However, as it turned out, I needn’t have worried, as the holiday season kicked in, a few late sick notes were handed in and of course there’s always the CBA gang ::)
On Friday night I discussed pegging with Heinzer. Now I’d only ever walked the section upstream of the bridge. Heinzer had clocked the pictures on the DRAC website and was adamant that he wanted a downstream peg in the faster water. As for myself, I ‘knew’ how I wanted to fish the water, so told him he was welcome to have a downstreamer, I wanted one of the deeper upstream pegs Wasn’t fussed where, as long as it didn’t entail a ‘long’ walk.
Jonah accompanied us in convoy to the venue. 5 minutes away I had a call from Abuman who adised that it had been pegged out for us by the DRAC bailiff - a surprising but pleasant gesture - thanks DRAC.

Pegs 20 to 12 were above the bridge, pegs 11 to 1 below.
The draw was made………with almost everyone drawn I dipped in with a few pegs left in the bag………..aghhhhhhhhhh - peg 11 - first one below the bridge.

Off I trotted. Well I didn’t really cuss Heinzer was on end peg 1 - two meadows down - and he dropped me off.

The good thing about this section is that you can drive and park behind all of the pegs

Downstream of me on 10 was river crack Abuman - spose his forum name gives a bit of a clue.

The off. My inside threw up a few bleak. After 15 mins I was shocked

I plodded away, but the wind was a nightmare causing all sorts of problems in trying to ‘hold a line’.

The wag was only chucked a couple of times because with the pace within seconds I was in Abumans peg

Well not a lot else to report from me match wise - a couple of stripeys, a few roach in the last hour when I’d almost decided to pack up after having a ‘brolly up, brolly down’ sort of match. :(
The all out, packed up and waited for Mrv to come along with the scales and we’d plod down to weigh in from peg 1.
Heinzer however saved that extremely long plod to peg 1 and rolled up in the car to take us both down to that far downstream part of the river.

We weighed in and jumped aboard the car which sped things up, because as I say there were some extremely long gaps between anglers………

As suspected, Abuman set the benchmark after weighing in pegs 1 to 9, although rumours filtered down that someone above the bridge had ‘bagged up’.

With 2 golden pegs in the bag, one was safe as Yamo on 7 weighed in, but that other was above the bridge. I’d got it in my head that the GP’s were 7 and 14.

After Abuman, neither myself or Millie were anywhere close and MrV on 13 weighed in. Couldn’t quite push Abuman, but a nice bag of roach and silvers.
Next to Jonah on ‘GP’ 14. He fell just short of MrV by half ounce and took quite a bit of flack for ‘blowing’ a golden peg and missing out on 100 sovs or so

The guys above him had tipped back.
It was then I noticed the hieroglyphics scribbled on the results sheet……..

The GP’s were actually peg 7 & 13

Despite finishing 2nd on the day to that river crack known as Abuman, MrV had actually taken the GP pot (visitors do not participate in it) - without realising it

Well from a treasurers perspective - if it’s go to go, good to see it going on a river, rather than a commie…….and reward for those members who take the trouble to turn out and fish the ‘natural’s (Sorry Gill, pop over)

Anyway here’s the tale of the scales………
14 JONAH 7.9.8
13 MRV 7.10.0
12 MILLIE 1.2.4
11 TK 2.8.10
10 ABUMAN 8.13.8
9 COTTI 5.5.10
7 YAMO 3.7.6
6 JUAN CHUB 3.14.12
5 ZORRO 1.2.15
4 KOD 2.8.8
2 BRAMBLES 0.3.0
1 HEINZER 2.7.6
So congrats to MrV……………….and one thing coming out of this match (besides seeing that the river isn’t dead) - I’ve got a ghost to exorcise next year on there