Jinx Match 5, The Finale.
Saturday 29th August 2009
Me and Gem decided to drive down on the Friday night so we could have a lyin on the Saturday morning and avoid the traffic next morning. With the car all loaded up we set off for the hour and half drive down the M6, M5 and M40. Driving past the lake on the M40 we could see all the floodlights were on as there was a night match going on. We arrived at the lake at 10.45 and could see people catching fish on the car park bank, its a great sight see people match fishing in the dark.
We decided to get the tent set up as we would also be camping Saturday night to fish Nick Williams Fish for Wales Match on the Sunday. Setting the tent up in the dark was going ok until Gem decided to put some extra ventilation in the tent using the gas light, burning a hole in the groundsheet With the tent setup it was time for a cuppa tea and a relax.

Gem with a brew
After the evening match finished John had a BBQ waiting for everyone with plenty of food. Everyone was chatting about the match and how it had fished. Dave Moore had managed to win the match fishing from peg 9 using paste. About 2am Me and Gem retired back to the tent for some much needed sleep ready for the final Jinx match in the morning.
We woke up at 10 am and unzipped the tent and what a view we had.

The view from our Tent
The car park soon started filling up with the usual suspects all excited to fish the last match of the Jinx Series 2009.

The mob

Paul, Dave and Steve

Sprucey, Clive and Jon

Mugger having some fun
On to the draw which was on time for a change as Malc was travelling with Dai. I pulled peg 26 from the bag which I have not fished before but suited me fine as its a good peg for shallow fishing. Gem had drawn peg 24 so I would be able to keep an eye on her today.

My home for the day, Peg 26.

View to my right. Dave, Gem and Paul.

View to my Left, Sprucey.
I had only 3 rigs set up today. A 5m paste line, same line but a rig for meat and pellet and a shallow line at 11m. on the all in I started on the shallow line without feeding a single pellet, within a minute I was in to a fish. Good start I thought. Second put in and I was in again. It continued for another fish and then nothing for 30 minutes. Weird, they had just disappeared.
Dave on my right was fishing the paste and not having much luck but I thought I would give it a go anyway. First put in and the float was motionless for 5 minutes when the float sailed away, I struck and had a fish on for about 5 second before it parted company with me. Another put in and the same happened again, I switched over to the meat rig and dropped that in and within 1 minute I had a fish on. After that fish I had another and again my swim went dead.
So I fed some pellets on my shallow line which had plenty of fish swirling and some on the 5m line and went to the tent to get a drink and a sausage roll. After the refreshments I decided to walk the long way round the lake and see how people were doing. At this point I had 6 fish in the net.
The little lake seemed to be fishing quite hard with not many fish been caught. Dave on 34 had a few, Jon on 36 was dry and so was Slim on 38. Al and Mugger on 40 and 2 were also finding it hard to get a fish. Steve on peg 4 had had a lump and a smaller carp so he was doing OK, Malc on the other hand was getting plenty of fish on but was having to take drastic action to land them.

Malc trying to land a foul hooker
Having landed the fish I asked him to hold it up and smile. This is Malcs version.

Smile for god sake.
Back on to the large lake the motorway bank was not doing any better. It seems Rolfs carp did not want to play today. Fishing on peg 16 today was Geoff and he had not fished Rolfslake for 2 years now but he still managed to catch a few which is all he was bothered about.

Geoff having a few on peg 16

Geoff with a carp on.
Looking over to the carpark bank Sprucey was doing his normal Garden Gnome impression(as Mugger puts it) While Gem was looking like an Ewok trying to keep warm after the sun had moved round.

Sprucey concentrating hard.

Gem on peg 24 trying to find some Minx Points

Me with a fish on peg 26
I sat back down and went out shallow again and hooked straight in to another fish and thought with the amount that has been caught by everyone else that I could be in with a chance but it wasn’t long before the shallow swim died again and I was left to try the 5 meter line. But again I had a fish right away until that died off. I spent the rest of the match switching between white boilie shallow at 11m to meat at 5m’s on the deck.
I finally actually managed to get a few weighers this match, something I had not been able to do in all the other matches. Gem was on hand to witness and take a picture being as she was right in front of the weigh station. I had one pictured below and one 14lb 8oz which I never got a picture of.

Me with a carp, can't remember the weight hehe.
Come the all out I thought I had done well to be honest but it was not meant to be. Clive had done me in the last part of the match. Well done Clive. It was very close though and I had achieved my second ton of the series, also won my section which is a bit strange as I normally do rubbish.
I must say a big thank you to Malc for the invite and running the series. John at Rolfslake for putting up with us through the series. Superb, thank you.
No Minxings for me this weekend and I went home £3 better off. Thanks Gem and Al hehe.
Today’s winner was Clive Pritchard from peg 8

Today's winner Clive Pritchard.
Name | Peg | Weight |
Clive Pritchard | Peg 8 | 128lbs 00ozs |
Simon Mound | Peg 26 | 124lbs 04ozs |
Simon Enticott | Peg 31 | 123lbs 00ozs |
Malc Doyle | Peg 6 | 100lbs 00ozs |
Andy Spruce | Peg 28 | 78lbs 04ozs |
Tony Roberts | Peg 10 | 76lbs 00ozs |
Peter Morton | Peg 2 | 67lbs 00ozs |
Ade Williams | Peg 38 | 63lbs 12ozs |
Steve Wilson | Peg 4 | 61lbs 08ozs |
Terry Goff | Peg 7 | 60lbs 04ozs |
Alan Loader | Peg 40 | 52lbs 04ozs |
Fred Parker | Peg 11 | 45lbs 12ozs |
Geoff Palmer (guest) | Peg 16 | 44lbs 04ozs |
Dave Moore | Peg 25 | 43lbs 12ozs |
Paul Roberts | Peg 22 | 37lbs 08ozs |
Nick Watkins-Price | Peg 9 | 31lbs 12ozs |
Dave Collier | Peg 34 | 30lbs 12ozs |
Nick Williams | Peg 14 | 21lbs 12ozs |
Jon Hatch | Peg 36 | 20lbs 00ozs |
Keith Fellows | Peg 32 | 19lbs 04ozs |
Matt E (guest) | Peg 18 | 17lbs 00ozs |
Dai Thomas | Peg 13 | 4lbs 00ozs |
Gemma Doyle | Peg 24 | 3lbs 00ozs |