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result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 1:21 pm
by joffmiester
well the first match on the canal since June a part from little knock-ups ::)i had to set the shop up before hand but i didn't want to miss this match.bait kit and shop all done i must of been the best dressed angler on the bank with my shirt tie and trousers on ::)
as i left the shop i wondered what the weather was going to do as it seamed mild but windy plus the sky was full of grey clouds. Image Image needless to say it pi##ed it down and it crossed my mind to just shoot back to the shop Image Imagebut thought better of it when i could see blue sky in the distance ::) ::)yeah right the temperature dropped and the wind really did get up Image Image Image
i had drawn 215 it used to throw up the odd weight when a boat used to be moored there but that's long gone and the fish :-/ :-/at this point i could of given up fishing altogether the wind was a gala and it had turned baltic Image Image Image i had drawn next to bicko[ people say he's like marmite you either like him or you don't ;)well i do ] he was on 213 same condititions as me yet he fancied it as he had won off 212 only last year and said he thought there would be a few fish about :-/ :-/
as the match started i put 150ml of joker in the spot i thought would be my banker as i haven't seen a weight off the peg since the boat had gone i then put some leam and soil with a few joker in for perch one at 4mtr and one over the other line was a caster line straight down the track
well i sat there like a pot frog only catching the odd small perch where all around had started well Image Imageall catching perch and roach ,bicko had started on 4mtres and could catch where as i couldn't catch fast but he was soon changing to the long pole and with it a roach a chuke Image Imageand all this in the first hour Image Image
so i thought fu#k it and went and sat with bicko asked all the questions i needed and the answers were more or less the same as i'd done he'd fed the same amount as i had .rig size same and length of pole Image Imagebut it looked so easy from where i was standing
bicko's bait tray

the area he fished


and the end result

all in all a great profformance from bicko who went on to win the match with 9lb4oz me i DNW Image Image13 perch and 7 roach with 2 hours to go Imageso i packed up and watched a few others
on the whole the canal fished brilliant
1st bicko 213 9lb 4oz
2nd pete marlow 237 8lb 2oz
3rd dave petch 235 7lb 3oz
4th perry hubbard 239 7lb 1oz
5th lee wright 227 6lb 8oz
6th john shellard 207 6lb 6oz
not bad for the condititions Image Image

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 1:47 pm
by Simple
Superb Joffster Image Image

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 2:58 pm
by Arch
215, is that the end of Glebe st ?? Looks like it. The white boat peg, before it sank :D ??

Even iv'e won of that peg, 5lb 12oz in a winter league, moved of the river.

It was in 199................can't remember.

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 3:49 pm
by joffmiester
arch i take it you had chub  Image

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 5:16 pm
by Arch
arch i take it you had chub  Image


......And a few Perch. Mostly caught on caster, no B/J as switched off the river. Hooked first Chub on Pinkie down the track with No 2 Preston, then went straight over and had them on and off all match. Was blowing a gale that day aswell. Was when the winter league had 16 teams fishing it. Good memories.

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 6:05 pm
by Woodhouse
The chub on the Loughborough are easy to catch Image

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: December 30th, 2011, 9:38 am
by Drynet
Nice report joff Image

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: December 30th, 2011, 9:52 am
by joffmiester
dave i'l be doing a few more i quite enjoy looking around at others as normally they are catching and i'm not Image Image Image
the tank commander has brought me a new camera for christmas all singing and dancing with some super duper lenses Image Image Imageso we could have top top secrets soon  Image Imagei thought about having a topic IN THE TACKLE BOX  Image Image Image

but first i must make mind presentable or i might get some stick again Image Image

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: December 30th, 2011, 10:00 am
by joffmiester
bicko is a class act and I've been around him in france ,Holland and most parts of this country his results stand out miles above most anglers. but rarely doe's attitude change or his sense of humour
plus he always looks on here ;) ;)

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: December 30th, 2011, 10:45 am
by joffmiester
The chub on the Loughborough are easy to catch  Image
not off 215 didn't you draw there the other year lee Image Image

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: December 30th, 2011, 12:21 pm
by Woodhouse
Think I was on 213 or 214 joff

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: December 30th, 2011, 8:10 pm
by TK
the tank commander has brought me a new camera for christmas all singing and dancing with some super duper lenses

Nice one Joffie Image Image Image

Now you've just gotta remember to..............

a) Make sure it's charged
b) Take it with you :D

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: December 30th, 2011, 11:21 pm
by Drynet
so we could have top top secrets soon

Image Image Image Image.

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: December 31st, 2011, 9:48 am
by joffmiester
Imagewill do TK Image

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: January 6th, 2012, 1:56 pm
by dan_ashington
Old Man Bicko, quality angler and a good bloke.

Since travelling with me in France he has started doing really well, he has the right shaped head to catch all species of fish.
I always like standing by him as he makes me look really good looking :D :D

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: January 6th, 2012, 3:33 pm
by lloydy
Old Man Bicko, quality angler and a good bloke.

Since travelling with me in France he has started doing really well, he has the right shaped head to catch all species of fish.
I always like standing by him as he makes me look really good looking  :D :D

Bicko even makes the ginger members of your squad look pretty

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: January 6th, 2012, 9:49 pm
See you sunday Danny !!!

result from yesterday lough/canal

Posted: January 6th, 2012, 10:44 pm
by dan_ashington
Yes you will do Rich, look forward to seeing you again Image