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ff wk28

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Gathering Dust
Gathering Dust
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Joined: October 10th, 2006, 11:01 am
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ff wk28


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1 Motcombe Hotspurs Richard Chave 49 1,515
2 TKsSchizoidMen Tony Kulik 58 1,454
3 Dodgers Nobblers roger gardom 60 1,426
4 blazing saddlers simon rowley 45 1,349
5 Mini Man FC james barton thwaites 31 1,349
6 adamgardom adam gardom 32 1,343
7 swampy's rejects daniel carter 45 1,319
8 SENSAS SEVEN joff woodgett 59 1,268
9 Pete's Blues Peter Morton 51 1,237
10 GB's minnows Paul Brown 49 1,231
11 Budgies Potters Marcus Burgess 45 1,126
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