Well I think the cat is out of the bag re this latest result, but spose I’ll pen a few words for posterity and give Joffie summat to read.........
With word getting out that several of the Cashmores Crew had recently sacked up on the venue

– Lindon Road Brownhills – there was a fair few eager cracks up for this one – I mean, if the Cashmores Crew could catch a few here, it must be sacking up territory.
And so it came to be with 20 turning out, including a strong contingent of 4 Tavern AC ringers led by seasoned grueller campaigners OBI and Snowie
On arrival, thanks to MrV picking me up,

the local venue experts had already gone out to peg – rendering my recently torn up Xmas cards that were doubling up as peg nos redundant.
Talking of pegs,

MrV, obviously with too much time on his hands,

had knocked out some draw tickets for the match – ta again.

However I shuddered

to myself when I saw them............they came emblazoned with the

icon............but today wasn’t going to be the usual grueller match, we were on a bagging venue weren’t we?
I dismissed the notion that they could be a bad omen as silly,

the card wouldn’t provoke the gods would it

– after all it was double figures temperature wise

– it had been for the last couple of days

– with no overnight frosts.

Why I’d even wandered down the Extension 36 hours earlier and watched Kev Ash sack up on skimmers and watched fish top along the length.
‘Dont be silly TK – this is a Blues4eva promotion, the

aint gunna strike today – no chance’ I thought to myself
A quick word with Blues4eva on his return from pegging out duties to enquire what was where and whether to pay sections today or just the normal 1, 2 and 3. The reason beyond my enquiry as to the possibility of sections was that the supposedly less fancied Lindon Road section was in

.........better weights were expected heading towards Clayhanger where the winners had come from a few weeks earlier.
But Blues4eva didn’t think sections were feasible – pegs 1 to 6 were on Lindon Rd, 7 on Catshill junction, pegs 8, 9 and 10 to the B’hills side of the junction with a much ‘larger’ section of 10 anglers on pegs 11 to 20 on the favoured sections. Aok the normal 1,2 and 3 it was then, although I really wanted to draw a short walk on the less favoured pegs 1 – 6
Phil B was ‘sorted with short walk no2 and the draw commenced. With just two left in MrV’s cap, I dipped in and peg 11 was my home for the next 4 hours. Hadn’t got a clue where it was as off I trotted, only to be told on route I was on my own – ‘Billy no mates’

in a very short pound that could only hold one angler.
Great no banter again

..........wished I’d drawn end peg 1 after all, at least no walk even if the prospect of scintillating banter would have only have been reduced by 50%
Soon set up I actually fancied it for a few...........decent depth and some of those skimmers might always ‘wander’ into ‘my’ pound from the junction to my left
Although it was ‘bare bank’ opposite, I’d got 3 ft across as a fall back squatt option if the punch line started to dry up on me
But even better

was a weed bed to my right...............that was a banker for a few bits and pound to a penny would hold one or two clonking Kinver Tigers
To my right in the distance was Mark O and gang............
Let battle commence.....