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barston cips rules

Posted: November 12th, 2009, 1:21 pm
by diddy
starlets ::) Image

barston cips rules

Posted: November 12th, 2009, 9:20 pm
by craftytafty
no Image Image Image Image Image

chicken Image Image Image

gudgeon bashing must be good nowadays tee hee ::) ::)

barston cips rules

Posted: November 13th, 2009, 10:00 am
by joffmiester
taff on a serious note how do they do the payout at makins winter league. using all the lakes is it zoned and you can only win your lake like the glebe, can you pick your lake as well Image Imagejust wondering for the future  Image

barston cips rules

Posted: November 13th, 2009, 10:57 am
by diddy
haha joff wants to go to the darkside! At least we wud'nt have to hear how bad the loughborough cut is for the nxt 6months! Image Image Image

barston cips rules

Posted: November 13th, 2009, 1:59 pm
by craftytafty
taff on a serious note how do they do the payout at makins winter league. using all the lakes is it zoned and you can only win your lake like the glebe, can you pick your lake as well Image Imagejust wondering for the future  Image

On the teams of 3, they pay 2 on each Phase , think it's £100 then £80. Then sections of 8 at £70. You put down who is going on which phase before the draw, then draw out of a bag for each phase. Think they pay 8 or 10 teams at the end on points ( 1 for a section win to 8 for last), think we were 5th last year, made us about £250)
They do an individual on points for something like a gallon of whisky

Teams of 12 they pay 2 on a phase, slightly different amounts as there are more sections on Phase 1. I won phase 2 two weeks ago made me £200. 15 man sections on points, sections vary as a couple of lakes eg inner avon only have 5 pegs so the do a £50 section then the others are 7 or 8 pegs. Not sure how much the league payout is.

£20 a match plus pegging fees upfront, they get some extra money from the axe and compass I think, don't remember how much.

They are good leagues, ok it's winter and it can be hard but that's winter fishing.

Hope that helps and hopefully see you there sometime

barston cips rules

Posted: November 13th, 2009, 2:00 pm
by craftytafty
Forgot you can't pick a lake. Only phase before the draw on teams of 3. Teams of 12 you could be anywhere