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Posted: February 16th, 2013, 9:24 pm
by joffmiester
One kilo per match Image Image


Posted: February 16th, 2013, 10:02 pm
by big_cup
One kilo per match  Image Image

Joff are you sure??? They have been allowed on the canal at the time of festivals for the last 2 years but Yan and Patt have banned them from the matches purely on the fact of how much it would cost??  :-/ :-/


Posted: February 16th, 2013, 10:09 pm
by Pedro
One kilo per match  Image Image

Joff are you sure??? They have been allowed on the canal at the time of festivals for the last 2 years but Yan and Patt have banned them from the matches purely on the fact of how much it would cost??  :-/ :-/

You need to sit on yer hands a little longer mr cc-crus......... Image


Posted: February 17th, 2013, 9:30 pm
by big_cup
One kilo per match  Image Image

Joff are you sure??? They have been allowed on the canal at the time of festivals for the last 2 years but Yan and Patt have banned them from the matches purely on the fact of how much it would cost??  :-/ :-/

You need to sit on yer hands a little longer mr cc-crus.........  Image

After today apparentley not peds? :-/


Posted: February 18th, 2013, 12:01 pm
only you can afford joff ya might win it if ya the only one we em Image


Posted: February 18th, 2013, 3:37 pm
by joffmiester
only you can afford joff ya might win it if ya the only one we em  Image

too right you lot have a head start every year Image Image Image Image
mind-you has anyone won one with eels yet Image Image Image


Posted: February 18th, 2013, 3:38 pm
by joffmiester
a lad i know has had a 10lb catfish out of the canal this year and plenty of looney tunes as well Image


Posted: February 18th, 2013, 3:49 pm
by Pedro
The Jurys still out on the use of Worm.  A daily limit IMO would be hard to police. 

Anyway would the dutch allow us to take our own ???? i hear their 20€  in holland  Image
not sure if thats per Kilo.

Leave the little buggers int ground i say. Image


Posted: February 18th, 2013, 4:59 pm
by joffmiester
pedro i can't see anyone taking loads of worms and i think everyone who thinks they can feed two or three kilos of worms should think again
we have no limit on casters or maggots yet none of us take 3 gallons of casters every match or maggots i think it would be nice as a change of bait .how many times did you hear last year if only we could use worms  Image Imagewe'd of emptied it take a look at ireland no one takes massies of worms a kilo a day is all you would need and i don't think you'd use all of them
if paul newall went to holland and fished bread does that mean we would have to take a warburtons lorry with us
one thing is for sure we need to know for sure before two long as i need to start digging  Image Image Image Image
me its a yes Imagei'm only there for a week so i'm up against it anyway Image Image


Posted: February 18th, 2013, 7:16 pm
by Pedro
Fair does Joff......Being a festival Rookie I`d prefare to leave it with yas...either  way l`ll go with the flow   
       Image Image Image Image
At the end of the day its the spirit and longevity of the festival that takes priority  Image


Posted: February 18th, 2013, 7:24 pm
by joffmiester
too right same for me i think pat has baited me up here as he asked for some feedback Image Image Image Image Image


Posted: February 18th, 2013, 7:40 pm
by big_cup
I cant see how it will catch a weeks worth of seeing the venue up because worm is allowed? Nor do I think it will make it more even, it will just put another £13minimum a day on to price of your festival. The good pegs will still be in the same place and will still frame!! May entice many more eel's, will they be allowed to count now?? Impossible to police a limit, for me its either yes or no and then left to the individual how much they are prepared to put in? Speaking to the dutch lads they tell me it will make the fishing better so that has to be a plus point?? I'm in the balance on this one, don't mind either way. One things for sure, if the ban is lifted told van will feel the strain as it will be loaded to the max Image good job we all travelling alone this year Image Image


Posted: February 19th, 2013, 3:04 pm
by joffmiester
Pellets are for guns if I wanted any rule changing it would be the the ban on catties instead of the knob sticks even if its the softest ones for loose feed I can understand whopper droppers as a few of you southerners would take a few motor bikes out on the otherside of the canal Image Image Image
19 hours ago via mobile


Posted: February 19th, 2013, 3:07 pm
by joffmiester
The Jurys still out on the use of Worm.  A daily limit IMO would be hard to police. 

Anyway would the dutch allow us to take our own ???? i hear their 20€  in holland  Image
not sure if thats per Kilo.

