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Bark at the Moon

Anything fishing here including Tackle and Bait.
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Unread post by Mark_Roberson »

Just would like members thoughts on moon phases ! Can we really tell if fish will feed or not by looking at the moon ? Does it really work Or are we barking at the moon !!!  :-?
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Unread post by joffmiester »

i think its true our roach fishing is hard during the time the moon is at its fullest and brightest but i must say highs and lows effect it .Ive still looking into the pressures at the time of a full moon very often they are at low during this time if you have cloud cover at any point seams to help plus days running up to a full moon can be really good fishing as they must know whats coming  :D :D :D :D
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Unread post by Golden_balls »

Just to put the record straight. You are barking Image

There are loads of articles on the web, with regards to moon phases and feeding fish. The generalisation seams to be that during a full moon fish feed of a night better. This may be down to the light levels. This is quite often the case with the best fishing at dawn and dusk.
Have a look at this http://www.moonconnection.com/moon_phase_fishing.phtml
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Thanks captain will have a butchers at that  Image
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This is getting too testicle for me.
We must have had a full moon on my pegs for the last ten seasons Image Image
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I know John at Rolfs always says When we have a full moon it fishes hard the next day.
But I have caught plenty in a match after a full moon. I think its an old wives tale, but what do I know  :D
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  Fishing By Moon Phase: Increase Your Catch!
Every fisherman dreams of a bigger catch! Is it possible to know beforehand when you should plan a trip to enjoy some fishing, catch more than usual, and come home feeling 100% satisfied? Based on my own personal research around the best fishing times, I think it is.

When I first started fishing, the best fishing time for me was whatever time happened to suit me. I tried different lures, baits and techniques until I'd spent a small fortune in my quest to improve my fishing catch. When I finally heard about the "Solunar Theory"--or fishing by moon phase--like most anglers, I was skeptical.

What I'd read sounded too complicated. All sorts of factors needed to be checked and the determined angler needed to be at the water's edge at exactly the right time, TO THE MINUTE, in order to improve on his average catch. Was I really willing to take my hobby that seriously? Let's just say that curiosity got the better of me.

To help me determine whether there was any truth in the moon's effect on the best fishing times, I kept a record of every trip I made over a period of 18 months. All information related to the moon's phases, the weather conditions and the catches I made were carefully logged. What I discovered convinced me that moon phase fishing works. BUT, I also found that it isn't anywhere near as complicated as many would have us believe.

How Does Fishing By Moon Phase Work?

Every fisherman knows that the best fishing times are when the fish are feeding. This tends to be during dawn and dusk, but what often goes unnoticed are the two periods elsewhere in the day--moonrise and moonset. Because the moon has an effect on a variety of factors surrounding the fish--including the live fodder they hunt--these periods, combined with the moon's phase, are what trigger feeding.

By understanding this, and choosing times when sunrise/sunset and moonrise/moonset coincide with new or full moon phases, you'll increase you chance of a good fishing catch. Assuming there are fish in the area, of course.

Choosing The Best Fishing Times

There really is nothing complicated about this at all; it's just a matter of knowing ahead of time exactly when the sun and moon will rise and set. Fish are most active during 90-minute windows surrounding each of these four daily events; that's 45 minutes before and after these four daily points.

Fishing during these four periods will help increase your fishing catch, but if you plan wisely so as to ensure you're at the water's edge on the days of new or full moon, you can use these 'windows' to reel in a catch like you've never done before. If you have to choose between sunrise/set and moonrise/set, always go with the moon as the moon is the stronger influence.

Hunters have always known that fish and game are most active at dawn and dusk--sunrise and sunset--but their activity surrounding moonrise and moonset is less noticeable because these events are likely to occur without e­ffecting any change in the perceived light. The rise and set of a new moon is invisible anyway, and overcast weather often hides the moon. Without prior knowledge of setting and rising times, two of the best fishing times will be missed every day!

Other Considerations

When planning your fishing by moon phase, there are certain other factors that should also be considered.

Weather - Severe weather changes have an impact on the way fish feed. When a storm's brewing, or just after one has passed, is a good time. If this happens while you're in place, you'll be in for a treat! However, if there's a cold front approaching, the fish are likely to move deeper into the water and become inactive.

Season - Most fish are more likely to bite willingly during seasonal transitions with the transition from winter to spring and summer to fall being the two best fishing times.

Now that you know that moon phase fishing really works, there's no reason why you shouldn't utilize this knowledge to increase your own fishing catch by being at the ready with your rod during the best fishing times available. It's easy and it works!

Good luck!
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Bark at the Moon


Unread post by joffmiester »

this must be referring to predator fishing
interesting to hear from some carp anglers as near where i live we have a lake its areal hard lake to fish with 20 or so giant carp in it amongst the others always on a full moon there are no anglers yet sometime you go by and there are loads :D :D :D :D :D
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Be interesting during an eclipse
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Full moon tonight Image Image
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Interesting to hear peoples views on this subject  Image
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Fishing was alright today 7 roach on lobworm tail went about 5lb
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Be interesting during an eclipse

What the crappity smack have we done now? Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
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Will you be keeping an eye  :o on the moon phases over the coming months then  bill  Image
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Bark at the Moon


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Angler's Mail carp guru Colin Davidson gives his views on moon phases in our Dec 18 issue.
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Bark at the Moon


Unread post by bill yards »

Will you be keeping an eye on the moon phases over the coming months then bill

I honestly think this thread is for lunar tics Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
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So your over the moon then bill ?  Image Image Image  Image  Image
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Bark at the Moon


Unread post by bill yards »

I honestly think this thread is for lunar tics

Now it is definitely for Lunar tics Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
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Bark at the Moon


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That album brings back memories lads. i learnt every song note for note on my guitar !!!! Now we are talking !!! Great album  Image
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