At the end of the match, when I initially thought a ‘contributing’ member of these forums had snatched a victory, I thought to myself, ‘Great, I can have a ‘weekend off’ and he can post the ‘report’ from a victors perspective’…………

So here we go…………I’ll try not to be too boring. Just remember crap carp fishing isn’t exactly my forte - to be brutally honest I don’t think I’ve a clue what I’m doing as all of my best laid plans - and I’ve tried a few - never seem to come to fruition

Following advice from OBI

Spose my negativity of the day started half way on the way to the venue with the realization that I’d left my ‘snap and drinks’ in the fridge.

So my input for this match organisationally was minimal as I basically left Heinzer, KOD and Cheslynboy as designated treasurer for the day as I went off in search of a sarnie at the café.Cheers guys

Now where did I not wanna draw today? I could remember watching the Chockie Munster fish an open a year or two back and struggle - along with several of the adjacent anglers - on the lhs section. See Joffie - proof that Leroy doesn’t always draw flyers or end pegs.

With only a few pegs left in the bag, what did I pull out……….……peg 28.

Remember, last match I’d had Big Baz giving me earache for 5 hours off the next peg, whereas today I just couldn’t see where the banter was going to come from.

We kicked off 15 mins early as requested ‘by the management’ to facilitate the weighing in that the fishery does as there was an open on the adjacent match pool.
8 lines were fed.

3 lines ‘tight’ across, one with OBI’s SB

Seeing everyone go tight over, I thought I’d let these settle for 10 mins, and I went down the track over’s OBI’s SB

A bite

A gudgeon

Another bite

Another gudgeon

A third bite

A third gudgeon.

Sod this, a look tight across on OBIs SB

On a differing tight line I picked up a couple of v small tincas on a change bait.
But it was quiet for me, similar to those few anglers I could see……..so being the lazy so and so I am I came shorter. In fact not a bad move as I picked up a few bits and pieces and had about 5lb in the net in the first 45 mins before things died…………

In fact things were a tad difficult for most in view, other than for Heinzer on ‘opposite’ bank peg 24 in the corner who appeared to be catching at regular intervals and KOD a few pegs away who was plundering a shoal of goldfish whilst Big Baz on the next peg went 1.5 hours without a bite.

Talking of goldfish, dunno how KOD managed to snare them - those in my peg had 'other' things on their mind.........in fact lots were almost 'up the bank' as they thrashed about. If I'd have been so inclined I'm sure I could have scooped up a couple of pound of 'em to boost my weight

Struggling for bites even on the mag, I was bored out of my tree………reflected by the fact that I only bothered to get the camera out of my box once to catch this sight of a pigeon that landed on KODs pole causing a bit of a stir further down the bank.

TBH, at 12.15pm I could have gone home…………..but Heinzer was the pilot
So on a even lighter rig I set up I managed to wheedle out a few fish in those last couple of hours that tested the lackie and the hook length, until I latched into a better sample in the 4-5lb category that played me for about10 mins. As I managed to get it closer, I saw why……foul hooked in the gut…………..putting more and more pressure on it to try and get it up in the water, the hook pulled……….

I knew KOD had had a good first half of the match, that Heinzer kept netting fish and that Cheslynboy out of view was having one a bung. How the rest of the pool was fishing I hadn’t a clue.
The one saving grace was that I’d got my nose in front of the two anglers either side of me - that was until Rich C to my left had a 7lber with about 35 mins left……….then proceded to have a similar sized fish with 20 mins left. I knew I had been blown away by those two fish…………
Despite all on reflection looking at the results, all in all it was not a bad 'match' - no body walked it, and there’s some decent chasing back up weights.

16 Sprucey 15.9.0
18 MrV 17.8.0
20 Cotti 26.0.0
22 Cheslynboy 26.7.0
24 Heinzer 16.14.0
25 Blues4eva 9.0.0
26 Yamo 6.0.0
28 TK 16.10.0
29 R Cashmore 20.4.0
31 KOD 22.0.0
32 Big Baz 21.6.0
34 Veste 10.0.0
35 M Evans 14.10.0
37 HaHa 28.10.0
38 Ball it In DNW
40 Zorro 24.0.0
41 Lasher 7.7.0
43 G Cashmore 8.2.0
44 MGB 5.14.0
A Phil B 10.10.0
B Harry the Hitman 26.11.0
C Tommy Cooper 14.14.0
Pegs A,B & C were in the disabled section, not sure where they fit in with the pegging - perhaps OBI or Snowie can advise.
Ps - good to see you again Snowie

Pps - last time I tell you owt Heinzer

Over to Sprucey for a picture or two
[reason]Correction to heinzers peg no[/reason]