Back to earth with a bang guys :-/
When a company wants you to sign a contract there and then with bank details etc without reading the 200 pages of clauses etc it makes you very susphious.
Id never sign anything there and then without understanding everything. Commen sense really imo- like signing your life away.
The meeting was held, and the bloke was expaining a rough 5mins guildline of what the booklet entailed. 'Self employment' ears opened very wide. I asked the questions i had, as dad had adviced of questions to ask if that was the case as he read it as. He tried skirting around my questions then the mangerging director came to answer my questions. She was mainly pushing the idea that you get minimum tax etc, and didnt give all the info that was in booklet.
There was 4 of us there, 2 girls no older than 24 signing away without reading all. Me and a man asked questions and queried and thought eh up whys nothing been mentioned about self emplyment till now etc.
So i had a whole new perspective of the job i had got. Although i didnt technically have the job as they later said- because even though we were all told we have the job, it was a case of 'only 2 of you will have the job after a 6 day trial'
Thinks were not adding up. Rather contradicting and something not feeling right. Everybody says 'go with your gutt instint and your heart'
I asked to take the booklet home to understand it fully and not jump into something kind of thing. And to get dad to have a look over it to see his opion of it all. As the papers i took home from the interview dad said it sounds very much like you have to become self employed although it didnt actually say that- it was the way it came across and worded.
Because me and the guy wasnt signing there and then they pushed us aside and said it would be too risky knocking peoples doors as we wouldnt have the proper i.d- yet a couple of days before we did go out knocking doors with the leaders. So we got told to go home and read the booklet and get back to them.
After dad telling me in simple terms the pro's and cons of the technical jargen, i feel it really is not worth it for me going self employed etc.
So im back to the drawing board- i am gutted and annoyed as it didnt turn out to be exactly what was advertised. But live and learn and its experiance. Good job i didnt cancel the interview for next week at a t-mobile call centre. Very much hope that goes ok.
It felt great to be given a chance but im so glad i have abit of commen sense and didnt sign nothing there and then.
So thats the story of that. Not very cheery at the mo to be honest. If it wasnt for the self emplyment bit i think of would of liked the job and with training would of improved. (Which later states in the booklet that you pay for your own training- but we was told training is free?)
Went into a few agencys in Cardiff see if they have anything. I dont mind what it is. 'what experiance and qualifications do you have' Arghhhh brick wall again. 'we have these call centre jobs but they require minimum 6months experiance' so inside im shouting 'how are you meant to get experiance when you need experiance in the first place?'
Anyone got a simple job i can do or know someone in this area?
Hitting head on that popular brick wall
Sorry guys was such a buzz and now its all changed. I know it wont be the only knock back or owt and its probs happened to the majority but found it soo frigging annoying to be honest.
Cuppa tea time!