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All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 10th, 2012, 6:51 pm
by TK
A fair few forum members have fished here in the past ;)


All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 10th, 2012, 9:02 pm
by Chris V
crappity smack knows Image Image Image

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 10th, 2012, 9:04 pm
by Chris V
lol got to be on the River Severn somewhere, the boat looks as though it`s been caught in the bore. Image Image

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 10th, 2012, 9:05 pm
by TK

Don't wanna put any pressure on 'em Chris, but Dodge, Keef, Woodhouse and co ought to get this Image

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 10th, 2012, 9:11 pm
by manny
lincomb weir?

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 10th, 2012, 9:13 pm
by Dodge
Think its the Birmingham Mainline canal ? There is an old boat yard on there in Wolverhampton center ?

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 10th, 2012, 10:34 pm
by bill yards
Looks like my peg on the Shroppie last Sunday Image Image Image Image Image Image

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 10th, 2012, 10:52 pm
by keef
the factory looks familiar in the background could be oldbury or tipton

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 11th, 2012, 9:40 am
by TK
Remember this Keef?


Remember this Dodge?


The picture above aint a million miles away Image In fact I think Woodhouse (& Diddy???) were pegged up there that day Image

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 11th, 2012, 12:33 pm
by joffmiester
must be a good area then Image Image

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 11th, 2012, 1:08 pm
by John H
Is it Ernie Thomas's Boatyard TK ? with the old Talbot Stead factory in the background, just down the cut from the Wobbles ? Image

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 11th, 2012, 4:18 pm
by Dodge
I remember it ,

It was crappity smack freezing ! Image :D

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 11th, 2012, 7:52 pm
by TK
Is it Ernie Thomas's Boatyard TK ?

You've got the section John H - its Ken Keays former dock yard at Carl Street - taken in 1973.

And aye - the Talbot Stead has long since gone, now replaced by a shiny new TKMax distribution centre.

Interesting seeing that walk over bridge too - used to be used by footballers changing at the Bus Station club in Carl St as their ground was the other side of the cut at the back of the MEB offices. That went sometime later as the MEB bought the playing fields probably around 1977/8 - I should know, cuss I formed a MEB team in 1978 and that was our home ground that first season till I trashed my knee that winter Image

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 12th, 2012, 7:48 am
by bill yards
Is it Ernie Thomas's Boatyard TK ?

You've got the section John H - its Ken Keays former dock yard at Carl Street - taken in 1973.

And aye - the Talbot Stead has long since gone, now replaced by a shiny new TKMax distribution centre.

Interesting seeing that walk over bridge too - used to be used by footballers changing at the Bus Station club in Carl St as their ground was the other side of the cut at the back of the MEB offices. That went sometime later as the MEB bought the playing fields probably around 1977/8 - I should know, cuss I formed a MEB team in 1978 and that was our home ground that first season till I trashed my knee that winter  Image

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 12th, 2012, 5:10 pm
by Arch
Is it Ernie Thomas's Boatyard TK ?

You've got the section John H - its Ken Keays former dock yard at Carl Street - taken in 1973.

And aye - the Talbot Stead has long since gone, now replaced by a shiny new TKMax distribution centre.

Interesting seeing that walk over bridge too - used to be used by footballers changing at the Bus Station club in Carl St as their ground was the other side of the cut at the back of the MEB offices. That went sometime later as the MEB bought the playing fields probably around 1977/8 - I should know, cuss I formed a MEB team in 1978 and that was our home ground that first season till I trashed my knee that winter  Image

Did you work for MEB TK ?? We are on a training course at the old MEB offices at Tipton this week, now owned by Western Power Distribution.

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 12th, 2012, 5:39 pm
by TK
Yep Arch - I did also clock one of you posts elsewhere making reference to Central Networks/Western Power.

Worked at the Walsall Offices from 1973 to 1992 when they closed down and I locked up for the last time (still got the keys somewhere in a drawer :D ) as we moved to the Tipton site.

With the sale of CN to WP last year we moved across to EONs offices at K'ford before I managed to 'escape', taking the money and running on 1st June just gone - after 38 years & 280 days in the Industry (sad aint I, counting them days :D)

Have you had a gander at the Tipton pool? It used to house massive shoals of bream, ruck loads of tench and about 40 munster carp that came from walsall power station in the late 70's. Sadly when they built the early learning centre at Tipton I reckon there was an incident when they capped two massive shafts (on what was the footie pitch) to enable the building to be erected.

The following season, the massive shoals of fish I used to see shoaling to spawn, then basking in the sun during the summer vanished, along with some prolific lilly beds that had existed for years. So sad...... now you just spot odd fish

Did you ever used to fish the Electricity Industry Nationals for EMEB Arch? (By the way, MrV off here used to work at Rugeley Power Station)

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 12th, 2012, 6:41 pm
by Arch
We had a walk around the pool yesterday, well as far as we could get. Bit overgrown in places, there was a Fox sunbathing near the run-in though. He moved off as we took his picture. Looks like it is very deep ?? and shame about the fish.

As for the Nationals, i never one of them, although i did fish for the Leicester team in the EMEB league a couple of times. They were always on a Saturday and i couldn't make it coz i played Rugby. Most of the matches were held on the Trent, what with EMEBs offices being up that way. I remember the matches were very hard towards the end, but they would still book the Trent for the next year. In the end people got fed up with poor matches and the league finished.

There is a one off match in September every year held at Meadowlands, i've fished it 3 times. But TBH, it's not my cup of tea that style of fishing, so i only fish it if they are short.

What did you do at MEB ?? If you don't mind me asking. (Apart from drinking lots of Tea, as that goes with the job)

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 12th, 2012, 9:24 pm
by TK
Apart from the cliff face (to the rh side of the run in) you used to be able to walk all around it, incl on the office side - nice well mown paths.............but then site security came along and that was that.

When I worked at Walsall I used to put a few matches on there, but when I moved offices it was a bit too much like returning to work on a weekend. :D

The pool is deep - we used to fish 10 mtrs to hand on a fair few pegs (on that overgrown bit on the training office side) and the float was right under the pole tip. I remember the very first time I fished a 5 a side match on there around 1974. Fished it blind really and the competitor next to me certainly did as he chucked out a feeder - he looked on in amazement as the line (he'd chucked to the middle of the pool) just kept creeping towards him as it took ages for his feeder to hit bottom.

On that cliff side it was reputed to be a couple of hundred feet deep just a couple of shelves out as it was an old marl hole for the local brick industry. I remember catching some perch from a peg there once and when I dropped them in the keep net they appeared to have the bends :D

A few times in the 70s diving clubs ventured into the water........the first time they discovered an old jointers wagon in there !!!

I was Revenue Operations Manager in the 'customer business' at Tipton/MEB, but moved 'sideways' into a newly formed Metering Business in 1996(which sat within the Distribution business) as Data Collection Manager in preparation for the opening up of the market in 1998

Sorry for boring thee........ :D

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 12th, 2012, 9:37 pm
by TK
Forgot to mention the matches at Meadowlands - always had an invite, but I couldnt usually fish 'em cuss they usually clashed with my Sept jollies, but I managed to sneak one in two years ago.......

Great day out - you'll recognise the prizetables here


Spose cuss we moved to K'ford last July and with the CN sale to Western power I didnt get our usual invite for 2011 - mind I was out the country again when it would have happend  :D

All our yesterdays...................where's this?

Posted: July 12th, 2012, 9:47 pm
by manny
fished it a few times when i was very young keith perrin a local angler used to use the feeder but filled it with foam and used a tail about 8 feet long and just lift into the plucks used to catch some bostin roach Image