Bit late with this posting of the results - been a bit ‘strapped for time’ to put pen to paper as DaveC will probably appreciate………

If I’d have posted earlier I’d have probably kicked off in grumpy old man mode

This was a venue that I knew a few ‘fancied’

Only to find on the morning that we had a disappointing turnout of 16 members and just the 4 guests I thought I could accommodate

See Gill (one of our forum ‘visitors’) - sorry to disappoint you - just goes to show I don’t have a pop all the time in my write ups

Anyway back to the venue. I’d tried to book Cuttle Mill for the club a few years ago, only to learn that at that time it was pleasure only, no matches.

Goldenballs had whet mine, and other’s appetite I dare say, with tales over the last few months of ‘You’ll love it. Forget the carp, go for the silvers. You’ll do 50 to 60lb. They are all stampers. ::) Can you stick me down for it if there’s a spare peg?’
This was also reinforced by other reports I’d had of dog roach running up to the occasional 2 to 3lber.

So it was a caster and chop approach for me, rightly or wrongly, with a kilo of corn and some ‘get out of jail’ mags as back up………………….just in case

With it just being a 25 min ride to the venue I’d managed to talk Heinzer into letting me have a lie in

Arriving at the venue, nets dipped I had a sneak look at the pool as KOD and MrV had already ‘sorted’ the pegging.

Looked nice, very nice.

I found myself on permanent peg 9. Nice looking peg, with feature brambles to my left, a bush to my right and an island at about 30 yards.
I was expecting 4-5 foot, but on plumbing found about 2 ft 6 ins all over the peg - it was flat as a pancake.

5 rigs were set up to cover a variety of eventualities, plus an insert wag on the rod which I hoped wouldn’t be called in to action, but set up just in case my pole lines ‘died’ on me.
‘Don’t take any mag - there’s thousands of gudgeon in there - you’ll get bit out’ I’d been reliably informed.

Well first put in, whilst feeding caster on a couple of lines, I slipped a mag on and guess what…………yep, a gobie within 5 seconds. :D ‘Pucka info’ I thought to myself.
On with the caster nowt.

MrV to my right snaffled a couple of early netter roach on the chop. A quick swap I picked a couple up too

To be honest there’s not a lot left to report…………..the 5 hours slipped by as we all appeared to struggled for bites.

In fact Sprucey two pegs away was walking half way through - think he was dry till the last hour

And just where were those thousands of gobies?

A couple of half hour looks on the wag produced quite a few bites which I couldn’t hit…………..till I found out they were micro 1.5 inch silvers - and often, using barbless, they came off half way across their 30 yard journey from the sanctuary of the island to my waiting paws.

Forgot just how quick that Diaflash rod of mine is at picking up the line on the strike

Whilst a few bits and pieces came off the hook,

Oh and just a thought. The conditions - grey and cloudy for most of the day - with a few spots of threatening rain on a few occasions. Well it was on our side of the pool, but KOD must have thought he was in Barcelona or elsewhere

The all out - what an anti climax it had been. Reckoned I’d got about 2lb - a poor weight off our cut!!!
Then to make matters worse, MrV, who’d blown me away with that breme, reminded me that it was the semi final of the knock out.

As we packed away, tales filtered of some that had struggled,

Here’s the tale of the scales
4 JUAN CHUB 1.0.0
5 ZORRO 7.0.0
7 SPRUCEY 4.10.0
8 MR V 4.2.0
9 TK 2.12.0
10 HEINZER 1.8.0
12 HAHA 8.8.0
13 RICH C 12.3.0
14 MILLIE 7.8.0
19 GEOFF C 9.4.0
20 MGB 2.13.0
21 PHIL B 0.12.0
22 KOD 16.0.0
25 BRAMBLES 1.2.0
So that’s KOD the winner committed to coming to the presentation night next year

As we loaded up the cars I was surprised

Well you can make that 6……………..cuss I’ve certainly got a ghost to exorcise there too after Saturday - and as you know, I’m always up for a grueller

So you never know, Cuttle Mill could be on the cards again next year

Now over to Sprucey babe for some pictures cuss Joffies probably having withdrawal symptoms waiting this long for em