On Friday morning, received a tell call enquiring whether the match was still on due to rainfall earlier in the week,

Made a few phone calls during the morning and also had dialogue with a Severn expert who got in touch with his contacts. The suggestion was whilst there was about 3ft on, it was running off and we should ‘have a few’.

Geed up by this news, our venue ‘expert’ also intended to guest on this match.

Saturday morning.
The BDM’s intended plan was to supplement float tactics with a pellet & paste in the feeder attack.

Was this a total error on his part

Certainly looked like it as just about to pull into the car park, a guy could be seen on the downstream end of the section, rod bent double, playing a fair sized fish……….

Earlier talk of possibly needing 30-40lb of barbel seemed a distinct possibility.

With a considerable number of casualties, which helped pegging out, the requisite number of swims were decided upon.
3 golden pegs were also in the bag. The pot, standing at £262, must surely go with only 11 members in attendance thought BDM.
The draw was made and Phil B, Yamo and Tommy Cooper found themselves on the golden pegs.

Our resident expert drew in the vicinity he wished, likewise BDM at nearly the opposite upstream end.

With no feeder rod to set up, a ‘heavy’ stick float was soon set up and upon plumbing up, the BDM found 10ft plus under the rod tip, dropping off further to 14ft a rod length out. Two 6 mtr whips were also set up, each with differing rig set ups.

The off. An attempt to plunder one of the lines was aborted after about 15 mins with nowt to show for it

A few bits and pieces were wheedled out by the BDM, but it was slow going…………..however it appeared it was much slower for some of the members as after an hour or so our 'guest' advised that anglers down the far end were fairing even worse off.
This news was seemingly supported by the clubs chief scribe, MarkV who also decided to stretch his legs.
Time drifted on.
Would Haha latch into a munster........

Late into the match, news reached BDM that KOD had snared a couple of barbel.

What else had Zorro slipped into the net to go with those chub?

Eslewhere, Brambles was apparently reported to be bagging on silvers and Yamo was having a few off one of the golden pegs.

The absence of ‘bank walkers’ from the downstream pegs also intimated that a few members might now be bagging, whilst BDM struggled to keep in touch with those few bits and pieces………..
Big Geoff was concentrating on that inside stick line

Phil B was all smiles as he'd caught

Heinzer’s whistle heralded the end of this epic battle as the 5 hours had fled by…………
Soon after packing away, the scales arrived to reveal all…………….. ::)
1 ZORRO 0.13.6
3 TK 1.9.3
4 PHIL B 0.0.15 GP
5 BIG GEOFF 0.0.6
7 YAMO 0.11.0 GP
9 BRAMBLES 0.4.14
10 MARKV 0.2.11
13 KOD 0.13.0
Zorro had snared a few bits to supplement his couple of small chub.
BDM finished with a total of 41 fish, 30 to the lb, 34 bleak and 7 small (less than1oz) roach.
Phil B snared a solitary gudgeon to avoid the dreaded ‘dry net’ whilst Big Geoff’s two minnows also scored a mega league points,
Brambles hadn’t bagged enough silvers to challenge top spot and KOD’s two barbel, supplemented with a ‘stamp’ dace also failed to crack the lb mark.

Ah well, one of these days we might just catch the right conditions for a river match if we keep trying………………
The river in all it's splendour

[move]And finally....................[/move]
Not sure what the guesting Chockie Munster thought of it all