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Your right Dave I seem to draw that bank every time I think it's that old hat you use to draw the pegs from that is confusing my drawing hand
Time you invested in a proper bag me thinks ::)
As for Mr Morton
As for the blog I'm on the case but have only just started the first day at Rolfs :( and with the matches coming thick and fast for the next few weeks it may be Christmas before I catch up
I dont know what ZORRO will have to say about you taking his name Keith.
Zorro schmorro; crapity smackin pinnochio jokio.
When your the fastest strike in the West I can see it makes all the missabites jealous. And when you consistently catch loadsafish, well estimating's bound to be a bit more difficult innit - Keith'll know just what I mean.
I dont know what ZORRO will have to say about you taking his name Keith.
Zorro schmorro; crapity smackin pinnochio jokio.
When your the fastest strike in the West I can see it makes all the missabites jealous. And when you consistently catch loadsafish, well estimating's bound to be a bit more difficult innit - Keith'll know just what I mean.
Bugger me Dave, even you couldn't miss that one, it nearly dragged the rod in.
I didnt have to feed much to get that bite did I Peter, I thought they might be a bit finicky after all the abuse they got on Saturday, but it looks like they are having it.
Al........ Son, whats going on your following daddies footsteps. Starting off the year in fine form and then fading away in to the distance :(
simple al is being very clever ,he isnt going out to beat every one as dave might not invite him again to his matches ..by fishing like a numpty he gets plenty of invites .
I didnt have to feed much to get that bite did I Peter, I thought they might be a bit finicky after all the abuse they got on Saturday, but it looks like they are having it.
If thats the best you can come up with I am really worried