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Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 14th, 2007, 8:24 pm
by jagman
hi ya TK

i will try to be there next week as long as i can get back from work and up to allens to get some "special stuff"

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 14th, 2007, 8:29 pm
by TK
Good man Image - see you on Wed all being well Image

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 14th, 2007, 8:36 pm
by jagman
just hope we have some better weather than on bank holiday monday (and i have at least 1 bite!!!)

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 14th, 2007, 8:41 pm
by TK
You'll probably bounce back with a vengence and blow us all away Image

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 14th, 2007, 9:01 pm
by jagman
you got that much confidence in me then ???

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 14th, 2007, 9:20 pm
by TK
Of course I have - it'll be interesting to see the Caster Master doing battle against the Warbarton King Image

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 14th, 2007, 9:32 pm
by jagman
lol whos the caster master then i hope you dont mean me !!!!

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 14th, 2007, 10:12 pm
by TK
Certainly do Image

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 15th, 2007, 3:24 pm
by jagman
no pressure now then is there ???

you not having an open up there on saturday are you as a mate was asking about it ???

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 15th, 2007, 5:54 pm
by TK
No - we're all on Trevors Pool at Spring Lea - see other thread on this site - plus we've got a spare peg if you fancy it.
Don't have to worry about bait - you can buy it on site.
Draw 9.00am - fish 10am - 3pm - £6 'all in' which can't be bad as it's £5 a peg to fish there

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 15th, 2007, 6:17 pm
by Simple
I would have like to have fished it but I will be at Larford Lakes getting soaked :o

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 15th, 2007, 6:51 pm
by TK
Yep I know - that's why I didn't ask you. Mr V is also fishing your MD match and has deafed us out Image

Also know that Hot Lips will be a no shower in the morn as well - so that's 2 spare pegs we've got. Perhaps ME fancies putting an appearance in Image (unless he's poaching practising our cut tomorrow in readiness for next Wed evening) :D

On second thoughts, bet ME's at Larford tommorow as well

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 15th, 2007, 6:56 pm
by Simple
I hope is going otherwise I will have no one to copy tactics off :'(

Oops we hijacked this thread sorry. I will be quiet now. :D

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 15th, 2007, 9:47 pm
by jagman
id love to go mate but im already at packington on a match from work. i got a few scores to settle if you know what i mean !!!!

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 17th, 2007, 9:09 pm
by TK
Back to the Curley Wyrley................
Tom tom drums been beating............just heard that Yamo went for a 'practise' this afternoon and had around 60lb in 3 hours - comprising of 14 tench over 3lb and a few roach

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 17th, 2007, 10:08 pm
by jagman
evening tk,

do you know wherebouts yamo was fishing today and what he was using ???
also if the open is going to be on on wednesday then i will prob. be there!!!

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 17th, 2007, 10:38 pm
by TK
Hi Jagman - yes def on Wednesday- see you there.
Apparently he parked on the pub and 'walked down 100 yards just before the bridge'
Not sure about bait - he cadged some leftover stuff - mags/caster and corn - yesterday after our match. He was telling me of the Pelsall guys fishing last Wednesday night sacking up on the corn, so perhaps............ Image
Sorry for the sketchy details - havent spoken to him myself - perhaps he'll tell us more in the morning

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 17th, 2007, 11:15 pm
by Mark_Stanaway
Image cum on were has YAMO got to give us the Image

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 18th, 2007, 10:33 am
went down there yesterday afternoon, had an amazing 6 hours, amassing a great weight of tench and bream and also losing 2 absolute monsters.

got there at 2pm to find 2 gents on the oak trees by the royal oak pub. so i walked further along,about half way between the bridges. was very overcast and was not sure what to expect. first chuck on single magg on 22 hook i get a perch touching a 1lb,followed by a prime roach about 10oz and a succession of roach,rudd up to 5oz and then bang, out came the no4 elastic,following a hefty fight i netted a great tench about 3lb. Out came the monster gear,14 elastic 5lb line 16 hook. Had another tench straight away about 3lb followed by a succession of skimmers up to 1lb+. Then came a boat which met a quiet spell, but having fed some more worm i got into the tench again, catching 4 in 4 chucks the biggest about 4.5lb. Then a bream came to top about 4lb and the smile could be seen on my face from a long way away.Nosey gents drinking in the beer garden ambled over to ask what i was doing,what didnt help was that one of them spued his guts up in the margin,human grounbaiting at its best. The missus came over and i set her up on a 5m whip and she was annoyingly outcatching me, perch,roach skimmer hybrids and bump a tench just as my laccy was out again, now this was awlkward, 2 tench on at same time..but we just about managed it even tho mine was a tad bigger than her 2lb specimen.I then had a succession of tench and 2 real quality bream about 4lb, the biggest tench was about 5lbs and snagged me up twice en route to the net. i also got smashed up twice, they must have been carp or monster tench to snap 5lb 12oz line.the missus went at 6 so i had last hour to myself and added a few more tench, a 6lb pike that took double maggot and another couple of real prime roach that looked like they'd never been caught before, 1 was well over the pound mark.last half hour was spoilt by a barge full of morons hammered out of their heads speeding thru,and a young child who accompanied and ecouraged by her father started shcuking bricks in the canal about 6 yards was a fantastic days fishing, just goes to show what the curley wyrley canal is capable of. ended up with 14 tench 4 bream,6 skimmers and about 10lbs of roach rudd and perch. not to forget the pike.

Wednesday Evening opens on Curley Wyrley

Posted: June 18th, 2007, 12:16 pm
by TK
Did you collect the £1 day ticket money off the missus :D

Sounds like a belter of a day Image Hope they show on Wed night