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All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 4th, 2012, 11:53 pm
by macca
i dont think it would matter judging by there skills at atcham.
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 12th, 2012, 1:53 pm
by TK
Going through the archives I noticed this note issued by the secretary - Mr V Priest - at the bottom of the 1975 fixture list………
Members are reminded that their subscriptions are due for renewal by Friday 13th December 1974 at the latest.
Members not paid up by that date will be considered lapsed and if they subsequently wish to re-join the club may be placed on a waiting list for membership.’
How 'lenient' am I these days, allowing till end of Jan
Is this the first example of the '2 net' rule
Meeting 4th Mar 1975 - Any other business - (A) Minimum Keep net Sizes
‘A communication had been received by the secretary from the Severn Trent Water Authority to the effect that in the Severn catchment area, the following minimum specifications for keep nets will take effect from Jan 1st 1975.
‘The minimum extended length for a keep net will be 1.5 metres (fractionally under 5ft). Keep net rings must not be less than 38 centimetres (15 ins) in diameter, or, if rectangular, not less than 35.5 centimetres by 25.5 centimetres (14 ins by 10 ins).With the exception of the top rings, none of the rings may be further apart than 30 centimetres (12 ins). The maximum allowable mesh size - measured diagonally from knot to knot when stretched and wet - will be 16 mm (five eighths of an inch).
Designed to reduce the risk of damage to fish, especially barbell, the byelaw will be applicable to all anglers, including under 14s who are not required to hold a license.
The Trent area keep net byelaw remains operative. It specifies a minimum mesh size (16mm or ¼ inch along the cord) and was introduced to prevent river matter in suspension cutting off the flow of oxygenated water through nets by clogging fine mesh. Possible rationalisation of the two sets of byelaws is being examined. Meanwhile, one effect of the differing legislation is that micromesh nets may be used in the Severn area but not in the Trent.’
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 13th, 2012, 1:00 pm
by TK
From the same meeting.......
‘It was accepted by the meeting that all members catching fish must weigh them in at the end of a contest, as failure to do so could give them an unfair advantage towards winning the Booby Prize, which is awarded to the member having the greatest number of attendances, but weighing in the least weight of fish at the end of each year’.
NB - it's disappointing when members can't be bothered to weigh in, because although the booby prize is not calculated in this manner nowadays. members not weighing in can affect both the Club Champion result and obviously the Team Event result.
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 13th, 2012, 5:04 pm
by MGB
It was accepted by the meeting that all members catching fish must weigh them in at the end of a contest, as failure to do so could give them an unfair advantage towards winning the Booby Prize, which is awarded to the member having the greatest number of attendances, but weighing in the least weight of fish at the end of each year’.
I remember one of the early years with Cashmores, I won the Club Championship trophy. At the Presentation night I was told to expect a surprise at the end of the evening. I awaited with anticipation not knowing what to expect and I was gobsmacked to find I had won the Booby Prize as well! This had come about by the rules which stated that the Booby prize would be awarded to the angler fishing the most contests and finished up with the lowest points. Not normally a problem except that year, I was the only one that had fished every match! the rules were later changed to state that anyone winning any trophy in the season would be eliminated from winning the Booby prize.
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 13th, 2012, 5:49 pm
by Arch
That reminds me of a pairs club match i fished where there was an odd number turned up. (We used to draw pairs on the day) Anyway i somehow came first and second in the pairs match. I was drawn out to be the one who fished as two different pairs. I came second in the match on my own, One of my partners won it and the other did well aswell. I would have taken home the majority of the money but to be right, we split it three ways.
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 15th, 2012, 11:12 am
by TK
Meeting 2nd Sep 1975 - Contest Prize Monies
‘Following our contest at Walcot Lakes when only 2 members of the club weighed in, the Chairman has been asked what happens to the prize money for the 3rd to 10th places. It was explained that only the prescribed amounts can be paid out to the people that weigh in………………..and when less than 10 people weigh in, any prize money that is not won is retained by the club.’
Any other business
‘Mr W Upton stated that on occasions in the past the weighers in have left their peg before the end of the contest so they might commence the weighing in immediately following the final whistle. Under the club rules this leaves them open to disqualification. He therefore asked for a concession for the weighers in to leave their pegs up to half an hour before the end of the contest, if they wish, to prepare for the weigh in. After much discussion, it was agreed by the meeting that they be granted this concession as they are only penalising themselves if they do not fish up to the final whistle.’
