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All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 13th, 2012, 9:17 pm
by TK
Might be a tough un Image


All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 13th, 2012, 9:32 pm
by Arch
Is that the "Fishing trip" bus party off the film One Flew Over The Cookoo's nest ??

Looks like it to me.

All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 13th, 2012, 9:58 pm
by TK
Is that the "Fishing trip" bus party off the film One Flew Over The Cookoo's nest ??

Looks like it to me.

It's certainly the days before HH Arch  :D

All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 13th, 2012, 10:08 pm
by Chris V
Is Dennis Salmon in that picture TK?

All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 13th, 2012, 10:16 pm
by nomorelongwalks
That picutre is not from the 70s

The bloke in the front with the cap is clearly "texting" on his mobile phone.


All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 13th, 2012, 10:28 pm
by TK
Is Dennis Salmon in that picture TK?

Honestly dont know ChrisV - don't recognise him there and wouldnt have thought so, but I'll always stand corrected 

All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 13th, 2012, 10:35 pm
by grover
is that jimmy tarbuck behind the bloke texting on his mobile? and is that the late kenny everett with his head in his right hand?

All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 13th, 2012, 10:49 pm
by fin
Think its the "Bookmakers Arms" match team, i'm sure that's racing pundit John McCririck on the left Image

All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 15th, 2012, 8:30 pm
by TK
Looks like it was a 'tough un' :D

All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 15th, 2012, 8:41 pm
Yep I had not got a scoobys !!!

All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 15th, 2012, 9:22 pm
by TK
The Bard would know C W H Image


All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 15th, 2012, 9:25 pm
by keef
crown windows

All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 15th, 2012, 9:28 pm
by Simple
Looks like grubby chewing his cigar on the far right Image :D

All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 15th, 2012, 9:59 pm
by Ian_baker
Is it team Coventry,they were ugly blokes!! :)

All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 15th, 2012, 10:04 pm
by wagnmag
got a feeling it could be a Sussex team or maybe up north in Leeds..?

All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 15th, 2012, 10:28 pm
by TK
Somewhere 'inbetween' Wileyoldcampaigner :D ;)

Ps - welcome to the site Image Image

Pps - I'm gunna have to refer to you 'W O C' in future cuss like C H W it takes ages typing your user name out ;)

Here's looking to a few more WOCs in future Image

All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 16th, 2012, 7:47 am
by Arch
Stratford on Avon ?? ;)

Failing that Coleshill ??

All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 16th, 2012, 7:56 am
by bill yards
Pretty, sorry wrong word, sure I recognise the odd face or three on this one. I am only guessing Warwick/Cov/Stratford area somewhere.
Could that be Norman Davies holding the silverware? Dave Duggan perhaps grinning (partly obscured)? :P :P

All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 16th, 2012, 9:55 am
by TK
Shame this wasnt a 'spot the celebrities' competition or Grover and Fin would have won hands down Image

Yep Arch & Bill -it's Stratford Image

All our yesterdays...............another 70's team

Posted: February 16th, 2012, 10:00 am
by joffmiester
the north west beach championship near blackpool Image Image Image