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the average age of anglers

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 8:43 am
by Gorrell80
Hey up Ste! I cant say anything you`ve all go more hair than me! :D

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 9:52 am
by joffmiester
the problem with the youngsters starting off on commercial is the fact they don't stay in the sport very long most get board after two or three season and can't turn to any other alternative part of fishing
on a good side the youngsters can set themselves up reasonably cheaply for commercials

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 10:54 am
by Mancunian
Commercials are a means to an end. As you say they get kids interested but once they have caught ballistic F1's and carp that pull back, they are not interested in going on a canal and catching roach 30 to the pound ( i fish the bridgewater canal around Warrington !!). :o

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 11:25 am
by Simple
Every 2 weeks on weekends the guy above us has his kids for the weekend. We live next to the boat pub and the canal is a stones throw away.
His kids are straight down the canal fishing when they get here and they love it.
catching roach 30 to the pound

Sounds right up TK's street :D

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 12:25 pm
by bill yards
Commercials are a means to an end.

Commercials are an end to a means Image Image Image Image

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 12:42 pm
by joffmiester
to be quite frank years ago we all knew commercials were always going to take over in the long run and perhaps its taken a lot long than we all thought .but now with all the sponsorship and all the sponsors  focusing on commercials its no wonder the rest of fishing is in a mess :-[
my gripe is ok you pay a large pegging fee ,but i must admit some of the commercial are looking worse for wear surely a lot of the pegging fee should go to IMPROVING the fishery and i don't mean piling tons more fish in them i mean pallets ,roads to and from potholes that want filling in just general work and instead of the angler trimming the banks they should Image

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 1:13 pm
by Ian_Morrison
ps. Mozzer is trying to grow a moustache at the minute - he looks like a right b£ll e&d! ;)

What do you mean trying, I think you will find I have succeeded!!

I don't think anglers get any recognition for consistent performances on natural venues! Where as someone who perfects a method fishing at the same venue, against the same people week in week out are hailed as the best match anglers in the country when they win five matches on the trot.

This brings me onto the angling times country champs competition that is the biggest load of sh*t going as it rewards the type of anglers above and is further damaging team fishing!

As a youngish (23) angler I have started to question the point in fishing natural venues as in ten years time I can't see there being a viable match circuit to fish on!

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 2:08 pm
by bill yards
Well done Ian but I think it would have been appreciated better if you grew your moustache under your nose net round yer man balls Image Image Image Image

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 3:25 pm
by Dodge
Good lad mozzer !  Image Image Image

Ps    Your are too good an angler to leave the natural venue circuit behind plus everything you have learnt from being sucessfull on canals and rivers has given you the skills and ability you have ! rememember maybe 75% or more of the young commie anglers today dont have the skills to fish natural venues competitivlely  ;)  Image

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 3:32 pm
by simon_m
ian the tash morrison id love to see that mate i wouldnt give u much stick Image Image Image Image

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 5:31 pm
by Gorrell80
Motty it looks like a couple of slugs are trying hold onto his nose!

This is an interesting thread - I think the issue lies with there being fewer lads who want to put the "effort" in to fishing and learning natural venues!

They are more inclined to just go to commercials as thats where many major events are now held and are easier!

Ian would/is a prime example of a young angler that gives 110% to his fishing and is very keen to learn. This reflects through his dedication to team fishing. We have another youngster he too is very keen. We are fortunate we have young anglers like them as they are a rarity.

The lads who I fish with week in week out are "young" but are driven to venues that focus on team fishing - but that is our choice. Again choices dictate where you want go with and some choose to fish the same venues three or four times a week!

Over the years I have seen three of the best team anglers I`ve ever fished with go down this line - with great success but that has been their choice.

The bottom line is we must respect everyones choices in angling! I have really enjoyed my canal fishing these last few years on the T and M, Shroppie and Staffs Worcs, fishing good sized leagues! However at the same time I have enjoyed fishing at Cudmore/Heronbrook for carp.

One thing is for sure - help the youngsters every way you can as they are the future and we need them to keep coming into our sport! Ultimately it comes down to young anglers will to succeed and this is undoubtably something we can help them with!

