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celtic lakes

Posted: June 2nd, 2012, 12:57 pm
by oggy
Im thinking of giving celtic lakes ago for the bream & skimmers on the tip. used to fish saddington res until it got choked with weed :'( anyone fished it ? & could give me some info on the place , best pegs etc

celtic lakes

Posted: June 4th, 2012, 12:01 pm
by joffmiester
STILL THE SAME PEGS MATE !!!there is a big match tomorrow [tuesday 5th] mercury cup £300 to the winner Image

celtic lakes

Posted: June 4th, 2012, 6:08 pm
by oggy
The same pegs joff ? well i went for the first time today, sat on peg 6 :-/ set up an open end feeder put 6 feeders full out to start with, Then put 2 dead reds on the hook, chucked out maybe 50yds.
As i placed the rod on the rest around went the tip :o and i slid the net under a bream of about 3lb Image, cast out again and another bite :o a perch Image.Third chuck around it goes agin for another bream about the same size Image . Next 3 hours i had plenty of small skimmers & perch,Thought id give it half hour more before i pack up. Had 2 more nice bream in that last half hour. enjoyable day & shall be going again soon.

Spoke to the bailiff about the match tomorrow & he says if it doesnt rain you can drive round to your pegs. pegging the whole lake :o and also 15 pegs on the island.

celtic lakes

Posted: June 5th, 2012, 8:41 am
by joffmiester
i think its re-pegged oggy peg 6 used to be on the right as you go in with the road behind you steap bank peg 12 is the normal flier on that section i'd of liked to of fished it today weather looks right for it 51,52 :o :o

celtic lakes

Posted: June 5th, 2012, 8:41 am
by joffmiester
you've had a nice days fishing kido Image

celtic lakes

Posted: June 5th, 2012, 9:45 am
by oggy
The peg i fished, I had the road behind me & a yellow & black marker pole next to me.
It was an enjoyable day with a nice ripple on the water, lovely looking place & my kind of fishing, Shall deffo be going more often, I would liked to have fished it today but having only seen it for the first time yesterday i thought i would be well out my depth. Image Well i would be anyway even if i fished it a 100 times before Image
I must say the people who run the place were very friendly & helpful and had a good chat after about the good areas & the bad ones. oh & the restocking they will be doing Image

celtic lakes

Posted: June 5th, 2012, 10:07 am
by joffmiester
it s sounds as though he's getting it right ;)witch is good as i used to book the place for matches .then of course you hear rumours £8 a peg £10 a peg so i dropped it from the calander
but i will be taking to him again Image Image

celtic lakes

Posted: June 5th, 2012, 1:18 pm
by oggy
He was saying that they will be restocking with proper bream & tench, changing the boat club house into an eating place, so things sound good the way he was talking. Image