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bread punch....

Posted: December 16th, 2010, 8:12 pm
by TK
Hi Backhand - we are based in Walsall with members from Cannock and Wton.

The canal our club controls is a section on the Wyrley & Essington canal.

On behalf of a social club, of which several of us are also members, I control the fishing rights to the Cannock Extension Canal.

Neither canal are what you would describe perhaps as 'typical' - there's limited boat traffic which allows a fair bit of vegetation to establish itself during the summer months and likewise at this time of the year both can go gin clear - and I mean gin - at times you can read the sun newspaper down the track :o

There's a fair few bits and pieces about our 'exploits' on both canals within these forums, but these two links probably summarise them easier and give you a flavour of them rather than you trawling through topic after topic on here......(mind there are a few pages to click through :D ) ... lsall.html

and ... yrley.html

bread punch....

Posted: December 16th, 2010, 11:26 pm
by Guest
Thanks T K
That sounds like my sort of canal. Hardly any boats.
I play table tennis Tournaments all over the country and normally about twice a year we play at the Aldersley Leisure centre in Wolverhampton. There are lots of bits of canal round there. So when I have had gaps in play (sometimes 2-3 hours) I tend to walk the canal in various places. Problem is I never know which bits (canal) I'm walking.
I found a nice looking bit between Wobaston road and the M54. Where you park by the humpback bridge and head towards the M54 it gets very wide for about 100 yards.
I stood there for sometime imagining I was fishing the punch. This was the 1st weekend in Oct. Looked very clear. had a slight flow towards the motorway. I always stay overnight (sat-sun). One of these years I will take my tackle
and go up on the Friday, so I can get a days fishing in as well.

bread punch....

Posted: December 17th, 2010, 12:32 am
by macca
Thanks T K
That sounds like my sort of canal. Hardly any boats.
I play table tennis Tournaments all over the country and normally about twice a year we play at the Aldersley Leisure centre in Wolverhampton. There are lots of bits of canal round there. So when I have had gaps in play (sometimes 2-3 hours) I tend to walk the canal in various places. Problem is I never know which bits (canal) I'm walking.
I found a nice looking bit between Wobaston road and the M54. Where you park by the humpback bridge and head towards the M54 it gets very wide for about 100 yards.
I stood there for sometime imagining I was fishing the punch. This was the 1st weekend in Oct. Looked very clear. had a slight flow towards the motorway. I always stay overnight (sat-sun). One of these years I will take my tackle
and go up on the Friday, so I can get a days fishing in as well.
sounds like your discribing pendeford wides,if you fish there fish the end nearest the moterway,the last peg has a large tree behind you its solid.