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Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 11th, 2013, 2:47 pm
by joffmiester
We are all feeling the pinch where our money is not going as far as it used to.nowadays more and more anglers are keeping the bait from the weekend if they haven't used it .Even G/B is frozen for another day worm are kept maggots are chilled down or bagged up hemp is frozen and bet some even freeze there pellets . the one bait you can have trouble looking after is casters what with fridge burn or the water they are in goes sour . Normally my Ducks have them they always know when ive been fishing Image Image
well earlier this year i took some bait a cross to Holland and used the new sensas Bait boxes that are used for pumping pellets.At the time i though i wonder if you can do the same with casters


There are endless uses for these bait boxes you could even put your pack up in them


For the Holland trip it was easy as i just filled the box with casters and pumped the air out and it worked brilliant .The casters would of kept all week and not a fridge burn in sight . when i got back i put it to bed and never really thought about it until the last few weeks when i'd got a build up of casters so i tried half filling them



After week the casters were still mint condition so i left them in the fridge for another week and still no change from the look of the eye .I opened them just to see if they smelt or had any signs of burns but no nothing looked as good as when i put them in .I then sealed them again and left them another week the result was a little change but still useable


but now things have got a hole lot better with Sensas bring out smaller boxes
well worth ago it will save your bait Image Image

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 11th, 2013, 4:42 pm
by Rigga
Great idea im currently using old glass jars mainly coffee jars. Get the casters dry and fill em to the top and they stay good with no bag burns. Your method looks easier i must say i may try it out.

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 11th, 2013, 7:12 pm
by Pedro
Talking abart caster for holland...Boycie

ImageFound this tub lurkin at back of mi fridge early september Image

Was expecting em to be black.......tell thee wot they smelt fookin rancid wi inch of slime lining bottom of tub Image ImageImage

Image Image Image

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 11th, 2013, 7:19 pm
by chub_tamer
pair of yr lasses tights put the casters in them tie it up and put it in yr toilet system water changes all the time they keep gr8 for a week Image Image

p s don't put them in with a toilet duck or they small like sh!t lol Image Image Image

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 11th, 2013, 7:37 pm
by big_cup
pair of yr lasses tights put the casters in them tie it up and put it in yr toilet system water changes all the time they keep gr8 for a week  Image Image

p s don't put them in with a toilet duck or they small like sh!t lol  Image Image Image

What the crappity smack do you know about looking after bait?? Image Image

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 11th, 2013, 7:42 pm
by big_cup
Talking abart caster for holland...Boycie

ImageFound this tub lurkin at back of mi fridge early september  Image

Was expecting em to be black.......tell thee wot they smelt fookin rancid wi inch of slime lining bottom of tub   Image ImageImage

Image Image Image

Peds, you should of took them on ne of your barble hunts Image Image Years ago when we was on trent national a barble regular came watching us at collingham while he waited to get in his peg. He new what he was on with, showed me his casters that stank horrendous, he said they had to be a minimum of 6 weeks old. Anyway to cut a long story short we didn't have any barble where we were, he jumped in as we packed up, bucketed 4pints of the honking casters in with 3pint of hemp then chucked a lump of meat over top of it, hey presto he had one 12lb first chuck and had another 8lb before we left the bank Image Image

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 11th, 2013, 7:52 pm
by chub_tamer
hes been crappity smack about with my pic again should never have given him my password Image

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 11th, 2013, 7:56 pm
by big_cup
hes been crappity smack about with my pic again should never have given him my password Image

Thought you had got your lass busy?? Wheres stuff from bottom gone? You removed it :-/ :-/

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 11th, 2013, 9:12 pm
by Paul_T
Joff do you let the air out daily and let them breathe at all then re-pump? Or do you just keep them pumped for a whole week and not touch them?

As casters are "living" I would have thought they would suffocate and go black if you left them without letting them breathe for a week? A great tip, cheers!

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 8:19 am
by joffmiester
Paul I tried it first for one week I never touched them and the casters were perfect . I then opened them by letting the air out looked and smelt them .i then put the lid back on for another week if anything the caster did go a little darker but still perfect for caster fishing .i can tell you I still have a bait box full of casters and they are going into the fourth week . This seems too long to me but I can tell you they still don't smell or look bad .it might be us the angler that are more bothered about how our bait looks Image
The glebe fishery is one of the best fisheries in the country and I can tell you some of the lads up there use caster that are 6 to 8 weeks old :o and bag up

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 9:55 am
by bill yards
A caster lives for about three days but there is no reason why fish will not eat them, - after all they eat dead maggots.

When I go to Ireland I use caterers boiled egg buckets which hold 6 pints and are 100% airtight. I put a couple of layers of kitchen roll at the top of each bucket and seal the lids down. As long as they are kept on a cool concrete floor they will comfortably last 10 days but don't keep opening them until you need them.
Save one bucket for any casters you have left after fishing, wash 'em off and fill this as much as you can; they will be fine for the next day or two.
You can keep maggots in the same buckets for about three days; just get as much shyte off them as you can and chill them down before you bucket them. They can take a bit to come round but they will eventually.

Casters were only 3 euros a pint in Ireland in September; at the time equivalent to £2.40 here!

Anyone want to know how to keep squatts from one week to the next without the size decreasing? Image

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 9:57 am
by bill yards
Forgot, if you keep your casters in the fridge use two placcy bags inside one another, this reduces bag burn.

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 12:58 pm
by simon_m
shop i get em off supply them wrapped in a brown paper bag then this is wrapped in normal poly bag they keep bang on with no burn at all get em on the friday and thel keep for ages like that

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 11:15 pm
by Paul_T
Thanks Joff.

I have used frozen casters to good effect for mud pigs, but the more discerning roach doesn't seem to like them! Image

I have heard that Roy Marlow loves rank caters at the Glebe, the smellier the better!  :o

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 6:58 am
by NoCarpPlease
Fred bailey anyone? I've read stories of the state of his casters .... Don't know how true though!

I've been meaning to try pellet pump for a while .... But that would mean buying one! This does look a good option.

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 3:00 pm
by old_trentman
Mate when i used to fish on the severn yrs ago( pos 30yrs ) i spent alot of time with Fred and Ron Russel they used to use old bait that was that old it smelt gros for the chub etc ,the older the better lols .But you use old bait for roach and u wont get a bite ,i like my bait to be has fresh has pos any bait that i have left over i give to the carp lads they love it . So i say the fresher the better and dont keep any for the next week when roach fishing Image

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 6:48 pm
by MrV
Fred bailey anyone?
Remember walking the bank on a Bewdly match with Pete Boden. He said "Fred must be pegged close by". Who's Fred, I ask. Oh he uses the mankiest, oldest bait he can get his hands on, replies Pete. Sure enough, a few pegs further on we arrived behind this chap who I had never met before and he is netting a chub. The smell from his peg was bloody awful. If I remember correctly, his bait was kept in biscuit tins, all mushed up like a stodge, which he fed like G/B Image. Pete explained the Chub love the stinking bait, but only Fred would risk using it regularly Image Image

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 9:03 pm
by craftytafty
casters?, why not just use maggots, best roach bait around, catches the small fish as well as the stamp fish!! simples ( sos Kingfisher, cudn't resist Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 6:28 am
by damo28
What abouu wrapping them in damp newspaper and putting them in a sealed bag to freeze? Image

Best way of keeping Casters

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 8:13 am
by Bonanza216
Get mine off turner, there the dogs b.o.l.l.o.c.k.s Image