Hope its fishing well for everyone?!
It was until a bunch of brain dead arseholes turned up....
Our match was from 10-3.
1.30pm the clowns for the next match turned up with radio's blaring and tooting their horns. The car park is about 10 meters from the pool.
They then proceed to bring their tackle behind me and have conversations behind our members.
2pm they started to walk round and pegs out !!
I was catching shallow until they turned up making a crappity smack racket
Lodge Farm AC or whoever you are, thanks for wrecking our match you bunch of complete arseholes. >:(
This happened on ELMBRIDGE before. The greedy farmer needs to tell people to hold back, keep quiet and respect the people that are STILL fishing.
Pure GREED getting 2 matches in one day. When we pay our peg fee's that is for the day not just the duration of the match.
We was all having a laugh and the banter was flowing but if all stopped when the circus rolled into town. Wankers!!!!
I'm well racked off