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This just shows what a bunch of w4nk3rs the F.A are.
Rewind 4 months ago. Mr Chelsea racially abuses Anton F and its caught on camera for everyone to see in all its glory. What happens? Its left to vanish into thin air with not a damn thing done to the england captain. STINKS.
Fast forward to now and we have a conversation made by two players that nobody heard or saw, no camera evidence, just the word of one player and boom, 8 game ban and a huge fine. No action taken againt P.E thought who has actually admitted insulting L.S in the worst form.
The F.A are a bunch a old men stuck in the past only intrested in saving their own face and money. Yes i am a Liverpool fan and yes i am going to be bias but jesus this just stinks to high hell.
to be honest the race card as been over used now adays and innocent people are sh1t scared now of the race card in every day life and no just sport.
Like what evry one as said what evidence as any one got of this incident? its one persons word against another. what next ? giggs claiming bent called him a taffy or sheep sh@gger
At the end of the day there is an agenda going on here.
As has been said Terry is next up.
Is he a racist? hard to believe that a person who is captain of one of the most multi cultural clubs out there could survive in his position if it were true.
At the end of it "Industrial language" gets used on a football pitch, it's a mans game.
So Mr chelsea is up for a £2500 fine and a good telling off then? What are the FA doing? Well just that, F.A.
Knowing those spineless barstools they will squirm out of having to throw the book at Mr chelsea by claiming the incident was not recorded in the refs match report and because of this they cant/wont do anything about it.
Still waiting for P.E to get some kind of discipline after he admitted to abusing L.S. in the worst possible terms. Oh wait.... Patrik is a Man Utd player....the FA wouldnt want to upset old red nose would they now?