My early rise obviously didn’t go un noticed as Hotlips and FK were tucking into the obligatory ‘full english’ as I walked in with FK quipping ‘What’s the matter with you, wet the bed?

Sarnie picked up for later consumption, we arrived early for the draw, where there was some debate between the ‘pegger outers’ as to the boundaries of the section we were booked on.

In MGB mode, match fees were soon collected and as the ‘pegger outers’ returned we were ready for the draw.
Despite my claims that because of a Dickie knee I should ‘qualify’ for an early number draw, my pleading fell on deaf ears - or was it jears. Apparently my supportive ::) club members wouldn’t allow me membership of the short walk clan of Brambles, Harry the Hitman and FK - and I dreaded the draw which would probably entail me on a mega hike again.

‘Let Chockie Munster’ draw for you, he’ll pull you a short walk flyer’ suggest Simps.

So I did……….
And what did the Chockie Munster pull me…………
Peg 17

Now when you fish a cut match with the Cashmores clan, there’s 3, possibly 4 members if I include Cotti the Warburton King, that you don’t want to be drawn next to if you are gunna fancy your chances as they are the best cut anglers in the club……..namely Big Baz, MrV and Sprucey.
Realizing my plight with the old footy war wound in that knee causing me some grief, I thought it was very ‘sporting’

I declined Sprucey’s offer and trudged off, little realizing at that moment that he was probably wishing to accompany me so that he could see my facial reaction when I learnt which members were going to be keeping me company either side for the day.

Talk about wanting to escort me to the proverbial hangman’s noose.

Who did I find in situ on my arrival at peg 17?
Big Baz to my left

And MrV to my right

Rigs all set up, and gb mixed up off I trotted to check out all the feature pegs that the surrounding competition appeared to have, including Cheslynboy sitting on a nice bush that he felt pretty sure had coughed up a 10lb plus roach weigh on a recent club match.

Anyway onto the highlights of my match……..

Along with Mrv, I started on the inside having fed a few lines across at 10, 12 and 2oclock, up and down shelves in places, whilst everyone else appeared to go straight over.
After a few minutes, the dry net was avoided with a roach taken whilst the cut was pulling hard.

After about 10 mins it was one fish apiece for me and MrV off the inside, whilst Big Baz was still dry across.

I gave it another 10 mins, winkling out another couple of bits. MrV then played his master card and went over and started catching 1-2oz roach regularly.

I went over two of my long gb and squat lines and started emulating Big Baz……….with nowt - not a sniff off a pongo or small silver.

One probable big difference as to why MrV started catching over whilst both myself and Big Baz was struggling……………..there on the other side of the bridge was Cotti and MrV had clocked him catching fish from the off……….and 3 guesses, but 2 don’t count

Yep MrV was battering us on the punch. After a hour or so, with me just edging Big Baz by 8 fish to 6 (by returning inside) with nowt still to show for spells across, it was then when I coined the headline for this report - ‘Punch drunk’ as MrV continued to catch……….

Then Big Baz struck

Big Baz was rubbing it in as we’d had the obligatory £1 side bet before the off……. and man can he rub it in.

With 2 hours 15 mins gone and only a further gratefully netted 4 oz perch snuck from lower down the far shelf, it was time for TK to play his master card and try to get out of jail.

That 2 oclock far line had been trickled with casters for the last couple of hours………time for a look on it following Big Baz’s last caster fish.

On with a caster, still on the 1lb.4oz rig complete with a size 22 PR31 fine wire hook and first put in and the float sails straight away………….

Fish on…………and it aint a bad un as the no4 lacky comes out.

After its initial surprise at being hooked I’ve now got it into the track. I can tell it’s a slimey by its fight………… Sh*te

The lacky is stretching as I bring it closer to the nearside, albeit it is now several yards ‘down stream’ from me added by the flow. Got another problem………..small landing net head.

Aided by the ‘encouraging’

Right I’m back in contention as Big Baz cusses and chunters for the next hour

A look to my left - and is he in?????????????

Nah - he's snagged up good and proper - go on, give that lackie a whack with the landing net

Mind he did manage to get his own back, call it poetic justice, and have a laff at yours truly when I lost one of my TBF floats across, snagged as I was swinging round to answer the phone.

Time creaps on and MrV’s punchline has died,

‘The Chockie Munster must be having a few too’ I comment, ‘Being as he aint walking’

Low and behold, 5 mins later, up strolls the Chockie Munster and gives me a wave………well I think it was a wave

Guddo, looks like we are quits on the Mars Bar front

With nowt further showing on the caster line, and despite rotating all lines, all I manage to snare is a further skimmer out of the track……………that’s 3 fish in the last 3 hours.

With half hour to go……….a quick stretch of the legs.
Cheslynboy is cussing at the no of boats

And what’s this, despite owning up to having a couple of lb, Simps has spent half the match tying up rigs for the morning
You've got a couple of lb and you are tying rigs up for tomorrow!!!!

A return to the box and hurrah the golden peg is safe as Hotlips calls it a day

Anyway enuff of the waffle and onto the tale of the scales and who did what from where………
1 BRAMBLES 0.12.3
2 F K 1.5.4
4 MGB 0.10.0
5 SPRUCEY 5.10.3
8 VESTE 0.12.13
10 ROBERTO 0.7.10
11 YAMO 3.0.0
13 ZORRO 3.1.2
14 HEINZER 2.0.12
15 COTTI 7.3.8
16 MR V 3.8.10
17 TK 4.4.13
18 BIG BAZ 2.7.7
19 KOD 0.4.0
20 ABUMAN 3.4.4
21 HOTLIPS 1.4.4
23 M EVANS 0.8.6
24 G CASHMORE 0.11.15
25 SIMPS 2.2.0
Over to David Sprucey Bailey who appeared to take more pickies than the paparazzi………..