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 16th, 2012, 1:26 pm
by TK
Meeting 30th Mar 1976
'The fee for the knock out has risen to 15p per competitor for each round of the competition fished'
Any other business
'The Chairman reported that following our contest at Cropthorne, complaints had been received from some competitors about other competitors walking along the river bank prior to the contest'
The secretary reported any member caught fishing an association water (BAA) without their current membership card will not only be required to remove themselves immediately from the waters but will also have to pay of fine of £1. Wonder if that was ever enforced successfully by the BAA?
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 17th, 2012, 1:05 pm
by TK
Meeting 30th Nov 1976 - Pegging out and weighing in
It was reported by the secretary that a certain amount of difficulty had been encountered during 1976 in finding people willing to assist in pegging out contests and this task usually fell to the same few members.
Meeting 29th Mar 1977 - Any other business
‘Mr Barry Kenn pointed out that on a recent contest he had been reprimanded for having more than 2 rods set up ready for use, whereas there is nothing in our rules to prevent this. Agreement was reached on this matter and Mr Kenn was informed that members can have as many rods assembled as they wish, provided that the hook is baited only on the rod that is being used.’
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 18th, 2012, 10:53 am
Fantastic seeing some of these, especially the pics. The club angler of the year cut out was great, we should do that at least once a year, with a pic of all those present- its great to look back over. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this.
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 18th, 2012, 11:19 am
by TK
Thanks for that post Yamo - for a mo, cuss of the absence of (our) members comments, I was thinking of pulling the plug on all these posts and binning them.
That's encouraged me to continue.....
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 18th, 2012, 11:44 am
by MarkV
TK, the history of Cashmores you're putting up here is terrific.
It's great for members past and present to see, whether now or in the future. Some or all of this may stay around somewhere on the net for a very long time.
It's not only for Cashmores members either, it encapsulates what is to be a club angler and will stirr memories for people far and wide.
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 18th, 2012, 11:59 am
by TK
More pictures to come

They'll be dripped in over the coming posts....
I've got a few (plus loads of that Midland Angler feature of us on the Trent that the author sent me on a disc) and a special thanks goes to MGB who's been furnishing me with all these 'golden oldies'
If anyone else has ever taken a snap or two - at say our presentation nights - pass em on and I'll stuck em up somewhere on these pages
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 18th, 2012, 12:03 pm
by TK
Carrying on with the minutes.........
Meeting 29th Nov 1977 - Any other business
E) ‘Mr J Lamsdale complained about the draw being late on several of our 1977 contests due to members arriving late and asked for a special effort to me made for members to arrive on time during 1978’.
Not the first time that theme's been mentioned.......must have been spending too much time in the cafe en route
F)’Mr B Kenn mentioned that peggers - out have an unfair advantage when they know of any bad pegs and can wait until these have been drawn by other members. This produced a lively discussion about whether there is any advantage in waiting in the hope that someone else draws out the bad peg first. However it was unanimously decided that peggers - out should have the option of drawing first if they wish’
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 20th, 2012, 12:45 pm
by TK
AGM 5th Dec 1978- Weighing in duties
With Mr North leaving the club, it also meant that a replacement had to be found to assist with the weighing in on each of our contests. It was suggested by P Broadstock that as there are 8 committee members, and we fish 8 matches, then the committee members should take turns in assisting Mr D Meredith in this task. The secretary to draw up a rota and inform each committee member when it is their turn for this duty’
Members joining club but not fishing contests
‘A problem has arisen whereby a member joined the club but did not fish a single contest during the whole of 1978. Some members felt this was unfair as another person who would have fished our contests could have been deprived of a place in the club due to there being a full membership in 1978.
It was therefore proposed by Mr D Davies that if our membership remains at 40 but applications exceed this number, then this member be refused membership for 1979. This proposal was seconded by Mr V Priest.
Mr M Roberts then proposed that as the person in question is already a club member he could nt be refused future membership as long as he pays his subscriptions by the due date.
When put to the meeting, each of these proposals received 6 votes. The chairman then suggested that provided the membership limit of 40 is not reached, then this member should be allowed to rejoin the club, but if the limit is reached then he should not be allowed to rejoin.
Our BAA delegate, Mr D Ward, then suggested we should ask the BAA for guidance in such a controversial matter, and it was unanimously agreed by the meeting that Mr Ward should approach the BAA on our behalf.’
