When mum gave the go ahead for fishtanks, we went and brought some fish- dad dealed with and understood the keeping part (PH levels, communites etc), and we chose the compatable pretty fish!

1 tank turnt into 2. The recent one became Catfish and another species. were not completely sure what they are as aquatics/internet all conflicted with eachtother, so we call them Blue fish. :) they all climatised ok and no problems occourd, just the odd 'get out my hidey hole' the blue fish are very dominant!
This evening we spotted some new additions to the catfish/blue fish tank! Atleast 5 of them, the blueys have had babys! Because were not 100% sure on the speices of fish, we couldnt properly tell if they were all males etc.
Dad noticed few day ago, 1 of thems mouth was bulgeing alot more than the other 2 blues- its now clear, they are mouth brooders and 1 was carrying them in the mouth. They dont come out often becuase they dont like light- but they are getting better and they now eat with the light on :)
Love watching the fishtanks, took these few pics of the tank.... so hard trying to take a decent ish picture! Many got deleted lol.

The Catfish and Blues having a disagreement (blue ones are so fast its unbelieveable!)

Best pic i could get of the Blue ones!

Spot the baby!

And another hideing in the shell

How many fish can you spot?!

So i thought id share this news with fellow anglers and waste half hour!