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the dwarfs were scraping before long all hell broke out
and with a crash bang wallop santa entered the building,gathered the dwarfs up in his sack and through them in the back of the slayand headed off back to the woods
where he asked the question
They were looking for lobworms when suddenly they bumped into a very tall yokel thems will work well on my loughborough canal matches said the yokel, with all the joker going in thats all you will catch on come the semi final the yokel then turned around and told Simps to pull his trousers up
with his camera in hand and a pervy smile on his face he turned to his cashmore cronnies and said the pictures ive just taken of what simps and gemma were doing will make me a few quid when i send them into ....................
cannock chase. Simps and gemma were today seen in toys are us in the lego section looking at box sets of lego houses as gemma had told simps she wanted it built this year ready for the proud arrival of there new little .......................
Which turned out to be nothing less than a twig that got caught up in all the cross dressing so he cast it aside and decided .............................
Yes , the truth was out Doggin was 1 of woodhouses favourite past times, , He had first slipped into this seedy business when he had stayed in Sids cafe carpark late 1 night
and bumped into a very long Crappity Smacker disquised in a darf vader outfit who was also doing a bit of doggin but had told the tank commander he was down at the woodies ???
They became good mates through their dark side and are now constantly in touch which has lead to .......
the canal tow paths being littered with extra dog cr@p, as woodhouse and Crappity Smacker had miss understood what dogging was about and thought it was about giving every dog (4 legged type) around tipton a length. Because of this evrey dog, cat and anything with or with out 4 legs were cr@pping themselves and all over the tow paths that one of these two pervs were going to catch them and slot them
unsuspecting drunks and druggies on canal towpaths, that would willingly join them in their sordid orgies and new film called the dogging dwarves strike back, they would stalk there prey at the withching hour , but 1 night they came across....................