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How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 11:45 am
by Sprucey
i,m gutted you never mentioned me ?

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 11:46 am
by Woodhouse
 i,m gutted you never mentioned me ?

Who are you?

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 11:49 am
by Sprucey
thanks mucker i knew i could rely on you for fame Image

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 12:07 pm
by bill yards
Aye up Sprucey!
Funnily enough you never mentioned me either!

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 12:22 pm
by Sprucey
i,m sorry obviously i owe it all to you and those staffs winter leagues you ran i,m still in therapy Image Image

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 12:40 pm
by lloydy
This came to an end when I got up one morning in a bad mood...So did Neil Russell and we ended up having a bust up over something so stupid i cant even remember what it was, unfortunately we were both too stubborn to back down and

Neil stubborn
Imagemust be a different Neil Image Image
Some good anglers in that list lee, Dean was awsome and them menvier lot were superb gudgeon anglers when womborne was my fav venue Image

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 4:49 pm
by diddy
dodge3 it'll take me so long to type it out or can write the shorter,condensed version?

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 4:58 pm
by Simple
simple its a easy question how do you feel about your fishing are you happy doing what you are doing or do you think its time to move up only you can answer that.

Joff I am totally happy with where I am at the moment mate.
I just thought it would make for an interesting topic. Which it has done.
Great reading, thank you Image Image

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 5:06 pm
by Dodge
dodge3 it'll take me so long to type it out or can write the shorter,condensed version?

Aint up to me mate  Image  

Be great reading either way dids for me as you have fished for THE 2 best teams in modern times   ;)    Image

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 5:13 pm
by diddy
Aint up to me mate  Image  

Be great reading either way dids for me as you have fished for THE 2 best teams in modern times   ;)    Image

see if i can sort a few bits out wen i've put the little'un to bed. :D

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 5:37 pm
by ropa
Every team angler has a story to tell when it comes to how they got where thay are today, the friends the fallouts, the highs and the lows. Something I have thought for a long time is that there is not enough books out there that are wrote by match anglers about there rise to the top. What is there??? Bob Nudds, Kim Milsoms,Clive Smiths????
I know Kevin Ashurst nearly brought is autobiography out a few years back but something happened for him to stop it being published. Would love to read a few autobiographys on top anglers, why not every crappity smack else is doing it :o ;)

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 5:45 pm
by Chris V
Aint up to me mate  Image  

Be great reading either way dids for me as you have fished for THE 2 best teams in modern times   ;)    Image

see if i can sort a few bits out wen i've put the little'un to bed. :D

You mean,i will wait until Lisa gets home and she will type it for me. Image Image

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 7:04 pm
by Dodge
My daughters do all my typing for me Image :D :D

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 9:23 pm
by diddy
well where to start............

i have been fishing since i was in a pushchair when my parents used to take me and my brothers to the gravelpits at south cerney.
I started match fishing when i was 8 years old and actually won my first match which was the clubs pike match with 2 pike for 11lb. :o

Over the nxt few years i fished at junior level for the local junior outfit known as 'three counties A.A.' it was there i gained lots of knowledge and met and fished with some seriously talented young anglers.

Once i turned 16yrs old my junior days were over, this where it got hard :o
I started fishing local opens on various venues relying on my dad for transport. ;) ;) ;)
When i was about 17 i passed my test and got a car. I fished whenever and wherever i could! this is when i met probably the biggest influience in my angling career, phil stone.
We started travelling everywhere sharing info and tactics, he taught me so much about every concievable side of the sport.
After around 4years of varying success, phil told me that he was unable to take me further as he had nothing left to teach me Image Image.......but his friend could!! Image Image Image
His friend was kim milsom, holy cr*p the captain of essex county and england international was going to be my new travelling partner. :o :o
Well after 2years of travelling with the legend and now very good friend, we were practising slider on the glos canal and kim told me he had put me forward to join essex....holy sh!t!!!!! AND I'D BEEN ACCEPTED. :D :D :D i was shocked, surely i was'nt good enough to fish with such superstars? kim told me i would be more than good enuff. Image
The next 8 years i had to pinch myself everytime i went to a team match(is this a dream) i met some fantastic anglers and friends, lost a few(kim included) had some incredible victories. we made history. we broke records. we lost along the way which was always really hard.
In the later years we started to struggle as a unit unlike we used to,
i did lots of thinking about my future and wanted the old winning days back again. That year i decided to have a chat with wayne(swinno) and peter clapperton(boss of vde and awesome gentleman) about the future and expressed my worries as they did! it was then i decided that the winter league final(win or lose would be my last)
It was in the same year i had a chat with steve saunders the captain of dorking, who said that they would love it if i would join, but only if i felt it was the right thing for ME, later that day william raison stopped behind me at barston and told me that i would make the team stronger where they r weakest!!! and to have a good think about what steve had said.
It took over a month of thinking to come to a discision about my future, i took advice from lots of people, phil, my good friend richard bryant(rip) :'(, darren cox and my wife.
I decided to join dorking for me and my future career in the sport.
Essex finished 2nd in the winter league final that year and i was sad inside because the team that i had grew with and blossomed with was no more. i'd like to thank everybody who i had the pleasure to fish with and become friends with.... thank you for all the memories, i'll never forget them. :-[ :-[ :-[ :'( Image
On joining dorking it was like starting a fresh again, new faces(sort of) and up to now have throughly enjoyed my time with my 'new' team.

I'd like to thank a few people for supporting me over the years:-
peter clapperton for the continuded support from vde/bait tech
darren cox/garbolino for everything,not just fishing.
to all my friends loved and lost
my parents Image
and last of all my wife lisa and daughter lily with whom none of this would be possible without there support and love. Image Image Image

i love to win and want to keep winning as long as my body and mind will let me.

told u it was long. Image Image Image

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 9:23 pm
by Simple
My daughters do all my typing for me
And the logging in Image Image

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 9:55 pm
by Dodge
My daughters do all my typing for me
And the logging in  Image Image

Thats coz i am thick Simps Image :D

Nice one dids Image all thems journo`s will be drooling over that mate ::) 8-)

Nearly had me crying at the end :'( Image Image Image

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 10:25 pm
by Simple
Another great read Diddy :) :) Thanks

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 10:47 pm
by Dodge
Come on Chris V   ;)   your turn   Image 8-)

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 10:49 pm
by Chris V
Come on Chris V   ;)   your turn   Image

Dodge i don`t want to bore the pants off you Image Image

Okay just let me think on it. Image Image Its a very very long story.

How did you get where you are.

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 10:51 pm
by Woodhouse

If you look at EVERY anglers reply on this thread, you will notice one certain common denominator....They all had fantastic anglers to answer their questions!

I consider myself to be a decent angler with a lot of very good information at my disposal that helps me get a good result when i draw the right peg for me.

Since the very first open match i ever fished one thing i have noticed is that i have NEVER asked a good angler for advice and been turned away.

OK they all like to have a laugh and take the p1ss out of each other but I'd doubt that any of them will ever turn away a genuine question...they may wish to reply by PM but the information they give will help each other.

One thing to remember is that anglers like Bill Yards, ChrisV, Drawbag, Diddy, Dodge, Lloydy, Joff, Taypot etc etc etc and all the others come on here to talk about the sport they love....They are human...they actually like being asked questions...It makes them feel special.

The "club anglers" on this forum are very very lucky to have anglers that have been successful in most of the major competitions from the last 30 years yet never seem to ask them questions..