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Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 22nd, 2011, 8:50 pm
by Josh1337
Bought some liccy bread at 1pound abag which has about 2pints in! - thing is its just like dust, don't squeeze into a ball, so what's best way to feed this? Add water and mix similer to groundbait or is that the wrong way?

Thanks once again

Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 22nd, 2011, 9:18 pm
by me
its easier and cheaper to make your own. With the packet cr@pstuff you need to very lightly dampen it to make it form a ball. If you want it as licci hat disolves into a cloud once it hits the water then just add more water to it so its like a soup. As in a previous post you mentioned you fish rod & line so the ball is better for you as you can toss the balls in were you want them and the soup option is out for you as you need a pole cup to feed it

Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 22nd, 2011, 9:22 pm
by Simple
Bill Yards is the man to ask about bread, he may reply when he see's this Image

Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 22nd, 2011, 9:22 pm
by Josh1337
Thanks for the respone, yeah that's what I was thinking or doing, dampen slightly just wondered iif that was the correct procedure

Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 22nd, 2011, 9:44 pm
by TK
I'm presuming you've bought plain white groundbait Josh

I've always found it a very slow and time consuming exercise to get it 'right' for feeding by hand so that it breaks in a cloud on impact or on its way down.

Its so easy to add to0 much water too quickly so it's like cement/dough and goes down like a stone......which is what you dont want.

Try adding very small amounts of water - an atomiser may be best for you, mix and leave for 10 mins to absorbe. Repeat process quite a few times...........

Might just be easier to overwet it so it's like porridge - a stage less that soup, so that you can scoop a bit of 'slop' up, roll it in your palm till it forms a marble that you canĀ  lob in......

Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 22nd, 2011, 9:49 pm
by Josh1337
Yeah its white TK

What would you say mixing a whole loaf which ill liquidise my self with the bag I bought ?

Or should I just stick to blending my own in future? What are you guys thoughts?

Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 22nd, 2011, 10:08 pm
by TK
As Simps say's Bills ya man........

I personally wouldnt - I'd keep them as two different 'mixes'

As for preferences, a million dollar question........with a million possible answers. Venues do differ - what's 'right' for our cut, may differ dramatically say to Bills beloved cuts

Over the last year or two, Ive experimented with the lickie, liquidised fresh, liquidised stale, re frozen etc and with the white stuff you've bought cuss I'd got no lickie and it was a spur of the moment trip to the cut,

Ive also experimented with some rusk that Tricast62 gave me

20 odd years plus ago before liquidisers were everyday household appliances I used to do aok fishing the punch on the W&E and Extension canals over ordinary brown crumb, mixed very sloppily and fed as described above on the 3mtr whip............a method which I keep threatening to 'go back to'

Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 22nd, 2011, 11:07 pm
by jay
everytime i use liquidised bread i only need to do 5 or 6 slices up, wet it down so its like a slop and whatever particles im putting in the kinder pot just add a small pinch and press down, ship out and pot it in. it makes a lovely cloud in the water which im sure has cought me more fish. The cloud can bring fish up in the water sometimes though. Image

Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 22nd, 2011, 11:24 pm
by TK
Feeding opens up another ball game Jay..........

On our cut I've seen anglers dump a couple of large cups in one go and catch well from the off....................and also struggle

Ditto put it in via a small kinda/toss pot - feeding to every bite.............or no bitesas the case may be


Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 22nd, 2011, 11:33 pm
by TK
Interestingly Josh (and Jay) the guy in this link had all his fish on the punch...........

I couldnt buy a bite on the punch - my starting point - after 15 mins I slipped a pinkie on............

And won the match on a pinkie over the punch ........... without feeding a pinkie.............what's that all about????????????

Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 22nd, 2011, 11:36 pm
by jay
I see where youre coming from there tk, its the same with all baits really isnt it, you just never know what the fish are going to want on any given day, and im no master of the canals but by feeling your way in and and realising when and how much the fish are wanting is the key to a good days fishing on any water.

Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 22nd, 2011, 11:42 pm
by jay
some nice pics of the canal and your catches there, im waiting to get my camera back that i lent to mate so i can do a report and show yas some of my catches. Image

Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 23rd, 2011, 12:34 am
by bill yards
I think I have put this on before somewhere but my bread 'mix' is as follows.
In the rare occurence that there is too much flow on the canal it is not so good. It also works in coloured and clear water but like any other bait it is not the be and end all, there are times when other baits will work better.
There is no bullshit here as anyone that fished the site champs will tell you; that day I hurriedly mixed mine on the bank, in front of everybody, as I had left it my mix in the fridge!

Firstly bake any old bread you have in the oven. Bake it until it goes a very light brown or even still white; as long as it is hard and brittle it is fine. Basically I use any bread and include all the crusts. When it is dry and brittle break it down into small pieces, you can do this by hand or a rolling pin, I take the easier option and do it by hand!
The next step is to put it through a grinder; I have a large sized one but that is not really necessary. The next step is to run it through a flour sieve, any bits left can go though the mixer again. You should end up with a bag of powdered bread, the amount depends on how much you bake.

OK, easy so far but this bit is the hardest. You haven't got a cat in hells chance of mixing this the normal way - by all means try it but it will probably end up like pastry!. The way to do it is to get a container about the same size as a two pints bait box, in fact a bait box will do the job. For, say a five hours match, three quarters fill the bait box with cold water. Add the powder gradually and stir with a spoon at the same time, with practise this takes about two minutes! Anyway take your time with it first time and as soon it gains any sort of substance to it stop stirring and leave it for a minute, it will 'dry' out a tad. You may need to add a bit more water then or vice versa a bit more powder as you are looking for a porridge type consisency, if anything slightly bordering on the wet side. feed via a cup and never be afraid to keep feeding with this mix, you will find, if mixed right and provided you are on a few, bites should keep coming. There are rare occasions you made need to mix a bit more but mainly you will have some left, take it home and plonk it in the freezer until next week, it is as good as new. Feel free to ask any questions but bear in mind they are only my opinions and I am sure others do it different ways.

Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 23rd, 2011, 12:35 am
by bill yards
PS I hope to have a new flour mill delivered in the next couple of days. I hope it does the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 23rd, 2011, 6:08 pm
by Josh1337
Would you recommend mixing up my 'Pre-bagged' liquidised bread which i bought the night before ? then just damp it with an atomiser just before i set off? or just do it on the bank?

Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 23rd, 2011, 8:39 pm
by TK
I'd try to knock it up the night before, unless you try Bills opposite method of adding the crumb to water.......

Liquidised Bread

Posted: June 23rd, 2011, 8:47 pm
by Josh1337
Had a dig through my tackle box tonight and found me some small 2bb canal floats also!!!!! BONUS small tip tho use to having a telegraph pole out the water ha Image