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Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 6:46 pm
by TK
Oooooops - sorry Tigerbay :o

I picked up some sweaty thing on Sat after the match and JK got the needle and thread out and made me a lovely pole sock out of it :P

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 6:56 pm
by MarkV

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 6:59 pm
by TK
Apart from Gerry's disaster losing a pole section that forced him to 'retire' early anymore confessions to disasters Image

Before I start to reveal em Image

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 8:09 pm
by Simple
anymore confessions to disasters
Yea me drawing peg 11 Image

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 8:54 pm
by Sprucey
it`s good to see lloydy using the info i gave him on sat to good effect on sunday ::) :-/

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 9:14 pm
had a disaster from start to finish, didnt catch a fish till nearly half way thru the match....picked up sporadic fish here and there, but the sun killed it for me, im still nowhere near cracking cuts, certainly not consistent enough although i feel my rigs were perfect, i just feel the area cheslyn boy,myself and micky baker were in was a not a popular holding place for the fish, then again maybe i am just crap on the cuts

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 9:18 pm
by Drynet
nice reports& photo's lads Image

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 9:53 pm
by MarkV
The draw always plays a part YAMO, dont think its ever possible to 'crack' fishing, as in do well everytime. Well, i'm sure of it. As you know, the fish aren't evenly spread. Only chance is to be more consistent, over time.
Sometimes you can fish really well and not catch, other times stumble along and get a netfull our ' most unpredictable of sports'.
Too easy to beat yourself up as well. I know, i've done it plenty lol.

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 10:26 pm
by Simple
keep your head mate or you will loose it
I'm trying too

With 2 more gruellers to come can Simps hold on Joffie

I think he's starting to feel the pressure
Too Bloody right I am
He couldnt have another bad one on the penultimate match, Could he?
And you can bog off Image Image

Yamo you did great in the last match Image
I am still looking at the picture of my peg thinking how the hell didn't I catch more off it, ahhh well sh!t happens :D

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 11:10 pm
by cheslynboy
I agree with Yamo i think we where just in the wrong place as the condition of the canal wasn't a factor :'(

It also didn't help my cause when the owner of the boat decides to show his mates how far he got rebuilding it Image

But all in all it was good to meet and get to know some of the faces taking part Image

Will be there on the 14th Image

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 3rd, 2009, 1:51 pm
by TK
Hey Simps – check out the typo on line 28 of the grueller table – hope our ‘guest’ don’t take exception………… Image
im still nowhere near cracking cuts

maybe i am just crap on the cuts  

Yamo – none of us are – stop cutting yourself up about it – look on it as an ongoing learning curve –I’ve seen the days when a lot of the clubs anglers used to struggle to break the lb mark – irrespective of cut venue…….. and I’d have never have thought it possible a few years ago that we as a club would record double figure weights (occasionally) off the cuts………


Did Ball it In wipe you out  Image

To put things into perspective, just read some of the tales of woe quoted from over weekend elsewhere on these forums..................some cracks off here faired even worse and had some right gruellers  Image

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 3rd, 2009, 4:47 pm
by TK
keep your head mate or you will loose it
I'm trying too

With 2 more gruellers to come can Simps hold on Joffie

I think he's starting to feel the pressure
Too Bloody right I am
He couldnt have another bad one on the penultimate match, Could he?
And you can bog off  Image Image

Hey Simps – can you envisage it……………………… :o :o :o

An indifferent result on the next cut match and that canal crack Budgie frames and pulls more points back  Image

Last match on the KP…………………………we’ve managed to fit on it this time, but……………….

All pegs are in, including cyanide straight (and pegs 8 &9)  Image Image Image

Zorro and Budgie draw on 1 – 4……………………….
Image Image Image

You dip in the bag and it’s a peg that the BDM would be proud of  Image Image Image

There's been the odd twist or two on the last match in the past Image Image Image

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 3rd, 2009, 5:23 pm
by Simple
I fully know that TK...
Stick the last match on the Extension again, not the boats though Image Image

We shall see what happens won't we. Image

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 3rd, 2009, 6:26 pm
by TK
Stick the last match on the Extension again

Suddenly gone off the KP have we  :P :P :P


Just depends how many we got 'turning out' for the last match - could end up on the cut - who knows   :-/

Mind if we don't start seeing a bit of 'tropical' weather there might not be anymore gruellers if this arctic blast keeps up for the next month Image

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 3rd, 2009, 6:38 pm
by TK
Apart from Gerry's disaster losing a pole section that forced him to 'retire' early anymore confessions to disasters  Image

Before I start to reveal em  Image  

No confessions............

Ok - I'll start.................

Cotti lost a dog roach well over the pound mark at the net that in his own words 'would have almost trebled me weight'


Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 3rd, 2009, 7:26 pm
by Simple
Barry, had to pop home to let his misses in and then come back too Image

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 3rd, 2009, 11:08 pm
by Simple
Just depends how many we got 'turning out' for the last match - could end up on the cut - who knows
Well just dont book too many in this time lol, I thought I was simple Image

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 4th, 2009, 10:05 am
by TK
Well just dont book too many in this time lol,

Don't like turning anyone away..................can't remember ever having done so in the past............... :-/ :-/ :-/

I might always 'need 'em' on the next match/series

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 4th, 2009, 11:05 am
by Simple
Fair enough, your series matey Image Image
Your getting some good turnouts lately Image Image

Grueller 8 - The difference an ounce can make

Posted: February 4th, 2009, 7:44 pm
by mburgess
Put the last 2 matches on the Extension TK Image ::) ::) ::) Image Image

I don't fancy the kp Image Imagei will most likely get a call from simps for that comment Image Image