peg 2 on the brinks thats a peg mark did a job on it the best weight off it for a few years
peg 8 greens not the best in the section but did win the section the week before with bleak
peg 16 2nd last week lee morley had to contend with all the canoes all day some would of dropped there heads
peg 8 archies no one had fished it only the night before with boilies and pellets
54 sutton 3rd in the section
38 sutton wrong end of the section but still had 3kg750 6points
bob greebury on the reeds 34 or 32 most of his fish on feeder not so sure how many would of done that
peg 2 sutton with peg one in this week first to fish a feeder as no one caught on the pole
kegworth 16 pete marlow caught 2kgs fished hard no one balled it around him made a differents not sure what peg number we had on the deeps but we managed 4th
lots of different approaches that others done do