a walk [ch61516]……Victor had apparently drawn 29… and a short amble…… and off we went!!!!  Image
Unbeknown to me Peg 40 was the end peg and looked really fishy with a large Reed Bed opposite at 11.5 mtr [ch61514]….at the  point I were really up for it as after yesterday practice sesh we had both decided to sod the sh!tters.. instead we’d go ALL OUT FO  LUMPS!!!!!!!!.  Image :o Image
It appeared TK had drawn 39 with Ye Ol’Veteran KINGFISHER  on 38……. “GotMe Phone but Wurs THUU’KEYS “ was in for a reet maulin today mi-thought  Image Image Image[ch61514] [ch61514][ch61514]
TK was up fo it as to his reckonin we’d drawn a BOSTIN Area…and with me on the end peg I was well up fo It… ….Big Style !!!!  :D :D :D 8-) 8-)

Out came the    “Animal Rig”  attached to 9 Blue Preston Hollow…….Plumbin-up across to the reed bed revealed it was a tad deeper than the pervious days swim [ch61514]
I plumbed up two lines…… the first at 11 o’clock  and the other and One…. To be fair the 1 o’clock swim was to be my main line!!!! I also put a line in at 5 mtr in the stickups to my right!!! with the  same Rig!

Out came the Lightweight Rigs as I planned on having a dabble down the middle for half hour or so….. just to let the far-side swims settle before…….goin over and emptying it!! [ch61514] Image Image Image Image

10:00 am and the all in…… a good dollop of Bread with a few Red Squatts wo cupped in darn track. 3 cups of Chopy,Dead Reds, Casters and a tad of Corn was dispatched at 1 o‘clock…followed by a cup of Micros, Red Squatt and Corn at 11 o’clock.

Out darn Track on Punch….nowt!!! [ch61516]….Back out this time Squatt…. After five minutes of towing float about I eventually caught a Small Perch [ch61516]………TK was getting bites on Bread but couldn’t Hit’em [ch61514] Image :D Image

On went Tosspot and started to drip feed Squatt… … Bingo I had a Rudd on drop first put in quickly followed by it brother [ch61514]…The first half hour I’d managed 3 Roach, 2 Rudd and a Perch  Image Image….. Id forgotten all abart the Lump Line… til the float slid away on Pinkie up Pole went and 2ft of numbert 3 lacky appeared….. this soon developed into 1 yard of lacky  Image… and then TWO!!!  Image Image ….Finally Lacky bottomed out !!!  Image Image Image and far bank Lillies Erupted…followed by my Rig Pinging Back into a tangled ball   Image Image[ch61516]

Reet time for a Proper Look…………………out went tail-end of Worm Tipped with a Caster!!!. First put in a PERCH!!!...Out went Double Caster….float dipped and then Armageddon Broke Art!!!!!

] Image WOR!!! “They DON’T’ALF Pull Back DON’T THEY????”  Image…………This woz NO “Park Bench”….more like a  Alton Towers - Rubber Dingy Rapid Ride!!!! [ch61514] Image as off it shot towards Wood Lane…..fortunately I managed to turn it, Image, but now it woz heading for Reeds!!!!More leverage was required!!! I shipped back broke off number 5 and Leant In  Image…. when BOOM!!!! Image Cut Crack!! Cant Pull Back!!!!!! number three section went at Puller  :-[ :-[ :-[…… Nowt more to do!! I was forced into Hand-Line Mode…. Image To be honest in was well and truly beat at this stage….I could feel the fish but it just ploughed towards the far bank Reeds…they Parted ….. then PING another Rig Balled………..  Image Image Image Image  Image Image

C:UsersPeter roeDesktopBUST SECTION a.jpeg
2 – 0 to the Lumps [ch61516]

Sure I heard TK snigger…..also I swear I could hear him whistling summet ??????

man balls  man balls..BOLOX……..Out came .20 Rig attached to Green 13 Preston!!!!!!............. Time for round Three!!!!!   >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

To Be Continued Next Week!!!!!!
:D ;) :D :D ;)

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: June 28th, 2013, 3:56 pm
by TK
Sure I heard TK snigger…..also I swear I could hear him whistling summet ??????

