Pegs 14 - 40
(Rules to follow)
Right guys - 25 pegs booked and paid for.
There are 27 of us - 24 plus the 3 honorary life members.
Confirmed member casualties at the moment are
Mick Kenn
Harry the Hitman
This takes us down to 24
So Abuman who was first on the ‘waiting list’ makes an ‘early cut’ and joins us

KOD issues the results sheets with a note asking members unable to fish a match to let either myself or Dave know (asap). Pegs are paid for and sometimes these can be covered by some member’s friends wanting to join us for the day.
Tthe majority of members do ‘tip me the wink’ if they are going to miss a match and I thank you for that.

But sadly - no it’s annoyingly really - not all members can be arsed bothered to pick up the phone.

I ask - Is it too much for us to expect the courtesy of a call?
Waiting in the wings for anymore casualties are
Hopefully I’ll be in contact with you both ‘nearer the date’…………….