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Curse match 5.......who fancies a long walk?

Posted: May 20th, 2009, 9:09 pm
by TK
Looks aok to me ...........or is the camera lying Image

Curse match 5.......who fancies a long walk?

Posted: May 20th, 2009, 10:25 pm
in the words of simply red pegs to tight mention ::)

Curse match 5.......who fancies a long walk?

Posted: May 21st, 2009, 12:21 am
by Simple
1.Whats the pretty tape on your pole for Mark, is it how many fish you have caught  :D ??

2.Why the hell have you got so many different baits. No wonder you always get confused lol  Image

3. Your peg is very untidy Image Image


Looks aok to me ...........or is the camera lying 
Just posting some pictures I missed from my first post  Image Image

Curse match 5.......who fancies a long walk?

Posted: May 21st, 2009, 9:36 am
by MarkV
1. The tape is holding everything together
2.Took 16 different baits but could possibly divulge what Image (They didnt want any of 'em)
3. Thats about as tidy as it gets

Curse match 5.......who fancies a long walk?

Posted: May 21st, 2009, 1:34 pm
by TK
Just had a call that cracked me up Image

A member was catching bits and then struck into something that confused him...........

After a tussle, he thought he was managing to get 'it's head up'...............

....... when a jacket surfaced which he skillfully netted. Image

'I just need the trousers and I've got a suit' he commented to the guy on the next peg.

Next put in.............

Yep youve guessed it Image

He hooked a trouser leg which was safetly banked too Image

He daint have anymore bites after that Image

Bet he was disappointed the waistcoat daint put in an appearance Image

Curse match 5.......who fancies a long walk?

Posted: May 21st, 2009, 3:07 pm
by Simple
Who was it TK Image Image

Curse match 5.......who fancies a long walk?

Posted: May 21st, 2009, 7:22 pm
by TK
Image He wasn't a million miles away from you Simps Image

Wasnt you paying attention - had you nodded off :D

Curse match 5.......who fancies a long walk?

Posted: May 25th, 2009, 10:29 am
by TK
League table after 5..............can KOD catch up over the next 10 matches and reel in Team Jeffery to save a 1 2 double act  Image


PAUL JEFFERY A 3-12-8 6 25 60-9-1 136 1
TONY KULIK B 10-14-3 1 30 42-5-1 128 2
DENNIS JEFFERY D 0-4-9 15 16 40-6-5 122 3
CHRIS DEAN E 7-10-7 3 28 29-3-14 115 4
ANDY SPRUCE D 0-7-10 10 21 26-2-2 113 5
GEOFF CASHMORE A 0-6-1 14 17 26-8-15 112 6
BARRY ASTBURY E 0-6-7 =12 19 21-8-15 110 7
RICHARD CASHMORE B 0-6-9 11 20 31-9-14 106 =8
MARK STANAWAY C 0-6-7 =12 19 24-0-14 106 =8
MARK VALENTE A 1-8-8 8 23 32-8-5 105 10
DAVE MEREDITH D 5-3-9 4 27 29-3-9 98 11 GP
RAY PHIPPS C 8-7-8 2 29 27-14-7 96 12
GEZ FRANCE E 0-13-14 9 22 7-14-8 85 13
BRIAN BRADLEY C 0-2-2 18 13 15-2-9 82 14
ROY COTTERELL B 0-3-10 16 15 11-5-5 71 15
HARRY MAIN B DNW 20 5 12-15-15 59 =16
ROB DOUGLISS E 2-9-0 7 24 7-14-8 59 =16
PHIL BROADSTOCK A 0-2-9 17 14 7-9-9 56 18
MARCUS BURGESS E A 20-13-4 54 19
KEVIN VESTE C A 7-5-11 43 20
JOHN ROWLAND D A 9-13-4 42 =21
BARRY KENN H A 17-4-0 42 =21
MARTIN KENDALL A A 16-1-0 39 23
MICK KENN H 0-1-0 19 12 5-10-9 37 24 GP
PAUL MILLWARD C 4-12-4 5 26 4-12-4 31 25
LES WINYARD B A 0-14-0 26 26
TONY COOPER D A 0-7-8 16 27