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Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 25th, 2012, 11:42 pm
by Simple
Got this pole yesterday from Ians Fishing Tackle to replace my maver 401 which I have had for 5 years and was starting to show its age.
To christen it I threw it in at the deep end and fished the last round of the spring pairs league at Rolfs Lake.

It comes with 4 power kits, mini extension and a cupping kit(with cups). I did not have time to elasticate the kits but my kits from my 401 fit perfectly so that was a bonus. I did fit my Preston Kups to the cupping kit with gave me another power kit from my old cupping kit.  :D

I got to my peg and was quite excited as I got it out and set it up. Shipping out to 13m I immediately noticed how much stiffer it was than my 401, a lot less bounce and it felt stronger too. I was very pleased so far.

With the match started it was not long before I hooked in to a carp. I had Pink Vespe in, I shipped back slowly and watched to see how the pole was bending. It was fine and handled it easily. A nice 12lb carp to christen my pole.

I tried it at 14.5m also and it was brilliant and performed better than my 401. Weight wise it was about the same but it was stiffer by quite some way.

I few things I have noticed...
On the 11.5m and 13m section it says "11.5m & 13m with mini extension" so if i'm reading it right then its actually 11m and 12.5 with those butt sections fitted.
The wrap on the sections near the female joints goes a lot further up the pole and are a lot stronger, where your elbow sits.
Bad Point.. The butt sections are longer than my 401 and any competition plus range so make sure it fits in your holdall if your thinking about getting one. It does not fit in my Airity 6-8 tube holdall  Image

I have just cut back and bushed up the proper power kits for this pole and cant wait to try them out. They are a bit shorter than the deluxe power kits that I was using on my 401 but feel just as strong.

The biggest carp I had today was about 16lb and it handled it no problem at all.

Overall Im very pleased so far. Will be nice to see what it's like fishing at 5-6m and also I bet it's superb with lighter elastics in, something with I will be trying out in the future.

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 26th, 2012, 6:50 am
by Drynet
Nice one Si sounds a nice peice of kit mate Image

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 26th, 2012, 9:08 am
by Mugger
Thanks for that Si. Image
Look forward to seeing one of these on the bankside and having a waggle with one myself (hopefully on Saturday  ;)) Sounds good from your initial thoughts.

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 26th, 2012, 11:33 am
by mburgess
Nice one Image Will be testing mine out saturday at rolfs on them pesky perch Image Image

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 26th, 2012, 1:32 pm
by SiDev

Will gladly let you have a waggle of mine on Saturday :D :D ....

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 26th, 2012, 5:32 pm
by Simple
Have you used yours yet Si ?

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 26th, 2012, 8:46 pm
by SiDev
Not yet Simps....was hoping to get out before the weekend but not much chance....all elasticated and just begging to go Image...gret little write up earlier, sounds like you're pretty pleased so far !! Image Image

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 26th, 2012, 9:01 pm
by Simple
Yes very pleased. Just want to try it with the proper kits on it as they are a far bit lighter than my old kits. I think it will make a big difference.

Good luck with yours Image

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 26th, 2012, 9:49 pm
by SiDev
Cheers fella....I'll report back ;)

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 26th, 2012, 9:53 pm
by Mugger

Will gladly let you have a waggle of mine on Saturday  :D :D ....

Cheers Simon. Image

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 27th, 2012, 11:39 am
by Dave C
Image Image Image Just got the phone call my new pole is in the shop waiting collection. Now am I fit enough to drag myself out of my sickbed to go and get it.

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 27th, 2012, 12:20 pm
by SiDev
There's going to be a lot of waggling going on Saturday Image ;)

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 27th, 2012, 12:37 pm
by Mugger
Image Image Image   Just got the phone call my new pole is in the shop waiting collection. Now am I fit enough to drag myself out of my sickbed to go and get it.

If you're considering it, that probably means you'll be fit enough to make the match on Saturday. ;)

Will the chaps wielding new poles triumph on the day? or will those who don't feel the need to be Tackle Tarts  Image prevail with their trusted bits of kit?  Image Image Image

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 27th, 2012, 4:55 pm
by Dave C
Peter. Once you have had a play with Simons new Maver I am sure you will seriously consider getting one and rejoining the Tackle Tart list.

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 27th, 2012, 5:27 pm
by Simple
I'm not a tart Image. I HAD to get a new pole as my old one was worn out with all the bagging Image Image

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 27th, 2012, 8:43 pm
by SiDev
To be fair....and I'm not asking for pole fell apart basically after Allders last year!!!....tackle tart or not, I'll be wearing my lucky hat Image Image

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 28th, 2012, 6:15 pm
by Dave C
Well Kevin will be OK. Ive just finished cutting back and elasticating all his 7 topkits for him. Image

My problem is that Kevin bought all the drennan bungs from Danson and there are none left for me. Image Image Image
Looks like I may have to try taking the bungs from Gladys pole temporarily or just make do with all my old topkits.

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 28th, 2012, 8:11 pm
by kev the catch
Thanks Dave. Image Image

Your sacrifice is very much appriciated. Image Image

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 28th, 2012, 10:14 pm
by Mugger
Kev's got a new one too!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope this doesn't turn into another BeastMaster saga. Image Image Image Image

Maver Elite Carp Pole

Posted: March 28th, 2012, 10:33 pm
by Dave C
Whats wrong Mugger Feeling Left out. Image Image

Dont fret as once you have a play with Simons pole I will lay money on you owning one within 3 months. Best be quick though they are selling like hot cakes. Image Image Image