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Who'll be first to keep a Donkey ?

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Who'll be first to keep a Donkey ?


Unread post by MarkV »

It seems the logical step.

Had a walk around Barston today and the other half was killing herself laughing at the amount on the barrows.

The amount of kit we take is just ridiculous.
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Who'll be first to keep a Donkey ?


Unread post by Simple »

I used to have a black plastic Sundridge box, my pole holdall and that was it. Oh and my landing net.
It amazing what we take these days. Struggle to get it in the car Image Image Image
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Who'll be first to keep a Donkey ?


Unread post by Drynet »

I had a Sunridge the one with the red lid Image my landing net was my carryall Image
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Who'll be first to keep a Donkey ?


Unread post by Simple »

hehe, yeah I did the same and yes it was the same box.
I had another one with some kind of adjustable legs on it :D
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Who'll be first to keep a Donkey ?


Unread post by TK »

Good topic Mark V.............

And a classic touch of the laterals Image

Does anybody do 3 meadows these days :o
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Who'll be first to keep a Donkey ?


Unread post by grover »

just had a thought, was'nt there once a 24 hour match run years ago? imagine you'd need a fair bit of gear for that? carpers are also guilty of taking a lot of gear,specially if they are going for a few days!!!
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Who'll be first to keep a Donkey ?


Unread post by craftytafty »

my idea of a good draw now is a short walk, preferably park behind your peg!!!!
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Who'll be first to keep a Donkey ?


Unread post by joffmiester »

i'l second that taffy Image Image
another enjoyable day yesterday even though it fished hard it really is a great venue  Image Image
i'm hoping to get on the last one but not sure if its on the same date as ivans match
NOW that is a p#ss take  Image Image Imagewith all the commercial wizards  Image Image
i'l get battered and it will be like the last man standing but a great occasion for a brilliant bloke  Image Image Image
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