The convoy didn’t last long though as we lost Sprucey as we shot up the A38, much to Heinzer’s concern as to our direction, whilst Sprucey continued along the A5 route.
15 minutes on and we are in the middle of nowhere driving down some country lanes, totally reliant on the Tom Tom as neither of us had fished this venue before.
My mobile rings, it’s Jonah.
‘Where are you? That postcode you gave me has taken us into a cul de sac. We’re lost.’

Well I hadn’t a clue where Jonah and Terry Turnip were, so we checked out the post code.

‘B79 0LH’
‘Yep, that’s what we’ve’ got’
I was a little concerened now, and fully anticipated ultimately joining Jonah’s lost van in the same cul de sac

However 10 mins on I was relieved to see a sign for Thorpe Constantine indicating it was 1.5 mls away and within a couple of minutes we pulled into the carpark.

A few minutes later and another call from Jonah - ‘Got any flares you can send up, we are still lost?’.

Quite a few members were assembled and KOD handed me the paperwork as he set off

It looked a nice venue and what’s more, a couple of pleasure anglers were already in situ and into fish………

10 minutes later, Jonah and Terry Turnip roll up. Apparently Terry had tapped a ‘O’ into the postcode, instead of a ‘0’ in the Tom Tom.

Wedgey also rolled up, chancing his arm that there would be a spare peg going. Well he needn’t have worried on that score, need he, as a known, but undeclared casualty for the day was revealed. The casualty was actually a real casualty - he’d been bitten by an adder at the same venue

With KOD having done the pegging

Arriving at my peg in that far corner, I was quite ‘happy’ with it

My peg............wind in the wrong direction?

Well there’s not a lot to report - on a personal note I snared a few small early carp, but struggled for 3 hours or more, as did all four of us in that corner, whilst I heard comments that others were ‘bagging’
Although the angling didn’t live up to expectations I must add that this match was the most ‘enjoyable’ I’ve experienced on the Cashmores circuit for a few years - this year I’ve experienced some dire matches in which there’s been barely a grunt from the members on adjoining pegs

Perhaps it was all down to me exorcising all of those miserable matches I’ve fished recently, making the most of the opportunity of some cracking company.

Talking of those in the corner……….it's time for a picture for Joffie
What a scream on the day - its non other than S*****h, sorry I mean Jonah to my right

And to my left, its Terry Turnip who was also in fine form

A smiling MGB two away to my right

And two away to my left, obviously on a flyer, my adversary on the day, MrV

Bagging down the back straight

Anyway onto the tale of the scales………….and first to set the benchmark was The Wedge

25 THE WEDGE 91.2.0
24 D JEFFERY 49.6.0
23 GOLDENBALLS 49.12.0
22 HEINZER 39.7.0
20 MGB 3.2.0
19 JONAH 23.7.0
18 TK 19.3.0
17 TERRY TURNIP 25.15.0
16 MR V 21.3.0
15 YAMO 69.4.0
14 B ASTBURY 89.1.0
13 R COTTERELL 30.1.0
12 SPRUCEY 45.15.0
11 M STANAWAY 35.1.0
10 JUAN CHUB 24.14.0
9 C CASHMORE 35.3.0
8 ABUMAN 38.4.0
6 KOD 26.11.0
5 M KENN 5.15.0
3 T COOPER 4.1.0
2 B BRADLEY 17.12.0
1 H MAIN 37.4.0
So there you have it - one fish between Wedgey and Big Baz - and I heard loads of fish were hooked and lost off some pegs - incl Big Baz who owned up I think to losing 15

Hats off to MrV too for ‘doing me’ and winning the knockout

Well that's telling it Azitiz from a TK perspective - all in all, a nice, clean tidy venue - I’m sure Cashmores will visit it again one day…………..