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Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 5th, 2013, 5:37 pm
by joffmiester
To busy looking at milf in Manchester :o :o :o

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 5th, 2013, 7:14 pm
by Pedro
Bart time he changed his name to:


Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 5th, 2013, 9:25 pm
by Pedro
C'MON....Dodge........ Image Image  :-*Image Image

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 7th, 2013, 8:45 pm
by Dodge
Bit late for the weekend but its been a gud un !  :-X 8-)

joffs lads can go mental with this un aswell after yesterdays great result ...... loadsa energy  ;)  Image

ps who needs sleep ? i aint had any since thursday night  Image  Image Image  :P  Image :D  Image Image 8

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 8th, 2013, 5:36 pm
by joffmiester
DODGE you'll need some cream on that soon kiddo Image Image Image Image Image the wear and tear

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 11th, 2013, 9:40 pm
by Dodge
Ok ok ok no one liked Public Image Ltd from last week ...... sad crappity smack ! Image Image Image :D

Chester races the full corporate b o l l ox this saturday for me , proper expensive MILF there methinks Image Image :D Image Image Image anyways here is something for the weekend nice and early Image and probably the best thing ever to come out of Wigan ! Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 11th, 2013, 9:58 pm
by Pedro
What the crappity smack is it...Dodge ?¿?

Image All i get is a fookin froggy/brummie ERREUR 404 message Image

Wazz it up wiv a Youtube Link Image

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 12th, 2013, 4:49 pm
by Pedro
C'mon Dodge Image

Maybe summet from Queen :o

A Day At The Races :D

Get ya in the mood for tomorra Image

or ave yas ERREUR 404'd too!!! Image Image Image Image Image............................. Image

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 12th, 2013, 5:11 pm
by Dodge
Works for me Peds Image bit of verve from Wigan Image maybe thems yorkshire puters dont do wigan ? Image Image Image Image :D

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 12th, 2013, 7:34 pm
by Pedro
The Verve -eh!! Image

Well the fookin drugs dont work this side of fookin windy hill. Image Image Image

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 12th, 2013, 7:52 pm
by Dodge
The Verve -eh!!  Image

Well the fookin drugs dont work this side of fookin windy hill. Image Image Image

LOL Image Image

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 12th, 2013, 10:09 pm
by Pedro

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 16th, 2013, 9:44 pm
by Dodge
Chester races were good Image mighty fine indeedy ! Image Image Image Image :P

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 19th, 2013, 9:18 pm
by Dodge

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 19th, 2013, 9:39 pm
by Pedro
Nice one Dodge  Image

Thats put me reet in mood fo a  party int'park

Ibiza's gud,,,Ibiza's.....gud.......ermmm?.....ibiza's......very,,very..goooooood  Image Image Image

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 26th, 2013, 5:26 pm
by Pedro
Wots tha got lined up for us this weekend - then Dodge ?? ;) ??

Image Image Image

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 27th, 2013, 12:22 am
by Pedro
C'mooooooon us art   :-[ ... ata_player

Image :D Image :D Image :o  Image

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 27th, 2013, 4:49 pm
by Dodge
Not much time for puters these days im out a lot Image  :D

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: July 27th, 2013, 7:50 pm
by Pedro
Get theesen an iphone mate Image

Yas can even pick up a signal in park!!! :D :D :D

Come on Dodge?..Something Fo The Weekend SIR!!

Posted: August 2nd, 2013, 9:09 pm
by Pedro
C'mon Dodge...get thee head art'o bushes

  Image tbh...i'd .rather ave a peach...... than a     pp..pair  Image Image ... ata_player

ENJOY!!!! :D :D :D