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Unread post by TK »

For info.....

Sat 7th Feb - Staffs Worcs Canal Deepmore Lane/Calf Heath Marina

Sat 14th Feb - Staffs Worcs Canal Moat House

Sat 21st Feb - Staffs Worcs Canal Deepmore Lane/Calf Heath Marina

Sat 28th Feb - Staffs Worcs Canal Moat House
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Unread post by MrV »

Is this a buy one get one free offer BDM ? Not like you to book somewhere we have to pay :rofl :rofl
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Unread post by Biggcol »

Ok lads me and Tk have sorted something a little different for the up coming matches. We have arranged access to the canal via the pub end at calfheath marina. This is just a short walk to the marina mouth via a little walkover bridge.
The pub has only recently re opened and the gaffa tells me he will sort some hot sandwiches out before the draw. It would be nice if anglers could pop in for a swift half as a show of appreciation for giving us access.

This is wolverhamtons water as some of you may know so there will be "no" bloodworm n joker allowed. This should give everybody some practice for the upcoming league matches.
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Unread post by Biggcol »

The other venue is behind the moathouse in penkridge.
If u travel from Penk out towards Acton trussel you Wii run parallel with the canal on your right for approx 300yds. You will then go over the canal ,take your first left and follow the lane until you come to the first lot of houses on the left. This is we're we shall draw before parking up. Both these venues are quite sheltered .
I will post sat nav adress closer to the match. :thumsup
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Unread post by Biggcol »

Is this a buy one get one free offer BDM ? Not like you to book somewhere we have to pay  :rofl :rofl

I do try and keep the price down Paul as you know there are some pensioners ,disadvantaged and down right tight buggers who fish with us. Fortunately Tk has arranged a reduced price of £2 peg which is cheaper than the fiver day ticket normally charged. :thumsup
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Unread post by TRICAST62 »

moat house st17 0rj
calf heath marina wv10 7du
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Unread post by MrV »

moat house st17 0rj
calf heath marina wv10 7du

God bruv....tha like a walking Google map :rofl :rofl :nana
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Unread post by kod »

Naa his already been down practicing :nana
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Unread post by Biggcol »

Naa his already been down practicing  :nana

I'll put money on it,he's getting some inside information from somewhere :-/ :facepalm
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Unread post by Biggcol »

Blues and Tricast are fishing this weekend so that's the end pegs gone :-/ :toungeout
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Unread post by TK »

Naa his already been down practicing  :nana

I'll put money on it,he's getting some inside information from somewhere :-/ :facepalm

Who me :whistle :whistle :whistle
Phil B
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Unread post by Phil B »

Will they accept white fivers?
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Unread post by Biggcol »

Naa his already been down practicing  :nana

I'll put money on it,he's getting some inside information from somewhere :-/ :facepalm

Who me  :whistle :whistle :whistle

It's alright if it's you tone cus what you know you could write on the back of a stamp with a felt tip pen :nana :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Unread post by Biggcol »

Will they accept white fivers?

Not the ones your printing off phil ::) you might just have to squeeze one of them crisp fifties out :tiphat
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Unread post by TrevorBeckett »

Chaps if your starting a list then I am ok for 7/2 and 21/2 - if I fish the same venue twice will that make me a venue specialist ?

Good luck for tomorrow ( sorry cannot join you )

Trevors Top Angling Tips ( #6) – Lost your last disgorger ? make sure this never happens by buying them in bulk and hiding one in the bottom of your basket
Trevor B
Enthusiastic but not always efficient
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Unread post by Biggcol »

For those of you who fancy a breki or sandwich a few of us are going to the cafe on the towers industrial estate ,
Towers plaza wheelhouse rd rugely ws 151UN . :thumsup
Around 7'30am.
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Unread post by MrV »

For those of you who fancy a breki or sandwich a few of us are going to the cafe on the towers industrial estate ,
Towers plaza wheelhouse rd rugely ws 151UN . :thumsup
Around 7'30am.

No wonder you are so light on your feet Col.....do they do Nimble bread with the bacon :rofl :rofl May see you there :thumsup
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Unread post by Blues »

Blues and Tricast are fishing this weekend so that's the end pegs gone :-/ :toungeout

Bridge hole please :thumsup
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Unread post by Blues »

For those of you who fancy a breki or sandwich a few of us are going to the cafe on the towers industrial estate ,
Towers plaza wheelhouse rd rugely ws 151UN . :thumsup
Around 7'30am.

No wonder you are so light on your feet Col.....do they do Nimble bread with the bacon  :rofl :rofl May see you there  :thumsup

:rofl :rofl
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Unread post by kod »

For those of you who fancy a breki or sandwich a few of us are going to the cafe on the towers industrial estate ,
Towers plaza wheelhouse rd rugely ws 151UN . :thumsup
Around 7'30am.

Don't forget your toilet paper :naughty :naughty
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