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Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 21st, 2009, 9:28 pm
by Simple
I can still see it turning in the water and swimming off when I shut my eyes :(

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 21st, 2009, 9:57 pm
by Drynet
I can still see it turning in the water and swimming off when I shut my eyes  :(

Yam wa*k Image

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 21st, 2009, 10:09 pm
by Dave C
Are you saying you lost a bream that could have won you the match Simple. Image Image Image Image Image

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 21st, 2009, 10:22 pm
by Simple
Who knows. We shall never find out. It would have been close.
The bonus fish that got away Image

Drynet, shut up Image

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 21st, 2009, 10:32 pm
by Drynet
Drynet, shut up


Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 21st, 2009, 11:03 pm
by MarkV
Only just seen this ....
Come on Simps and Tigerbay........reveal a bit more before I do    

Not exactly sure what you're on about TK but here's a bit more about my match.

Lost a Tench halfway through, at least I thought it was, didnt see anything. Hooked a fish that seemed heavier than the other lightweights. started to ship back and it was coming in no problem.'Skimmer' I thought, but not big. Then I looked over my shoulder to carefully feed the pole through the bushes. When I turned round i'd got loads of elastic out, and going off down the cut to my left.

What a plonker. Snapped off. Trouble is, with these very light elastics you cant feel any resistance. Anyway I should have been more carefull.

After staying on after the match I had some more roach and a 2lb Tench, maybe a bit more.  Took ages to get in, was getting quite cheesed off with it going up and down. No3 elastic and couldnt get any control on it, just turning it at the end of its run for it to bore away again. Fun at first, but then very tedious. Eventually came in, well hooked. Goodness knows what a bigger fish is like in summer.

Back to the match, I fished worm & joker, experimenting as i went as I know very little about it, only having fished with it a couple of times.

I was late starting as ever, ( slowest tackler upper I know ) . Started after about 10 mins in. After something like 15 mins or so... DB asks if ive had any bites yet? "No" says I.  "I've had 13 tiny roach" says DB.

Blimey i thought. If this carries on I might as well pack up and watch him, might learn something.

Took me about an hour to get a rig fishing anything like how I wanted it and then I started to catch small fish from the same line on and off through the rest of the match. Started on 5 m, nothing. Then eventually got a bite at 7.5m to my left and stayed there. It was much shallower further over so didnt bother.

Put some casters in even further left and further out but only dropped on them for 5 mins as was more interested in playing with my 'new bait'

Had quite a few fish for just over 2lb, plenty of bites to keep it interesting and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I saw DB trying to rescue some section or other. Grabbed my landing net and shouted did he want a hand, but as soon as i'd said it, he said it was gone. I know the feeling, most of my kit usually finishes up in the bottom of the Avon. Anyone got a short and middle quiver tip for an old shaky wand  ????

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 22nd, 2009, 12:23 pm
by TK
Not exactly sure what you're on about TK but here's a bit more about my match.

Good read Tigerbay...........that's more like it, upto your usual impressive informative standard  Image  ;)

I really didnt want to be the one to reveal you'd lost a 'beastie' (as well as Simps) that could also have radically altered the 'frame'   Image

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 23rd, 2009, 9:59 am
by joffmiester
good write up TK shame about no pictures Image Image Imagestill keep it up mate
one day i will make it down there Image

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 23rd, 2009, 12:12 pm
by TK
one day i will make it down there

We'll have to have a Prolific Forum Posters Championships Joffie between the top 20 posters on this site - thats me, you, Simps and Dodge qualified Image

But the Chockie Munsters looking a bit doubtful at getting a peg at the mo ;) :D

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 23rd, 2009, 12:19 pm
by TK
So we now know on the 'disaster' front................

DB lost a pole section Image

Drynet lost a lump

As did Simps

Tigerbay got trounced by a tinca

The next revelation.......................

Gerry came upto me after the match and confessed he'd finally 'run out of luck'
Apparently he'd had a bite and thought he'd hooked the bottom.
After a few seconds the 'beastie' realised it had been hooked and started moving off.
After playing it a while it finally saw Gerry off whilst he'd got it to the inside Image Image Image

Another 'matchwinner' avoided the keepnet.....................

Right any more confessions to come Image

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 23rd, 2009, 12:45 pm
by MarkV
Those Tench seem to pop up more regularly than I thought. Maybe need to be prepared to hook into a lump at anytime. No more of this cavalier, oh its bound to be a roach and quick shipping back  Hmmm...

Maybe they're less of an out the blue bonus and more a possibility ???

Just one can rocket you up the weight list.

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 23rd, 2009, 5:01 pm
by TK
Maybe they're less of an out the blue bonus and more a possibility

Tigerbay - dont tell me you didn't read this/last months article on the Extension in Match Fishing Image Image Image

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 23rd, 2009, 5:42 pm
by MarkV
What what ! No.

Match Fishing magazine ?

February ?

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 23rd, 2009, 7:03 pm
by TK
No the Jan edition that came out at the end (23rd) of Dec Image

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 23rd, 2009, 7:14 pm
by TK
Right any more confessions to come   Image

Image Image Image Image Image

I aint gunna have to mention marks bars am I  ;)

Image Image Image Image Image


Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 23rd, 2009, 9:40 pm
by Dave C
Go on tell all TK. Image

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 24th, 2009, 2:41 pm
by Simple
Drynet had about 8oz before he tipped back to go and watch the footy Image

Someone was in getting snagged in a tree a lot, Not too far from where I was :D
Can't think of any more at the minute.

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 24th, 2009, 6:52 pm
by TK
Go on tell all TK. Image

Just waiting to see if the forum members owns up before I reveal all.............. ;)

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 24th, 2009, 6:59 pm
by MarkV
Don't THINK it can be me ???

Grueller match 7 - Cheslynboy cracks the curse

Posted: January 24th, 2009, 7:06 pm
by TK
Don't THINK it can be me ???

I aint gunna have to mention marks bars am I

Depends whether you had any associations with Mars bars (on the day) Tigerbay ;)