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another international

Posted: July 17th, 2009, 9:52 pm
just read that you have been behind the scenes on a new groundbait. So what is it mate :D "JOFF'S SCABBY PERCH MIX", or "JOFF,S 8 OZ MIXED BAG MIX" , or JOFF'S CRAPPITY SMACKIN NO FISH IN ME NET MIX" just wondered. :D :D

another international

Posted: July 18th, 2009, 9:33 am
by joffmiester
i thought you'd been quite chopped worm seeing that we had done well AGAIN Imageanglers come anglers go but the results keep coming Image Image Imagei'l be right behind you at evesham mate Image

another international

Posted: July 18th, 2009, 9:36 am
by joffmiester
got to go now its thursday and that means woodies should be good tonight steve hemmingrey is making a guest appearance along with the other lads

i should have my own TV show
down the woodies with the joffmiester Image Image Image 

what a top night this bloke will be world champion one day and one day he'l be back at leicester

another international

Posted: July 18th, 2009, 10:05 am
by joffmiester
just read that you have been behind the scenes on a new groundbait. So what is it mate  :D  "JOFF'S SCABBY PERCH MIX", or "JOFF,S 8 OZ MIXED BAG MIX" , or JOFF'S CRAPPITY SMACKIN NO FISH IN ME NET MIX" just wondered.  :D :D
i wanted to call it quality perch mix as it got us through to the final mate Image Imagejust like steve baraclough of shakespeareImagedid in the next section his was a tad small 10oz Image Image