My experiance..
Ive only left home for just over 3months, and i was 19 when i went (20 now)- having never cooked/done my own washing etc, mum always did it- spoilt i know, having younger brother/sister mum had to do it for them so i somehow got away with it too

The oppotunity of working in the Tackle Shop came up, i had a good think about it- the pro's, the con's. Thankfully i had my familys full support and they helped and advised with any of my daft questions. Finding somewhere to live close by to work/Si and within 2weeks i thought, fount and lived and made life changeing descions!
I wont lie and say i wasnt scared- cuz i bloody well was! Living with someone i dont know, working somewhere new, but i didnt want to ruin my chance of a better life, where i could pay debts off in time, have a full time job, and be closer to someone who goes by the name of Simple and save him money in petrol!

It was hard the day i left not knowing when we would be visiting again and not just down the road to pop in and have a cuppa tea or owt. Accepted that and new i had to get on with life. Ive always been a daddys girl, mostly got on great with dad, but i was glad to have his and mums approval and would have to get used to not having dad around who was more like a best mate to me.
It was hard leaving home. When one crys another starts! My lil brother (who was 5) asked me 'Gem when you come back will you buy us a present like when you went on holiday to Portugal?!' How sweet! I couldnt find no words to say to him and didnt want him thinking i was going away and never coming back. My sister being 12 understood, although she was more pleased with having my old bedroom!
Ive tried my best and often think i should be able to cook a nice dinner, but after getting home from work i just want food there and then and go for the easiest option so i dont exactly try to cook fancy things
I did have a slight bad feeling it would go horribly wrong for me living somewhere new with no parents to sort me out with food/washing/cleaning/money etc and basicly living by myself. Ok not quite by myself but renting a room in someones house who i had only met once when i viewed the room! I had visions the woman could of been a loon or something!
But i was determind to do everything i could to settle in and get on with life. Si been there all the time when i was happy and sad, same as his family who have been excellent to me. Its helped loads knowing that there are people close by if i ever need anything.
Its quite scarey living in the big world with family 2+hours away no mum cooking and cleaning up after me and all the other things we take for granted when we lived at home.
Has its downsides, like where i live she doesnt leave the heating on low at night (which i really miss from home!), and i cant dry my clothes in a tumble dryer or put them on the radiators (i have to use a daft airer lol). But its not my house or place so i have to respect what i can and cant do.
Living at home id think nothing of just lyeing on the setee watching tv, but in someone elses house it doesnt quite seem right.
But overall its one of the better moves i have made, and for once i made a big decision about my life- for me, i wanted to be closer to Si, have a job- and something went my way for once

I didnt think i would be saying that 5months ago!

Ive had ups, ive had downs. Managed to pay 3 of my 4 debts off so far, learnt to go steady with my money and spend it wisely and to put my prioritys in order and then think about treats. Budgeting and not wasteing it basicly.
Visiting was abit weird forgetting where plates and things were kept, things had changed etc. Took my brother a long time to even give me a cuddle or acknoledge me- but i can see why he was weery when id been gone a couple of months then go back for a day or so! In the end he was ok and was excited about seeing Si then me!
its abit odd at the mo, 1st xmas away from home. Woman i live with doesnt do christmas- no decs, no tree etc. At home used to love helping with the tree, crazy lights everywhere etc. But ill get used to it ive been leant a fibre optic tree for my room to keep the xmas spirit!
Going back to visit sometime over xmas which will be nice but weird too!
Thanks for sticking by me Si- even on my bad days, when ive been moody, when ive said the wrong thing, when ive been emotional and providing me with love and hugs through-out, means more than you know.

Anyway, speech over, thankyou all, goodnight! Im hopefully going to finish xmas shopping tomorrow

Anyone willing to share there moving out of parents experiances?