Leave the little buggers int ground i say. Image

i'l take them over for the dutch  Image Imageit would pay for my holiday pedro  Image Image Imageat that price Image Image Image Image


Posted: February 19th, 2013, 5:43 pm
by Pedro
Anyway would the dutch allow us to take our own ???? i hear their 20€  in holland  Image
not sure if thats per Kilo.

i'l take them over for the dutch  Image Imageit would pay for my holiday pedro  Image Image Imageat that price  Image Image Image Image[/quote]

WOR!!!!!!!  good on ya Joff....  Image
Looks like im gonna need a bigga spade OH!  n hire a luton van  Image

Also gonna ave to wire mi wormery up to mains ...KEEP SNEDS....from mi REDZ!!!   Image


Posted: February 19th, 2013, 6:27 pm
by big_cup
Everything I have heard so far is the fishing will be better, thats what we go for at the end of the day so lets give it a try, until we do we will always have that question of if only I could of fished a bunch of dendras etc??? :-/ :-/


Posted: February 19th, 2013, 6:47 pm
by joffmiester
Joking apart we have to be careful as often one wrong move can or could kill the festival for next year and after all we have and are continually building the festival into a bigger event why risk everything by changing the rules now !!!
I've spoke to Bicko today and he came up with the best idea and that's leave it the same this year and talk about the change of rules when we are all over there for the following year Image Image Image Image
Remember a lot have already payed before this change perhaps they might not want to fish now :-[


Posted: February 19th, 2013, 7:20 pm
by big_cup
Joking apart we have to be careful as often one wrong move can or could kill the festival for next year and after all we have and are continually building the festival into a bigger event why risk everything by changing the rules now !!!
I've spoke to Bicko today and he came up with the best idea and that's leave it the same this year and talk about the change of rules when we are all over there for the following year  Image Image Image Image
Remember a lot have already payed before this change perhaps they might not want to fish now  :-[

Joff, I agree with the statement about people booking for this year before the change and the option of a vote for next years festival they are both valid points  Image Image

The "personal" thing to me though is that the numbers have dropped year on year, and unfortunately so has the fishing. Before I went over they was 100+ on festivals, there used to be 3festivals where 60/70kilos was a big weight and 30/40kilos were a common score, 120kilo was 25th the first year I visited. The year I first went they was 70/80 peggers, last year we just had 30 week 1 and only 38 in the 2nd  :-/ and 100kilo could well win it as of the last two years. they put more and more obsticles in the way, reducing fishing hours, number of nets, cant fish same pegs etc etc to name but a few. The rules all be it a bind we accept and stick to but there has never been anything put in place to entice anglers, it all seems to be the opposite?? I have never once heard of any form of sponsorship to premote or entice anglers to the festival, there is very little publicity to either premote it or publish the festival results. Maybe the worm ban being lifted will increase the catches? Maybe it will just create a big problem with the eel's? I guess we don't know until we try, but personally I don't think a decision on the use of worm would kill the festival off?? IMO there is two areas that have done this, 1 the cost of living / current work climate etc and fishing festivals are a luxury that many anglers have had to drop in order to continue to eat etc. And 2nd, the amount of " big money " sponsored festivals there is these days, Ireland chucking hundreds of thousands into several competitions, fish o, parkdene, maver match etc etc these are catching the anglers eye as they are massive amounts of money on top of the pool's being paid. All this of course is just my personal opinion, I love the place for the package, simplicity, access, the craaack, good bunch a lads etc which is why I return year on year but all the above is the thoughts of why I believe the numbers are reducing and people are not returning to what used to be a cracking venue /  series of festivals??  :-/ :-/  :'( :'(


Posted: February 19th, 2013, 7:24 pm
by joffmiester
How many are going to holland can we put a list up it might encourage more to fish I know there are quite afew more going the second week
I can start it then add yours as you put them down and get Bicko to email the Dutch and Belgiums
1 big cup
2 sneder
3 Higgy
4 pedro
5 any wild smith
6 Adey
7 Adey Reynolds
8 Joff
9 Brian Holmes
10 mark eustace
11 Peter marlow
12 rob Barr the painter go easy on him
13 Darren bickerton
14 any Beasley
15 pat mc envoy


Posted: February 19th, 2013, 7:32 pm
by joffmiester
Very good points big cup it's the same reasons I return its as much a holiday for me as a festival I've always put friendship banter and a laugh in front of the fishing but come the day of the race I want to win or try and win Image