As if Image

Cracking Image second installment Pedro Image Image - look forward to part 3 Image

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: June 28th, 2013, 4:55 pm
by joffmiester
Dazzala and myself both thought the last three pegs would walk it as they had a lot of colour in the water Image Image Image Image Image

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: June 28th, 2013, 7:00 pm
by Pedro
Well there were deffo more colour in by time i left Image Image Image the air woz blue!!!! Image

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: June 29th, 2013, 9:24 am
by joffmiester
Well there were deffo more colour in by time i left  Image Image Image the air woz blue!!!! Image

Image Image Image just like that laggy hanging out that pole Image

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: July 2nd, 2013, 6:32 pm
by TK
Still looking forward to Peds part 3 :'(

Its wuss than waiting for a TK installment Image

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: July 2nd, 2013, 9:03 pm
by Pedro
Still looking forward to Peds part 3  :'(

Its wuss than waiting for a TK installment  Image

Its cookin TK..its cookin  ;)

Tad busy workwise Invoicing for last quarters bandwidth charges  :D

Wots up like..yas lustin for another glimps of the Harrisons Horny Honeyz!!  :o :D :D

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: July 3rd, 2013, 11:08 am
by TK
Wots up like..yas lustin for another glimps of the Harrisons Horny Honeyz!!

Image Image Image

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: July 3rd, 2013, 1:44 pm
by Pedro
After abart 45 mins The Lock Smith eventually did his thing and we were ready to roll!!. With Victor and his SatNav well in font of me… by time I got to entrance gate I’d lost him
Which way did Victor turn I asked TK????...apparently he’d turn left……..put his Brogue Darn and crappity smacked Off!!!! 

To cut another long story short :D we were the last to hit Harrisons Pub…. Well no that’s not quite true!!!! I Woz last in Pub…..turned out Victor was already there, AND WOZ supping a cool pint of Banks Bitter!!!!!! I must have turned up every left side road in Great Wyrley before I found them (despite Victor giving me directions over hands free!!!)
By the time I’d got settle the raffle was underway There were a few bottles of spirits to be had , plus Dazzla had donated quite a few bags of Sensas Ground Bait…..mainly cause the mice had tried’em,, but didn’t quite think they were up to much!!!!!! :D  :D :D


Then from nowhere one of The Harrisons Horny Honeyz appeared……..or was she The Pelsall PussyCat Troll ????!!!!! Image Image

Wot a Giraffe we had…Only Turned out she was Ozzy Osbourne and  Jannet Steet-Porter’s LUV CHILD !!!!!!!!!

After a couple of Swifty Banks’ it was time to say our good bye Image …. As it was time to show Victor the A5…. A38 Route Home!!!  :D :D:D:D
Thanks TK and rest of ladzzzz for a really enjoyable weekendImage Image
Now that we’ve sussed out the lay of the land…Digs, Café and Sections etc……we’ll deffo be back next year!!!!…
hopefully with a few of The Muppets in tow!!!!   

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: July 5th, 2013, 3:36 pm
by Pedro
Well!...... over with the zoo creature rig and the wait began………….. 2nd hour past wi nowt to show!! :-[ nowt so much as a Worried Maggot  :-[
for next hour I kept alternating between both far side lines… surely I’d get the chance of another lump… a switch back to choppy bought me the odd small Perch… plus dropped one off swinging it in :-[
Ah - well the thought of the much hyped BBQ back at the club and a cool beer was something to look forward too!!!! Pity I was driving as I’d heard they were really up for their lock-in’s darn this neck of woods!! :D :D :D

Going into last hour and sat back on double Caster the float bobbed…….then suddenly vanished!...BOSH! is struck and a couple of foot of lacky appeared and then PING!!!........ Back came the rig with a dirty great scale impaled on the hook! :-[

‘Woz that bottum’? TK enquired :D …NO just pulled art of a Carp come back with a bloody big scale I replied……..TK - ’On Castuur’ ?? :D........yep! on Caster. :-[
……..After 10 mins a Tad more Scran despatched and back across  I went.  :-[

The float hadn’t settled when off it slid….I struck followed by a Rudd suspended three foot above the water!!!. I swung it in and quickly poked its Swim Bladder back dar its gob with mi disgorger  Image
Image _and that was It! the end of the action…as time was called.

