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General Strike November 30 th

Posted: November 30th, 2011, 9:28 am
by joffmiester
only one winner today
politicians and union leaders the rest of us won't change a thing

in loughborough you've got teachers picketing one side of the road and on the otherside you've got parents and kids booing them
tell me thats right for the future Image Imagethe same kids will be at school tomorrow will they have as much respect Image Image

like i said nothing will change and like dodge said politians know f##k all about normal people

General Strike November 30 th

Posted: November 30th, 2011, 3:49 pm
by Dodge
I have been on strike today, fantastic to see huge public support towards the public sectors greivence with this government of lies and deceit.

We have been told at around 2 pm polls showed 70 - 75% of the public support todays strike  Image Image Image

THANK YOU  Image Image

General Strike November 30 th

Posted: November 30th, 2011, 6:32 pm
by Woodhouse
Fill all the jobs with eastern Europeans!

More work, less pay and no pension legacy for our kids to pay for.

General Strike November 30 th

Posted: November 30th, 2011, 8:24 pm
by TerryC
70 million people in the UK, government gives everyone a million pounds and tells them they must spend it all on UK goods.
Result everyone out of debt and happy, UK economy booming, for the cost of 1 years overseas aid.
Can someone tell me why this can't be done?

General Strike November 30 th

Posted: November 30th, 2011, 8:51 pm
by maddog
100%behind that .get your own home in order first .world aid bull---t .

General Strike November 30 th

Posted: December 1st, 2011, 9:01 am
by joffmiester
busiest November date for Christmas shopping according to the news today ,a retail that was interviewed said more strikes is what the retail sector needs customers came in there hundreds and could park free all over town.
Image Image Image Image Image Image

one man loss is an mans gane so they have all striked and lost a days money plus there missus have spent a fortune on Christmas presents  Image Image Image
To see how it effects different people in different ways and how people all have different veiws is interesting it makes it easier for everyone to understand both sides of the fence,

One thing we should all realise from this, is both public and private sectors need each other to survive no amount of bickering or arguing will solve the problem.

We have all got to expect changes over the coming months maybe even years every one is going to feel the pinch financially some of us are already feeling it. people have to think long term here, and thats for their children and their childrens children, This problem is real and not some make belive issue .

Yesterdays stike may have made a point but the public sector will gain nothing from it if the Private sector took the same stance the public sector would become unemployed and there would be no gain.

Blaming the current Government is a waste of time they havnt been in long enough to cause a global recession.

Its an interesting life we all live we now have 10 Days untill the euro meltdown

Im off to buy some Lira

General Strike November 30 th

Posted: December 1st, 2011, 5:03 pm
by Dodge
70 million people in the UK, government gives everyone a million pounds and tells them they must spend it all on UK goods.
Result everyone out of debt and happy, UK economy booming, for the cost of 1 years overseas aid.
Can someone tell me why this can't be done? 

Just a thousand quid each would go a long long way to solving things Terry ........ thing is the "fat cats" wouldnt give away the steam off their p!ss !

General Strike November 30 th

Posted: December 1st, 2011, 5:07 pm
by Dodge
My last post on this thread .......

It amazes me how this country is split on who they support ....... the south in general and parts of the midlands adore the Tories ,

The North of England , wales and Scotland despise them !!!!

Nothing has changed then ? Image Image Image Image Image

General Strike November 30 th

Posted: December 1st, 2011, 5:15 pm
by joffmiester
nothing will ever change that mate !! thats been set in stone dodge its like you and scousers Image Image Imagelooks like they've got another go at you

General Strike November 30 th

Posted: December 1st, 2011, 6:13 pm
by Mugger
My old man was a dyed in the wool Labour supporter and Union man, however he was totally disillusioned with the Labour Party once Tony and his cronies came to power with 'New Labour' as he reckoned they were just Tories in disguise.

General Strike November 30 th

Posted: December 1st, 2011, 7:55 pm
by Dodge
My old man was a dyed in the wool Labour supporter and Union man, however he was totally disillusioned with the Labour Party once Tony and his cronies came to power with 'New Labour' as he reckoned they were just Tories in disguise.

Its all the about the middle ground Mugger ....... which ever party gets that they get elected  Image Image

With the dire financial circumstances our country is now in plus the iminent collaspe of the euro the coalition will need a miracle to stay in power in 2 1/2 years time , the lib dems are already finished so the Labour party hold all the political aces .......the problem the Labour party has with its own supporters including myself is the fact that Ed Miliband isnt up to it and his brother David should replace him asap !   Image

Thats deffo me , im done with this crap ! Image Image Image :D

General Strike November 30 th

Posted: December 1st, 2011, 9:05 pm
by Woodhouse
If Jeremy clarkson stands for election he will get my vote!