Still trying to track down an email address to confirm CURRENT rules/regs.............
This was what I posted last year, copied from an email at that time.......
Postcode B79 0LH
Bait bans are as follows;
No pellets to be used on the fisheries at all.
No hemp or realted baits.
No cat or dog foods of any sort.
Luncheon meat to be used on the hook only, no free feeding.
No boillies.
No blood worm or Joker.
No floating baits.
No tiger nuts.
Ground bait to be used in pole cup or small cage feeder, no balling in.
Tackle bans are as follows;
No method feeders at all.
No baggin waggler,chompers or rocket feeders.
Barbless hooks only.
No braid to be used at all.
No cage feeders to be used on poles.
Could you please state to your members that 2 keepnets are required, anyone turning up at the fisheries without 2 keepnets will be refused fishing . All keepnets and landing nets are to dipped before fishing .
Tony can you rub my name off plese mate as my backs still play merry hell :(
cheers TK I understand.Dunno Wedgey - I'll add you to the list - will have to confirm one way or the other later in the week - I'm still waiting to hear of anymore casualties............but there again often the calls never come
Do we have the whole pool?