After about ten minutes The Man From Del Monte came dar wi his Fruit Basket…in went my kippers and after a bit of faffing abart on beam Del Monte said 1lb 1oz – 8drm  :-[

TK fare a tad better with 1lb 6oz of bread fish…and Kingfisher didn’t far much better.

Then after steady barrow back to car park….turned out Victor had dry netted!!!... well….. If Tha Dunt Weigh Thas Caught OWT :D:D:D  ( words of Big Kev Ashurst ) :D

ALSO heard more Woes of Lost Fish Image and Specimen Carp!!! Image

It was at this point that TK bellowed…………..  Image CROPUUURS!!!!  Image

GIZ US YA BEST ODDS ON....  BOLT CROPUURS.... VICTOR!! Image ImageImage Image Image
…..then it was time for a quick Power-Nap!! Image Image

To cut a long story short……………….the keys to the gate had gone AWOL!!! and we were going no where!!! So TK decided to do the Pay – Out on the bank instead of at the pub……..pity really as not so many went back to Harrisons for a Quick Swill!!  :-[

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: July 5th, 2013, 3:48 pm
by Pedro
Some of the SMF MOTLEY CREW!!!! :D :D :D
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: July 7th, 2013, 1:27 pm
by Statler
Well!...... over with the zoo creature rig and the wait began………….. 2nd hour past wi nowt to show!! :-[ nowt so much as a Worried Maggot  :-[
for next hour I kept alternating between both far side lines… surely I’d get the chance of another lump… a switch back to choppy bought me the odd small Perch… plus dropped one off swinging it in :-[
Ah - well the thought of the much hyped BBQ back at the club and a cool beer was somethin g to look forward too!!!! Pity I was driving as I’d heard they were really up for their lock-in’s darn this neck of woods!! :D :D :D

Going into last hour and sat back on double Caster the float bobbed…….then suddenly vanished!...BOSH! is struck and a couple of foot of lacky appeared and then PING!!!........ Back came the rig with a dirty great scale impaled on the hook! :-[

‘Woz that bottum’? TK enquired :D …NO just pulled art of a Carp come back with a bloody big scale I replied……..TK - ’On Castuur’ ?? :D........yep! on Caster. :-[
……..After 10 mins a Tad more Scran despatched and back across  I went.  :-[

The float hadn’t settled when off it slid….I struck followed by a Rudd suspended three foot above the water!!!. I swung it in and quickly poked its Swim Bladder back dar its gob with mi disgorger  Image
Image _and that was It! the end of the action…as time was called.

After about ten minutes The Man From Del Monte came dar wi his Fruit Basket…in went my kippers and after a bit of faffing abart on beam Del Monte said 1lb 1oz – 8drm  :-[

TK fare a tad better with 1lb 6oz of bread fish…and Kingfisher didn’t far much better.

Then after steady barrow back to car park….turned out Victor had dry netted!!!... well….. If Tha Dunt Weigh Thas Caught OWT :D:D:D  ( words of Big Kev Ashurst ) :D

ALSO heard more Woes of Lost Fish Image and Specimen Carp!!! Image

It was at this point that TK bellowed…………..  Image CROPUUURS!!!!  Image

GIZ US YA BEST ODDS ON....  BOLT CROPUURS.... VICTOR!! Image ImageImage Image Image
…..then it was time for a quick Power-Nap!! Image Image

To cut a long story short……………….the keys to the gate had gone AWOL!!! and we were going no where!!! So TK decided to do the Pay – Out on the bank instead of at the pub……..pity really as not so many went back to Harrisons for a Quick Swill!!  :-[
Forgot how good this canal fishing was
Missing it lots - not!!!!!!!

SMF Cut Championship 2013............

Posted: July 8th, 2013, 2:32 pm
by Pedro
Forgot how good this canal fishing was
Missing it lots - not!!!!!!!

To be fair...Stats........its a crackin venue.
Full of fish...loads of lumps too!!!...However a month everywhere else. Image

Drag theesen and  Waldorf from ya box fo next years'll enjoy it!! Image