Limit on membership
‘Mr J Lamsdale mentioned since our membership limit was raised to 40, we seem to have very little space between pegs on our contests. He therefore proposed that our membership limit should be reduced to 30 or 35 maximum.
As no one would second this proposal it was rejected at the meeting’
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 23rd, 2012, 12:54 pm
by TK
Meeting 20th March 1979- BAA News
'Mr D Ward, our club delegate made his report to the meeting.
Bailiffs are now stepping up bank checks on BAA cards and clubs, as well as individuals, are being fined when members are found fishing whilst not in possession of their cards .It was proposed that, to overcome this problem, members should be made to show their cards before drawing their pegs. A counter proposal was made that if a member is found fishing without his card, he should be made to pay any fine imposed on the club as well as his own fine. This matter to be discussed further at the AGM.’
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 23rd, 2012, 4:30 pm
by Geoff_E
Really enjoy reading all the history from the club TK

All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 23rd, 2012, 6:36 pm
by TK
Cheers Geoff
Any other business
B) Mr D Meredith reported that when weighing in at Long Eaton one member was found to be fishing 25 minutes after the whistle.
Due to an unfortunate chain of circumstances, many members did not hear the final whistle, and after consultation with 2 committee members, it was decided that this was a genuine error and the person involved should not be disqualified. Mr Meredith however suggested that more whistles should be distributed, possibly to the extent of every member having a whistle to prevent this type of occurrence in the future. Mr M Roberts then volunteered to obtain a supply f whistles’.
(C) Mr D Ward suggested that a First Aid Emergency Whistle Code be devised to help anyone in trouble on the river bank. It was therefore agreed that 3 blasts on the whistle will signal an emergency and any members hearing this should proceed to the scene of the accident and try to assist.’
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 24th, 2012, 12:48 pm
by TK
D) Mr B Kenn asked what constituted grounds for requesting a change of peg. It was pointed out that this was left to the discretion of the individual member, as any request for a change of peg had to be agreed by at least 2 or 3 committee members.’
Note - PhilB had been elected as committee member in 1978 & 79. At the AGM 27th Nov 1979 Heinzer and MGB were elected alongside PhilB to the committee for 1980.
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 25th, 2012, 1:55 pm
by TK
Also from the AGM 27th Nov 1979.....
Honorary Membership
‘Mr W Upton proposed that in appreciation of services tendered, Mr V Priest should be elected the first Honorary Member of the Angling Section. The proposal was carried unanimously by the meeting’
Weighing In
‘Mr B Kenn proposed that the two members fishing the pegs nearest to the car park (usually peg no 1 and 2 or 39 & 40) take the scales with them and be responsible for weighing in, with the member on the nearest occupied peg keeping an eye on their fishing tackle whilst they are doing this. There were 17 votes in favour of this proposal.
Mr A Walters proposed that the committee member fishing nearest to them should also be present at the weigh in to keep an eye on things. This is assuming that a committee member is not responsible for weighing in anyway. There were 13 votes for this proposal, and both proposals were carried.
Mr V Priest proposed that the peggers out should be excused weighing in duties on any contest that they have already pegged out, in which case the weighing in would be done by the member(s) fishing at the next peg(s) along the river. This proposal was accepted unanimously.
Mr D Meredith kindly volunteered to take responsibility for the scales after each contest.’
All our yesterdays....a trawl through the archives
Posted: January 27th, 2012, 12:40 pm
by TK
Pegging out
'The secretary pointed out that over the past year most of the pegging out had been done by the same 4 or 5 members. Mr D Davies proposed that we ask for volunteers for pegging out for our 1980 contests. The proposal was seconded by Mr W Parry and received 10 votes in favour. Mr J Charlton proposed that a rota be made out for pegging out duties, this was seconded by Mr K Shaw and received 2 votes in favour. The following members then volunteered for pegging out duties - Mr D Ward, Mr D Davies, Mr G Upton, Mr L Kiteley, Mr D Perry, Mr W Parry, Mr B Kenn, Mr D Meredith, Mr S Walker, Mr A Walters, Mr G Safe, Mr K Shaw, Mr D Webber and Mr P Broadstock'.
Any other business
(E) ‘Mr V priest reported that the cost of a combined Severn/Trent River Board Licence has been increased to £2.50 for 1980, and the separate Severn and Trent licences were no longer available.’