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Division two national 2013

Posted: July 29th, 2012, 5:54 pm
by Woodhouse
Lindholme lakes????

Some teals won't be happy about that

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 29th, 2012, 9:19 pm
by Dodge
Deffo word on gv today is Lindholme has been confirmed as venue for Div 2 National next year Image Image

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 9:34 am
by joffmiester
THE END !!!!

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 5:22 pm
by Dodge
This thread on another site should be intersting Image Image ... 45&t=60851

Think "match angling" is on a collision course which will either make or break our sport !

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 6:01 pm
by joffmiester
with our absents from division 1 this year will mean we will have to drop into div2 like one or two teams ,plus carp oriented teams will perhaps enter this national .i just wonder if the team size will still stay the same 
its our fault that we are not fishing the div1 due to lack of interest from the members plus we are trying to build a team again
but as most of the angling is going this way [commercials its worth a try] it will help the angling trust i'd of thought
my main concern would be if the response is not good from teams will that be the end of division 2 as i couldn't see it going back to natural venues
it is a pity we couldn't get a team this year as i have probably fished my last national looking back through the archive on the angling trust website going back ten years i had some great times 22 points being the worse day of my life on my own river but that day i fished for Quorn and we managed 3rd in the national a couple of section wins in division 1 on the nene and trent good memories of the nationals
i hope it works out 
but i think i've fished my last national i'l never get in the team  :'( :'( :'( :'(  

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 6:08 pm
by joffmiester
most commercial anglers are now members of the angling trust with it being associated with the fish-o-mania competition its worth a try

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 6:45 pm
by Golden_balls
Unfortunately over the past decade we have gone from having 5 divisions in the national to only two, of which the numbers are still declining. So maybe it might be time for a change of scenery with a commercial. This would lend it self to be televised, which in turn would attract sponsors and the money would more than likely follow. This appears to too many people now as with the prestige of competing in the biggest team event of the year.
I think they would have been better off looking at reducing the number of people in a team from 10 to say 5 as teams who fish the nationals anyway would more than likely put more than one team in, and would be more appealing to club teams which the nationals was once about.

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 7:16 pm
by sven
Well done browning lads well done indeed unfortunatly if its true about next years national i can't see nationals back on natural venues again some venues are hard but thats what its about :'( >:( >:( :( :(

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 7:23 pm
by sven
can safely say eclipse won't be fishing carp holes

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 7:23 pm
by lloydy
Reducing teams to teams of 5 would put a bigger nail in, not proper team match in my opinion

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 7:44 pm
by sven
Dead right dave can get teams of 5 at norbury

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 10:25 pm
by Paul_Murrin
Just wish for once the profanity fillter wasnt working >:( >:( >:( >:(

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 7:21 am
by bill yards
I go back to the All England days Image

I am not attempting to give any answers here just food for thought.
Firstly, I am an Angling Trust member through and through, quite simply I believe angling MUST have a governing body like any other sport, why I have to say this in this day and age is beyond me.
In 1959 there was 100 teams in the All England, it gradually escalated to 116 in 1971, the Severn national and in most people's book the best ever.
It was 12 a side in those days with made the entry for River Severn at a spit under 1400; this year if my maths are right there are 880.
At this point the National was divisionalised and SIX divisions were in place before too long to cater for the larger entries.
Anyway around 1971-72 the points system was introduced and whilst this axchieved in sorting out the better teams it soon became apparent that the teams in the lower echelons of the leagues were getting relegated and disbanding.
Fact is, this has been going on for too long. What is there for the lower teams, - relegation at best?
Maybe the points system is to blame for this?
Maybe we should go back to ONE NATIONAL, - if there are too many teams have a qualification system although I don't profess to know what the best one would be.
Maybe go back to a one-off weight National
Maybe the Angling trust is not the answer, I would like to think the opposite though.

The announcement of a Commercial National could also mean the loss of several clubs to the Angling Trust membership.

Surely there is food for thought somewhere along here, not just what appears to be a gung ho approach.

The announcement of a Commercial in 2013 probably means I have fished my last National which is a pity as I have loved every one of them. I probably feel this a bit more than some as I ran one for three years and couldn't fish any of them.

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 8:57 am
by craftytafty
I used to enjoy nationals when I fished them even tho you knew it was likely to be a struggle which which I think is part of the reason for a drop in numbers.
Now it wouldn't bother me having to fish for a low weight, but so many anglers nowadays, because of the commercial scene, don't consider they have had a good day unless they have had a 100lbs jump on their hook.

It seems now it is also just about the big teams who have to win ( same as individual comps, due in my opinion to the massive money involved)
I think a weight national would be good but the "big" teams would probably oppose it cos it would be less certain that they would win.

Obviously cost of travel/ bait etc has a bearing on numbers
but also in this day and age the walks have an impact, considering how much gear we carry.
I read an article yesterday aby Des Shipp on the Bristol Avon where he said some of the walks could be as much as 2 miles taking up to an hour.
There isn't a prayer of me competing in a match with potentially that sort of walk.
Last sunday I walked maybe 500 yards and my back was in bit's after, well it is everyday, but this was worse :D :D even that was too far for me ( I know, just an old s*d now!! Image Image)

I think it's a sad day for angling to have a national on a commercial but some will like it some won't.
Maybe instead of the divisions have 2 nationals, one on a commie and one on a natural venue and let teams choose which they want to enter. limit it to say 80 teams first come first serve and with the entry each team has to stste whether they would prefer weight or points and go with the majority.

I don't know how feasible that would be but surely something is worth doing to try and cater for all

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 10:55 am
by joffmiester
thinking about it this move if it gets more interest from commercial teams and it takes off what will happen if say the top 8 teams get promoted and the division 1 is still on natural venues .the commercial teams wouldn't want that for sure  :-/ so doe's this mean in the long run division 1 will be on commercials with smaller teams  Image Image Image  food for thought  ;) ;)

or will division 2 stay a commercial national for commercial angling :-/ :-/

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 12:09 pm
by Ian_Morrison
How about three different nationals.
One on a river
One on a canal
One on a pet pond
Have one in June, one in July and one in August. Teams can then enter whichever national they want or all three?
You can then tailor the size of teams to suit the national, for example the one on a commercial may only be teams of six while the one on a canal maybe teams of 10?
The top five teams from each national can then compete in the world club champs final for the chance to represent your country which will take place in september.
Its a radical change but I think thats what is needed as the way its going there won't be a national to fish soon! :'(

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 12:46 pm
by craftytafty
One on a pet pond


Division two national 2013

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 3:50 pm
by bill yards
Tash's (Morrie 88) has actually been dicussed although ironically not from a Commercial point of view. Image Image

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 3:59 pm
by Arch
How about regional nationals (Remember those?) with the top 4/5/6 teams qualifying for an "All England" national. That way lesser teams get to fish a national and if they get through they can fish the bigger match, if they don't fancy the extra expence, let another team fish. The big teams should get through quite easily. Best of both worlds.

Division two national 2013

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 4:17 pm
by Ian_Morrison
when was it discussed?
Need some action though, can talk about it all day long but if no one does anything (be it the AT or someone else) then it will fall apart and I fear sooner rather than later. Image

Regional nationals would be another way to go. May require more organisation though which may be a stumbling block!