i'll start these ramblings with a cautionary tale of following old fuddy duddies to a venue you already know how to get to
1/ when arranging where to meet and being told follow us treat with deep suspicion
2/ when said o.f.d. get in a lane,don't always presume it'll be the right one
3/ make sure you're fully awake so you can have reflexes like the stig
so after this i followed the A5 to tamworth travelling at warp speed i passed cotti's car (i'm sure i saw it spinning in circles )
so when i arrived and told t.k. that i'd passed cotti,only to be told cotti had arrived before me.
i knew then never to trust the old **"!*^%()% again.
so after 10-15 mins of abusing anybody that would listen,i took my place in the queue to draw.
it looked like all the short walks would take the pegs i fancied,so when peg12 stuck to my hand i wasn't overly optimistic.
on arriving at my peg i discovered cotti on my right and haha on my left ,with these two fish magnets i surely couldn't go wrong could i ????????????
the plan today wasn't to fish long has i caught my fish close last year,so with this in mind and having a peg that has sedges that extended out from the bank
my options were limited anyway.
so two lines were set up .. one @ 8mtrs and another at the end of my keepnets,bait was mags for bits and corn and meat for anything that fancied it.
so with time to spare i tootaled of with my camera to see who i could upset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if your wondering why the piccies have taken so long i've had to photoshop a certain person out of all of them,
i don't know one no publicity,then his in all the shot's
don't let him come again t.k.
only kidding wedge
it's behind you den
another one who's barred
anybody seen heinzer
here he is harrasing jonah well done that man (well lets face it he wasn't asking for fishing tips was he )
all three barred next year please t.k.
ahh toilet roll just what i need
ahh boiled ham i bet t.k. ain't brought any
hope nobody can see me taking a dump
come out come out were ever you are
oh god i said your good side don't people listen
that's better isn't it ::) ::)
big baz was in the background doing yoga if your wondering
juan chub
abuman who fished the stick cause it looked like the trent apparently ::)
who could this be
part of his winning 91 pounds (b******)well done wedge
part of den's catch
i hate smug people only kidding well done
heinzer managed to find is way back to his peg then
i told mgb i wouldn't take this pic (sorry i lied)
giz a hand me back's gone
mr v closely checking the weight
part of yammo's 25 pound apparently (lying b*^%$*0)
and it had started to rain.bah
part of baz's catch .well done that man
haha with his net
don't do it kod it's not fishomania
my hero mr t.cooper
mr brambles with his bag
the hitman
the hitman's catch and not a tree in sight well done harry
well that's it for this season for me.i don't fish rivers
so till next time that's all folks