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Curse Match 8 - Wyrley Essington

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Curse Match 8 - Wyrley Essington


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Was it something I said.....nobody posting for over a week :o
Wheres Sprucey????? Image
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Wheres Sprucey?????

I was wondering that. I miss his pictures Image Image
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Looking at these results, just thinking aloud.....perhaps we should fish the common more regularly in summer.........?
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4 year old thread revival TK Image Image
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Looking at these results, just thinking aloud.....perhaps we should fish the common more regularly in summer.........?

Yep SIMPs,but nobody answered me.......
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Unread post by Biggcol »

nothing changes there tk big baz walked again, and ha ha on an end peg. was that the peg i had 25lb off . its got to be worth
a go in the summer months i recon. have you seen all the fish
down there for spawning. ::) ;)
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Unread post by Biggcol »

thinking aloud again tk, we could probably have 20 matches
a year if we only had canal and river matches ;).
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thinking aloud again tk, we could probably have 20 matches
a year if we only had canal and river matches ;).

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Curse Match 8 - Wyrley Essington


Unread post by Obi »

Just my opinion but I don't think we fish "our" waters no where near enough....the more matches on there the better they will get and maybe more revenue for the club,just my opinion of course :tiphat

Quite fancy the odd midweek evening match come the lighter evenings/summer especially on the common/wood lane :tiphat
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Perhaps we'll see if we can resurrect them this year OBI

We could also have some knockups on Saturdays when there's no club match.....
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Curse Match 8 - Wyrley Essington


Unread post by TrevorBeckett »

I agree with OBI and feel that the Common / Wood Lane section could do with more of us fishing there as I suspect this would improve the fishery as fish get more used to the bait .

Happy New Year to all Cashmore / Gruellerites

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Curse Match 8 - Wyrley Essington


Unread post by MrV »

Quite fancy the odd midweek evening match come the lighter evenings/summer especially on the common/wood lane  :tiphat

I will second that :thumsup
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Unread post by Biggcol »

IN my opinion the no of tench and proper bream have dwindled
right down to what it used to be.
The pike no are extreamly high,i have had trouble with pike on
every match that ive fished and so have many other anglers.
The stamp roach are few and far between and unfortunatually
there seems to be more pikers than normal anglers these days.
for a canal that is easily accessable could and should be bringing
in conciderable revenue. Evening matches up the extention would draw 60 to 70 anglers plus when the chase social had it.
It was also policed on a daily basis by an elderly gentleman
by the name of ron,who used to travel up n down the towpath on a pushbike.
In all to bring it back to its former glory i believe that a restocking programe should be undertaken but before that
the assistance of rodbaston college should be sort on their advice n experiance which i believe doesnt cost anything.
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Unread post by Obi »

having fished the common/wood lane for 40 odd years there has always been a high proportion of pike in there just the same as the extention..maybe like Col said if some free advice out there why not look into it :tiphat

Still think it worth having a go at some evening matches even if just to see what the outcome is :tiphat
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Unread post by TK »

Many 100s of kilos of fish were introduced to Wood Lane & The Common only a couple of seasons ago...........
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Unread post by TK »

A couple of tons if you read this.......

http://www.canalworld.net/forums/index. ... opic=41841
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Unread post by Obi »

A couple of tons if you read this.......

So lets have a proper go at it then come the summer to see if they still there matey .. :thumsup

what better way to spend a nice summer evening than a spot of fishing on the wood lane stretch :cheerleader
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Curse Match 8 - Wyrley Essington


Unread post by Biggcol »

These fish must have moved on. It doesnt seem as though
those fish that were put in have settled in that erea unfortunatually.
If u take away the tench from the weights, since those fish were
put in the overall weights are reletively poor.
I could be wrong,who knows? All i know is that the fishing is knowere as good as it was.
There have been fish thefts that several members have herd about. This is probably why were not seeing or catching the big bream or tench down the extention.
I believe that rodbaston offers free advice on such matters
Also we need to police the canal better,someone to sell tickets
and check licsences and maybe even stop keepnets to help
prevent fish thefts.
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