Well to be honest, we aint quite half way through this season and that cloud of doom and despondency is already consuming me………….particularly after the latest

In fact on Sat I was scratching my head as to a title for this topic and what the hell I was going to pen……….. but here goes………..

The venue was the Evesham Jubilee AC fishery - a venue I hadn’t seen before, although I’d booked a match at the fishery last year and had received a number of positive comments, hence the revisit.
However this time we were on a different pool…………..the Withies Pool - with 25 pegs booked and paid for on this snake like venue with us allocated pegs 1 - 30.
There was another reasonable Cashmores turnout for this one……..21 members and 3 guests - who were incidentally all on the membership ‘waiting list’ - but may have changed their minds after this

On arrival after a 40 odd mile trip, first things first…………,I had to pay out Hotlips his golden peg monies after his convincing win on the cut last match.
The draw made, Although we had ‘reversed pegged’ the pool, with our peg 1 on peg 30 etc I soon realised that my peg for the day - peg 11, perm 20, wasn’t amongst the ‘noted’ areas

Sprucey Ducey was a happy bunny……………he’d avoided the scales for a change

Strange that…………I never saw him again for the duration of the match……………wonder why

I traipsed up to my peg for the day……………and must admit, it looked a beaut.

To my left I had HAHA for company and Mr Vig to my right.
Soon plumbed up and set up with a conscious plan of what how I was going to approach the match………only one thing struck me - very little evidence of fish activity in the vicinity, despite it being quite a warm morning

However a little trot round ‘the corner’ revealed…………..
Back to the box and the off.
Lines fed and Ha Ha to my left soon hooks and looses two, then follows that up with first a carp, and then a ‘chub’, whilst I’m biteless……………..and so is Mr Vig

An hour into the match and I’m ‘under pressure’………..HaHa hasn’t added anymore, but Mr Vig has avoided the dreaded dry net with an ide and a couple of caster roach.

In fact it was almost two hours into the match when I managed to avoid blanking with a small ide.
This was followed by a stripey and at lengthy intervals by some of the smallest ide I’d ever seen.
Bites were at a premium amongst us on 8 to 15…………..

What did I do wrong

What did I do right

Did I do anything right

What should I have done differently

Well I spose looking at the tale of the scales I should have scratted out a few more ounces for what would have turned out to be a few extra points…………I didn’t realize it was that ‘tight’ amongst us strugglers

Sorry Joffie no pictures from me…………the camera stopped in the box as I struggled to come to terms with the venue in the quest for a few bites.
Hopefully Sprucey Ducey will stick one or two up, although as I said earlier he didnt pop round and take any ‘action’ shots from by us…………..well that would have been difficult for him anyway, cuss there wasn’t any action

Enough of my waffle, here’s the tale of the scales with who did what and from where…………..
1 SPRUCEY 40.4.0
2 JONAH 5.10.0
4 F K 3.12.0
5 KOD 2.5.0
6 HOTLIPS 2.4.0
7 YAMO 11.0.0
8 TERRY DNW - 1 roach
9 MGB 1.7.0
10 MR VIG 1.2.0
11 TK 2.1.0
12 HAHA 3.8.0
13 PHIL B 2.5.0
14 GEOFF C 1.5.0
15 ABUMAN DNW - ???
16 RICHARD C 8.0.0
17 BRAMBLES 1.6.0
18 GEOFF 0.8.0
19 TOMMY COOPER 10.1.0
20 MICK KENN 1.2.0
21 HEINZER 16.3.0
22 MILLIE 20.8.0
23 JUAN CHUB 8.4.0
24 COTTI 14.7.0
Anybody wanna swap any Pringle gear for a pole or two…………….