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 5:38 pm
by lloydy
My las has been treated great since he's been fishing matches, just proves most anglers are spot on Image

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 5:41 pm
by Mancunian
It,s sad but true that without commercials a lot of anglers of all ages would no longer fish every weekend, but the downside is that youngsters in the main no longer possess the all round skills to fish anything other than poles. Rod and line fishing either float or feeder is a lot more skillful than pole fishing and to take it a step further to gain international status you have to be an all rounder and there is no substitute for learning your trade on natural venues. Image

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 10th, 2011, 6:48 am
by Woodhouse
Ian "freddie gay boy mercury" morrison!

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 10th, 2011, 7:37 am
by bill yards
This is a good thread and after a lot of consideration this is my slant on it.

I speak from a bit of experience as I have run countless matches for youngsters in the past and in recent years helping out the excellent coaching schemes that get kids into angling in the first place, - they have to start somewhere after all.

This is the problem how I see it. When these youngsters have finished their coaching courses, schools matches and the like what are they left with? If you get my drift the likes of Rob Lloyd in the main do not have the likes of Dave encouraging and helping him; in fact Rob is in the very small minority here.

I see a massive 'gap' from when these youngsters finish their angling courses and schools matches, well over 90 percent of them have nothing to follow this up, nobody to turn to, encourage or help them. Some Clubs have done all they can but they are in a minority. Until we can find a solution to this we are loosing youngsters hand over fist. Over the years I have seen some potentially very skillful canal and river anglers just disappear into obscurity.

It needs a permanent answer not just the likes of you and I spending the odd hour here and there helping them out; just wish I knew what it is.

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 10th, 2011, 9:57 am
by joffmiester
correct bill and a very good point ,we are trying rebuilding a squad and have 2 youngsters and in fairness are doing well at the moment young harry and Aaron both came to france with us and both have come back even more determined than ever we pushed the boat out to help them with tackle bait and fishing. this side of fishing is not a problem to me i could help all day every day harry is keen to get a chance at the top level and i think he will at some point

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 10th, 2011, 3:08 pm
by lloydy
I think curborough pay under 16's any winnings even though they don't pay into the pools(except peg fee), think this is a great idea.

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 10th, 2011, 3:48 pm
by bill yards
We always paid under-18s anything they won in open matches ran by IW(StaffordAA. The matches cost them nothing to fish, - the money came from the peg fees.

It obviously could not apply to Leagues as I was running matches on various clubs waters.

To be honest it made no difference (except the occasional one or two) in any turnouts and then it was only for the first we matches I brought this in.

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 10th, 2011, 5:40 pm
by lloydy
It wouldn't bother me if they were paid out of pools, we gotta encourage kids and help them. If you only look at their rigs or show them how to mix their ground bait properly I'm sure showing some interest encourages them

the average age of anglers

Posted: November 11th, 2011, 5:49 am
by bill yards
In the late 80s through to the late 90s my club, Izaak Walton(Stafford)AA had a guy named Pete Bryan (some may know him, he is a lecturer at Rodbaston College) take on a a group of youngsters to not just improve their skills but match fishing skills and techniques too, on a wide range of waters. Pete was ultra keen and I can't speak high enough of what he did. Under his wing (the Club bought him a team bus to take them around) they went all over the place fishing and learning and eventually fishing matches that were appropriate to them; they visited all sorts of venues, some easy and some deliberately difficult. It didn't take too long for these youngsters to start improving and as such more and more joined. What started as an excercise in getting youngsters more involved in the sport escalated beyond belief. Many of those 'lads' are still fishing, some in matches, some pleasure fishing. In that short space of time Simon Allen won the Junior National as well as others, the team won the last ever large Junior National in 1995. That group of lads included Andy Moors and Kieron Rich, both went on to win the Kamasan Matchman of the Year competition and masses of other huge matches and Festivals and like Simon, still fishing matches today. There are many more lads, from that squad, still fishing.
Pete 'retired' soon after that National win quite simple to watch and spend some time with his own kids as they grew up.

In my mind this is what is needed today to get youngsters fishing matches, with it becoming harder and harder to get jobs the time and the potential is there.

One big problem, where do you find another Pete Bryan? If they can be found surely match fishing has more future than we all believe. Image Image