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Reading your peg

Posted: October 18th, 2013, 6:13 pm
by joffmiester
I've been wanting to do this for a long time to see how anglers read there pegs.Yesterday i was out and about on the bank with it being such a nice day  i headed to a peg that ive drawn in a winter league and fished it for points and not gambled on taking the bull by the horns for a individual win .i did win the section with 10lb of bread caught roach on a clear low river but always had a thought in the back of my mind if only.
The peg is a busy peg with plenty of options it holds a number of different species roach on the pole skimmers and bream when the conditions are right plus the odd carp it looks as though it should hold barbel and chub but i've never heard of anyone catching them from the peg


The conditions yesterday were bright slight breeze and a tad of colour in fact spot on.when i sat down the only fish i was interested were the bream and skimmers so i only set up A feeder rod and landing net with 20 minutes G/B mixed tackle was ready and i was fishing  Image
the word on the peg is you need to cast to the end of the 4th narrow boat which is 50 to 60 yards


The flow comes straight towards you and is a little pacey so picking the right feeder is a must i also started on a shorter hook length so my bait was never far from the feeder and this resulted in a lot of missed bites and some fish


Three red maggots resulted in a few hybrids up to a pound yet i missed loads of bites .So a change in tactics i changed the rig around by putting the hook above the feeder something perhaps i wouldn't of done in a match not know the result but this was like a light switch the bites turned into the best drop back bites ive ever seen and a string of bream to 5lb started to come to the net


and another


this went on for a hour until it started to slow up


it was odd fish plus a few roach had come into the peg double worm and seat on your hands was called for.The bream i felt had moved or just shut up shop but the roach and hybrids were still having a peck

Finaly the double worm paid off the biggest of the day


Thinking i had it sorted i cast in again this time it rapped around straight away a solid fish could it be a carp after several dives into a weed bed which i had lost several bream earlier
i then began to think it was a barbel as i just couldn't get it off the bottom :o :o

suddenly it was quite clear what it was a double figured pike showed its head and it hadn't finished. after another couple of runs how i didnt lose it was answered i had hooked it in the side of its mouth and you can just see the worms hanging out its mouth


POSITIVE THINKING i must step the game up  Image by the end of a 4 hour session i'd lost 5 bream landed 7 along with around 8lb of hybrids and roach plus me big pike [returned safely as well]

the G/B i use was sensas fishmeal lake and a couple of handfulls of Black river it mixed spot on for this type of peg Image

Reading your peg

Posted: October 18th, 2013, 10:05 pm
by MrWright
Nice day by the sounds mate!

Reading your peg

Posted: October 19th, 2013, 7:34 am
by daveyboy
It looks a good peg joff, and you proved it is
Would you fish for bream in a team match if you drew it again though?

Reading your peg

Posted: October 19th, 2013, 7:51 am
by joffmiester
Yes Dave without question in a team match you should be able to fall back on the other team members something that you don't see very often and no one wants a bad result for the team so the risk factor is there when you draw a peg as good as this one
I would say the conditions must be right these bream don't seem to feed in clear water but now I've fished the peg I'm sure the numbers of hybrids in the river they would feed

Reading your peg

Posted: October 19th, 2013, 11:14 am
by Arch
Sometimes a peg is that good that you have to go for it regardless of the team. I don't know if the Bomb Hole still fishes, but if it does surley you would target the Bream there rather than try for team points. One Bream and you've secured good points.

Second bend at Zouch held Bream too. I was lucky enough to draw it once. I fished for the team points, got in a tangle, chucked out a bomb to the far bank while i sorted the tangle, round went the tip, finished the match on the feeder and won it.

If i'd have known before the match (Bum info. I was told i was on another peg) i'd have fished from the off for them.

Reading your peg

Posted: October 19th, 2013, 12:09 pm
by joffmiester
arch ive caught 20lb of roach out of the bomb hole to win a fur and feather match mindyou that was before bream ever showed up there
only the carpers and barbel anglers fish it now :-/ with all the kit match fishermen take you'd never reach the bombhole :-/ :-/ :-/

Reading your peg

Posted: October 19th, 2013, 7:43 pm
by Arch
I think we fish a better peg differently than a crap one. (Pretty obvious that) If you know you are on a good peg you can attack it, so team points "Should" be easier to come by rather than scratching about. It's the poor pegs that make getting good points difficult.

.........As regarding to much tackle. Been for a walk around Rycroft this afternoon, watching the matches. One guy made 3 trips to his car at the end. :o :o