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TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 20th, 2008, 4:43 pm
by TK
Being as only Dodge  ;), SS and Dynet off these forums seems to have fancied any of these venues - which indicates a possible lack of interest in these matches ,there is likely to be a bit of modification to the running order if the Grueller Series continues.

If continuing, the first Grueller of the 2008/9 series will fall on 18th Oct 2008 but change of venue to the Cannock Extension Canal.

This match will also double up as a 10 a side ‘Harrisons’ v  ‘TA forum members’ as initiated by Ian Hornby – see link. ... 008_a.html

Obviously if a grueller match, it will not be restricted to 10 gruellerites – if say 15 want to and turn up they’ll all fish – but only the nominated 10 anglers weights will count for the forum match. (Due to possible demand might be more than 10 a side – a big LOL)

A possible Harrisons ‘team’ taking shape may include

BDM - confirmed as up for it
Cotti - confirmed as up for it
Heinzer confirmed as up for it
Phil B
Gerry - confirmed as up for it
The Shark - confirmed as up for it
Drynet - confirmed as up for it
Budgie - confirmed as up for it
Chockie Munster now in
Simple Simon - confirmed as up for it
Dodge 3 - confirmed as up for it
Woody86 confirmed as up for it and ignored by the TA team

How about………….
Tigerbay? - too early to commit

Who will the Chockie Munster (confirmed as Harrisions if available) and Larry Teepot (confirmed as  captain of the TA gang) turn out for if they make it due to possible conflicting loyalties – TK’s team or the TA gang?  Image

Any takers – add you name to confirm interest

ME if he aint working

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 20th, 2008, 5:12 pm
by Woodhouse
Its a bit awkward for me this far out but if i can make it i'll be fishing for Harrisons

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 20th, 2008, 5:37 pm
by Simple
Its a bit awkward for me this far out but if i can make it i'll be fishing for Harrisons

Same for me. Need to get closer before I can confirm.
As always, I'm interested mate Image

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 20th, 2008, 5:54 pm
by me
depends on what section of the cut

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 20th, 2008, 6:21 pm
by Dodge
some cracking venues there fellas.......nice one  Image

Cheers Dodge3  Image

Might see you on one or two then if the diary permits  ;)

After Sat, thought I needed to try to rediscover my cut skills.............and boy do I need lots of practice  :-[ :'(  ;)

TK i am usually fishing winter leagues and probably ratbags teams of 3 aswell as other matches that time of year.........but if i have a free saturday or two it would be a pleasure thanks Image Image

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 20th, 2008, 6:37 pm
by TK
Cheers guys - didn't expect such a quick response Image

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 20th, 2008, 6:45 pm
by TK
depends on what section of the cut

Not scheduled for the 'FreeTrade/Wood Lane section of the CW you seem to be practising on at the mo ME ;)

Barring a late change of section due to some unforseen circumstance it'll be on the section at the rear of the old Kennels down to Wyrley Lane bridge, possibly incorporating the boatyard section Image

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 20th, 2008, 7:18 pm
by Drynet
Im ok for that mate  Image

You are in Drynet Image TK

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 20th, 2008, 10:12 pm
by mburgess
TK put me in if i am allowed,

Budgie Image

You are in too Budgie Image

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 20th, 2008, 11:00 pm
by Simple
depends on what section of the cut

He will only fish stretches that a renowned for big bags of Gudgeon Image Image

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 20th, 2008, 11:21 pm
by LarryTeepot
just cant believe my phone didnt ring.......i felt sure he would drag you to darkest deepest Birmingham and have a grueller here on the real home of canal fishing Image

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 21st, 2008, 1:10 pm
by TK
I didn't 'solicit' the match Larry - Ian H contacted me via TA - honest - obviously recognised me as being very approachable and accomodating Image


TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 21st, 2008, 4:50 pm
by Simple
Ian H has registered today but must not have got the conformation email. Probably gone to junk mail :-[
I activated his account :D

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 21st, 2008, 6:22 pm
by me
depends on what section of the cut

He will only fish stretches that a renowned for big bags of Gudgeon  Image Image

si in the summer give mr tk a quid and come and have a day on free trades. Ive never seen a gudgeon of any size but have seen tench to 8lb regularly, 80lb plus bags of tench, carp in the doubles with word of fish in the 20's coming out, roach over 2lb, rudd, perch.

Tk will the lime road stretch be in ? if you are short and im not working or got an thing on i will fish for you Image

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 21st, 2008, 6:36 pm
by Simple
Since when have you become a cut master Image Image

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 21st, 2008, 7:26 pm
by TK
[ if  you are short and im not working or got an thing on i will fish for you  Image

I keep on about the decent bags of fish too ME, but nobody believes me.   :D  ;)  Keep on banging the drum.............. Image

Keep the date clear in your diary - I shall expect you fish now ME - theres decent nets of fish to be caught on that section too  Image

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 21st, 2008, 7:54 pm
by me
well if ss can find a tin of corn and a quid to give you then he can witness the bags that are catchable from the free trades Image Image

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 21st, 2008, 8:18 pm
by TK
I heard reports that a certain SN and his dad were doing 80-100lb bags of tench on the corn last year down that end and that some of the Pelsall lads were also having good bags on the pellet up by the Fingerpost Image

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 22nd, 2008, 12:06 am
by LarryTeepot
Image just looking around...........may be some late transfer deals going thru

TK vs TA Extention Match

Posted: February 22nd, 2008, 9:12 am
by Herbie
Image just looking around...........may be some late transfer deals going thru

only take the good one,s skipper and dont pay too much. hi tk im here watching you closely. ;)